Black Powder Welcome

An honest grin and a hearty chuckle found their way to Hai's mouth.

"Eh heh he he... what... do we... have here?"

Garret peered over the railing, "Sea God's socks, there's two of 'em now."

Hai put down his spyglass and waved to the Marines on deck. 

"Look alive, you lot!" he shouted, "Oversized Eel Princess headin' this way!"

"Ohf*ck, ohf*ck, ohf*ck!" Garret shouted as he sprinted off. 

Every Marine on deck moved with a purpose, grabbing weapons, posting up, or finding cover. 

--but... damn, that girl moved fast. 

The big blue b*tch snaked her way aboard Sailing Ship Elizabeth Dare.

--whereupon she immediately snatched up Sergeant Garret and... in a swift and smooth motion, lifted her head up, dropping the poor bastard down her f*cking gullet. 


AAAAANNNNDDDDD! she! BROKE! the F*CKING! railing! 

Of f*cking COURSE, she'd break the f*cking railing!!