When I First Called Your Name? (Part Two)

The distraught snake left the blue dragon-- still rather resentful about her spurious promises.

But, anyroad... 

The snake wandered upon the home of a dragon. 

He had little to no expectations of good will. 

"I came to seek shelter," he said. "But I have neither treasures nor wisdom to offer." 

The dragon appeared, her scales a shimmering silver. 

But... because it was a woman, the snake was almost certain she would cry or hate him immediately. 

"I had a dream," said the dragon. "I dreamt of a mighty feathered serpent who once ruled over the skies and danced among the stars. 

"He gave us his most precious treasures. He even gave us his great and wondrous magics." 

"And just who is this so-called *mighty* feathered serpent?" the snake said dismissively, "They sound very stupid." 

The dragon lowered her head, folding her wings inward.