Playing some more with the principal

10 minutes the deep sensual kiss lasted, while Jake enjoyed Marion's firm breast the best he could.

Then after the time was over their lips slowly parted as a string of saliva still connected their mouths.

Marion's face was blushing red as she had unexpectedly enjoyed the kiss. Her body was turned on right now as Jake had played plenty with her breasts as well.

For a bit she lost her composure and her mouth remained open as she breathed raggedly looking deep in Jake's eyes, thinking to go further, but immediately after she strongly shook her head.

She got up from the couch and fixed her clothes.

Jake was satisfied with the deep kiss as he too stood up, giving Marion's sexy body a last glance as he said: "All right, I'll be going now."

Before he could leave though Marion spoke up, "Hold up, give me your phone first."

Jake gave her the phone after which Marion gave it back not long after.

"I've put my number in it, whenever Dave does something you make sure to come to me. Come by the office or text me. T-then," Marion blushed a bit as continued, "then I'll make sure to satisfy you using my body, deal?"

Jake chuckled as he said: "All right, I look forward to it," then he left the principal's office.

Marion blushed a bit remembering the deep kiss as Jake left her office. She still didn't know why it had actually felt good. It was just her protecting her son. She never expected to feel good from a student's touch.

Then after she regained her composure and her body cooled down again she sat down at her chair, continuing her duties as the principal.

The day after on a Saturday Jake knocked on her office's door once more, and after getting confirmation he entered.

Even though it wasn't a school day he had texted Marion to meet again, regarding their agreement. Naturally Marion agreed as due to the hypnotic suggestions she needed to give Jake compensation for whatever her son did.

Marion looked up at Jake and blushed after all she could guess what he was here for.

"W-what did he now?"

As he sat down Jake said: "Well when you were doing your job compensating me yesterday he annoyed Stefanie once more, after which he spread an edited picture of me around on social media to make fun of me."

Marion sighed deeply. It seemed she needed to have a good talk with her son, otherwise she had to keep giving Jake sexual compensation.

"I see, t-then a French kiss and groping my breasts once more?"

Jake chuckled as he said: "Yes with a small tweak, I want to play with and see your naked breast this time."

"N-naked?" Marion said out loud after which she immediately resumed, "I understand, the compensations need to increase in value after all. I apologize for my son, please have your way with my naked breasts."

Marion then stood up and while she was a little embarrassed she undid the blazer of her pantsuit, after which she unbuttoned the white blouse, revealing some amazing breasts packed in a tight normal white bra.

Sighing she needed to do this because of her son, she unhooked her bra and showed Jake her naked tits.

Jake was amazed seeing her amazing proudly standing breasts. They were indeed bigger than Kayla's yet smaller than Jennifer's as per his guess.

But for a 39 year old woman her breasts looked amazing. They stood proud and firm, no signs of sagging at all. And while their size wasn't huge, they looked like they'd fit perfect in his hands.

Jake along with the half-naked Marion sat down on the couch once more.

"All right turn your body a bit towards me, so I can have some fun with your breasts."

"Y-yes, please use them however you wish."

Jake chuckled as he grabbed them both feeling them up, having incredibly fun with her naked breasts.

He then smiled as he slowly put his lips on top of Marion's again, who after being surprised from the sudden kiss, accepted it and opened her mouth so they could have a lewd French kiss once more.

Within minutes Jake felt her nipples stiffen, as he focused his touches around her cute pink buds, which in turn made Marion lose more control of herself, as she let out cute moans and her pussy began to get once more.

Jake kneaded her breasts, squeezed and flicked her nipples, all while his tongue greedily devoured Marion's, having plenty of fun with the upper body of his principal.

Then when the full 10 minutes hadn't passed yet he broke the kiss and looked at the somewhat sad face of Marion, who wanted to kiss to continue.

"The 10 minutes aren't up yet, so why did you stop?" Marion asked.

"That's right, now I want to kiss somewhere else."

"Eeh, k-kyaahn," Marion let out a cute moan as she covered her mouth with her hands.

Jake had taken the cute nipple of Marion in his mouth and while sucking greedily on it he used his tongue pleasure it.

Marion moaned into her hands as she felt a lot of pleasure coming from her breasts. And what surprised her the most was that she actually was getting close to an orgasm. Just from kissing and playing with her breasts her body was achieving a climax, something no other man could do to her before.

So while she held in her moans not wanting to attract attention she enjoyed Jake's skillful playing with her breasts and prepared for an orgasm.

And just before she would finally achieve one, something she hadn't done in quite some time, Jake's hands stopped and her nipple left his mouth.

A bit let down she was on the brink of cumming, but not all the way there yet she said: "W-why didn't you continue?"

Jake chuckled as he said: "Well times up, so we're good for today."

Marion a bit shocked looked at her watch and realized that time was up indeed. Embarrassed she was acting like this she didn't dare meet Jake's eyes.

"Or perhaps did you want me to continue? That's fine but if we do that it's going to be for pleasure and not compensation."

Marion looked at Jake with a piercing look once more, having regained some of her mind.

"O-of course not, this is only for compensation. Who would feel pleasure from this. Now if there's nothing else please leave."

Jake smiled looking at the embarrassed mature woman, who now hid her still naked breasts from him with her arms.

"All right see you later then, I'm looking forward to playing more with your body."

Marion gulped as she looked at Jake leaving. Her body still quite in heat and she softly inserted a hand into her panties, noticing her pussy was gushing wet. She wanted to put a finger in there to pleasure herself, but she immediately took her hand back out.

"Come on Marion, it's only compensation, nothing more. You can't feel good from this," she said out loud to herself as she got dressed again. What she didn't know was that even if she did masturbate she wouldn't be able to cum at all. Only Jake could give her a climax.

Still she squirmed her legs together wanting to satisfy the tingle that had appeared deep within her pussy.

Jake was satisfied having had plenty of fun with the principal and he was now walking full of pride. He didn't go home though as he had another destination first.

It didn't take long for him to arrive and he rang the bell, after which not long after Peter, Stefanie's father, opened the door. Stefanie had already told him only she and Peter were present at the moment.

"Ah Jake, welcome please come in."

Jake smiled as he went in the house.

"Ah before you go to my daughter upstairs I've got something to tell you.

"The cameras in all the bedrooms and bathrooms are complete. They should give you a good view of activities and importantly their naked bodies. Here's the information how to access the cameras."

Peter then handed him some papers on the cameras as Jake chuckled, "You've worked quickly. It seems there's some use for you."

"Thank you, let me know what else needs to be done. The sooner they submit to you the better."

Jake chuckled as he said: "All right, I'll let you know. Now I'm going to fuck Stefanie so don't disturb us."

"Of course, have fun with her."

Seeing the man act like this made Jake feel amazing, after all he was stealing his family from him and he helped him gladly.

He then walked up the stairs and entered Stefanie's room. She was already fully naked as she knew he was coming.

Seeing her cute body, which didn't hold much meat, but looked really hot in it's own regard as he looked at her beautiful smiling face. Stefanie was a beautiful girl, and he immediately dived in, undressing himself as he got on top of her.

Grabbing hold of both smile breasts, while giving her deep sensual kiss, while he entered her tight already soaking wet honey pot with his dick, before he began pounding her hard.

In the floor below Peter could for sure hear the sounds of some very intense sex, but he only felt proud as his daughter was getting screwed by Jake. He couldn't wait for his wife and other daughter to fall as well.