Do It

⟬ 20 malms East of Whitehearth, some time earlier... ⟭ 

War Princess Cassiopeia dispelled her magical ⌈Flight⌋, landing gracefully on the tips of her toes. 

She could see Whitehearth from the skies, past the tree line. 

Just from just cursory observation, she noticed more than a few things had gone awry.

The most concerning of which was... that the sun had risen far too early.

Oh, and there was something that was probably a Dragon God lording above the city. 

"Seven bleeding hells, Brother," she mumbled, "What have you gotten yourself into?"

"It's not too late," offered the Silver Oracle.

Cass turned to frown at the white-haired Oracle girl for her creepy interjection.

"And what makes you say that?" she snapped, "Did you see that in one of your visions?"

"Would you prefer I say I did?" the Oracle calmly responded. 

Cass did *not* like that woman.