Some old stuff, just a different world.

My day started off like any other. Wake up, wash up, brush teeth, check for food delivery, pack away food, cook something, eat it near the window, curse the normal people outside going about their days, wash dishes, go back to room and turn on my computer, and finally, this is where the choice of the day comes in. Webnovel, manga, or anime? 'Hmmm?' I tilt my head to one side. 'Ummm?' I tilt my head to the other side. "Urgh!" I lean back in my chair and stare at the ceiling.

'What a hard choice!' I thought 'I might sprain my brain thinking about it.' I thought, looking at my computer screen deciding to finish watching episode 809 of one piece.

I wasn't always like this. 4 years ago I was in my 2 years of University I had wanted to be a game designer and let me tell you I could write a mean code. My dad at this time was a Vice CEO of MacroSoft and my mother a successful book writer. Being well off was an understatement for the past me. I had everything I could ever need or want. I didn't have a girlfriend but I had a few sex friends.

They were using me for money, it was sad but at least they were kind enough to let me know where the line was. This was mainly because I'm not very good looking. A very very ordinary look. Not even worth half a glance. Short black hair, double lidded black eyes, light caramel skin color, no distinctive muscle mass, no fat. Short for a guy about 5'6. Weighing at about 70.7 kilograms(A/N: About 154 pounds) Packing about 8 inches give or take a few centimeters. The only distinctive feature I have is my birthmarks which suspiciously reminds me of naruto. Yup, they look like whiskers. I heard chicks dig'em. Only people who say anything about them are people who one pay attention and two watch Naruto.

Either way, money was the best attention grabber back then. I use to throw the stuff around like it was someone's birthday every day. Then one time I did something I thought was a good idea. I started a gaming business. Just me a two-year game programmer and 11 other people with 1-3 years under their belts. I put a lot of money into this and I mean A lot of money. My parents only cared as long as it was going the right way. They hired all types of people to keep it up and running. This was fine for a whole year things were smooth with dad and mom around. Then tragedy struck. On a vacation trip, my mom and dad went on their private plane happened to be flying near a forming hurricane. Winds were too strong and dragged the plane into it. Pieces of the wreckage were found but other then that, there were no bodies. Since then the spiral downward hit me like a semi-truck. I had no talent for managing so my parents never left me much property. Only a condo to my name and a good amount of money if not for me putting it into gaming studio. I couldn't afford the people my parents hired so they soon left. Eventually, we started losing money and the team started falling apart. My relatives cleaned out my parents' property's doing it so legally that I had no right to complain. So I pretty much clammed up in my condo and stayed low until now. I could have done better but I was pretty out of it. Now here I am watching Luffy stretch from some side of the screen to another.

"Ohh here comes another red hawk! Woo-pow!" Getting a little excited watching Luffy and the gang kick ass.

Then it happened a sudden overwhelming bright light and I'm talking one of those watch tower searchlights point-blank to the face lights. Though I never had a heart condition I'm sure that if it was possible I would have died of shock cause I was staring at my computer screen-wide eye and with full attention. So while I'm pretty much rolling on the ground trying to find my eyeballs I heard the most confusing voice in my life, along with equally confusing information about my situation.

"Hello, Candidate 1098657898 from planet code name 'Earth'. Welcome to the starting lobby. Where you can begin the process of transporting to first realm beginner planet code name 'Hoptile'. We will be going through the procedure as soon as you are ready." Explained the voice. Which to my ears sounded like an angry old man and a little girl were talking at the same time. You can imagine how confused I was trying to figure out if I should focus on the issue of the voice or the problem at hand. Which was trying to remember if I ever owned a pair of eyes in the first place?

By the time my eyes finally started to resume their only function, it felt like 10 minutes had past or it was just me and only a few seconds had passed. Before me was a vast field of grass and a hut. In front of the said hut was a very upset looking tanuki. At the moment I'm questioning whether or not someone replaced my eyes with faulty ones or if I've just gone crazy.

"No your eyes are very much fine and if you were crazy it was before you came here." The tanuki was kind enough to explain.

"Oh, thank you" Was the only logical reply I could come up with. While I was wondering if I died and was being reborn into another world.

"No problem, and no you haven't died. In your terms, you and everyone one earth are being transmigrated to another world at the whims of a powerful being to fight in a death match between other worlds against your will and you have no say what so ever in the matter. You get all that?" The tanuki explained clearly enough that I could only nod my head.

"Good cause if I had to explain it again I would to go with the for dummies version." The tanuki said with a smile. I could only sweatdrop. The tanuki slapped its round belly ."So! Now that out of the way let's get to the procedure. Now I will explain a few things one very little explanation on the world you're going to. Two a bit about the other world candidates your up against and final your abilities and privileges you will receive when we're done."

Though I'm still confused about its voice I stop myself from asking cause every time I think about It I get a strange chill at the back of my neck and for whatever reason that pot of sake its holding looks rather menacing. So the tanuki continues onward.

"Now the world your heading to is a relatively large world compared to yours. It's about the size of your sun. So sending you guys into this place is like a drop of water into the ocean. Which means meeting the opposition race will be slim to none in the first realm. The Almighty is expecting the first round to last 100 years or until the first Transcendent. There will be 4 main races one human, two monsters, three demi-humans and final the opposition race. Monsters make up 75 percent of the land demi-humans 5 and the other 20 is split by the two races. You will be fighting some of the demi-humans and 99% of the monsters. Only a few demi-humans ruled monsters won't fight you. The entire world runs on true essence. A energy that everyone or thing breaths on a daily basis. Still with me?" I quickly nod my head.

"Next, are the races. (A/N: Info dump incoming!) There are six races in all. The human race, The machine race, the avion race, Sea race, the vampire race, and the giant race.

The human race, that's you guys. Are a weak race, a newborn vampire is faster and stronger then you, a machine is countless times smarter then you, avions have the air advantage, the sea race controls the seas, and giants are overlords of the land. All in all the only advantage you guys have is diversity. You guys are extremely random.

The majority of vampires have an innate darkness affinity and a minor water affinity. Some may have others but they will be few in numbers. Vampires have a major weakness to light but the stronger they get the less it affects them but never goes away. They have a royal clan of day walkers.

The machines all have a metal affinity not to mention their smart only problem is they have no souls if they can fix that they will be a reckoning. This is mainly cause they are all connected to one source an emotionless army so to speak. This is their strength and weakness.

Avion race all have major wind affinity, a minor light affinity too and Some smaller affinities. Most of them are bird brains though. They have a royal clan with a major affinity to fire though.

The sea race all have major water affinity. Compared to the other races the sea race has a very large population. The problem is only a quarter of them have intelligence, rest are brutes, stupid or useless. Also, most of them can't stay on land. They have royal clans and are a split race. They fight against each other a lot and don't get along well. The current head royal clan has a major affinity for lightning.

Giants are the least in numbers of the races but if a fully grown giant was sent to earth then unless you guys were willing to nuke it you guys would have had a major headache. Giants have a major affinity for earth and minor ones in fire and metal. Their issue is that most of them are lazy but best believe if they are raging then good luck not losing a few lives. They also have a royal clan. These guys have a fearsome ability that allows them to condense their bodies. The smaller the giant the scarier they are. They are also a smithing race, not as good as dwarves but still good. You guys will know what your up against when you are transported.

Finally are the two native races, the monster race, and the demi-human race. Before the almighty person brought you guys he had collected a few souls not many only about 50k each. At first, there were only monsters here but well humans have quite the acquired taste so within a few thousand years the demi-humans were born. The vampires may have made a few vampiric monsters but they ain't got nothing on humans. Like humans demi-humans are very random depends on what combination of humans and monsters was made and their innate human randomness some of them became royal clans of monsters others are pretty much as useless as their monster counterpart. Monsters are monsters too many to explain but after a certain level, they gain intelligence and have their own clans. Well, that's all for that and I won't be explaining it again. Got it?" I was just bombarded with a massive wall of text... information and I was feeling a bit dizzy. The tanuki didn't seem to care and kept going.

"Finally will be the abilities you will receive when you are sent off. The other races won't receive much. They will learn from the already placed races. Each race has a few of their race placed on the planet they will give you guys a rundown of the surrounding area good and bad after that they will leave you to your own devices and be transported off of that planet and to the planet you guys came from. They were promised as such and will be more than happy enough to leave their problems to you. All of the races will receive the ability to draw in true essence. Humans will get four things, a random minor innate element affinity. The choice of an innate ability could be another affinity or one of the many abilities that can be chosen from. Finally two pieces of knowledge. One from the world you're going too and one from your world. This could be anything from your world even if it was fiction to you. As long as you have at least heard about it you will get the complete knowledge of it but you will only receive a brief outline of the knowledge and will only get complete when you make your choice. Well, that's everything if you got lost somewhere well it ain't my problem I wanna get you out of there asap so we will be starting the processing soon." I think 'lost' wasn't the word for it. My head has long been spinning but I think I got most of it.