Do You Still Remember (Part One)

THE feathered serpent flew high above the clouds to dance amongst the stars. He and his kin ruled the skies because the gods willed it to be so. 

The dragons, too, had wings, but they resided deep in the earth to slumber, rising only to feed their hungry bellies. 

This, too, was the will of the gods. 

Their paths never crossed. 


The feathered serpent flew high in the sky, ruling over the terrestrial creatures because the gods willed it to be so. 

The selfish dragons wanted to stretch their wings, to dance joyfully among the stars like the feathered serpent. 

But there was not enough room in the sky for them both. 

The dragons were wise, knowing they could not defy the will of the gods. 

Their paths did not cross.


The feathered serpent flew high in the sky, watching over the realm and its denizens. 

"Join us," the dragons called to him, "See how the mortals dance and sing."