Brightest Lamp

Before Zashleigh or even the leader of Alpha Squad could signal a go, a stone-gray Divine Armor charged out of Dessi's ⌈Stealth Bubble⌋.

Meteora Amberflask quickly engaged with a heavily-injured colossal, something like a six-legged monitor lizard with two stunted arms. Despite her suit equipped for defense, she began swinging her two shields to strike at its legs. 

It was supremely satisfying to see the surprised and confused expression on the enemy's face, seeing a Divine Armor appear out of nowhere. It was going to be even better when the rest of Alpha Squad jumped in. 

"[I'll show you bitches!!!]" Meteora roared, her voice amplified by her suit, "[Even the DUMBEST lamp is MORE than capable of lighting the way!!]"

So she heard...

"Didn't you say the 'dimmest' lamp?" Dessi remarked. 

No, that was not what she said.