Diana's enslavement (1)

When Jake arrived home after an intense session with Stefanie having left her completely satisfied he was surprised by the look in the kitchen.

After all Kayla was standing alongside Julia, both wearing only an apron, as she cooked dinner. It seemed Kayla had taken his words to heart and was getting trained by Julia in cooking.

Jake went towards the two looking at their amazing asses from behind. He grabbed an ass each and gave them a firm squeeze, "So what's for dinner," he said as both women shrieked not having noticed Jake coming home.

"Ah master, welcome home," Julia said smiling as she continued," dinner will be ready in a little bit.

Kayla smiled proudly as she said: "I've helped mom cook it master.

"Good girl," Jake told her after which he gave her lips a quick peck.

Not long after dinner was served and Jake enjoyed it plenty. After dinner was finished he said: "Jennifer you come with me, you two clean up."

Jennifer happily followed after Jake, hoping she'd get fucked.

Jake walked up the stairs, but he didn't enter the master bedroom to enter a steamy session with Jennifer.

Instead he walked into the room which used to be Kayla's old bedroom and wasn't used now anymore.

Instead he had turned this into his private room. At the desk he had placed a brand new computer with a few screens, having invested quite a bit into it.

He could afford to do so though, as he now owned the bank accounts of both Julia and Jennifer, while he had more slaves in the making who would soon give him all their money as well.

"Get under the desk and suck me off."

Jennifer was a bit sad she wouldn't get fucked right away, but she still obeyed and went under the desk after which Jake sat down, showing his dick to her.

Licking her lips she delved in and began to pleasure his dick with her hot mouth.

At the same time Jake started to computer and downloaded the required application he could use to control the cameras which had been placed in the Blazer's household.

It didn't take long for everything to be installed and he started up the program all while he was serviced plenty by Jennifer's hot mouth.

Then on all the screens, empty rooms were shown, namely Siera's bedroom, the master bedroom and the bathroom.

Smiling as he saw it worked, every room having multiple cameras placed inside them so he could see it from all angles. Naturally he didn't have to do all this, but it gave him a strange feeling of satisfaction and perhaps he could find something which he could use to his advantage.

After checking all cameras and voice recorders were working properly, he shut it down, after which he patted Jennifer's head, "Wanna go fuck?"

Jennifer happily nodded after which they went into the master bedroom where moaning sounds began to come out. Soon after the mother and daughter who had cleaned everything up in the kitchen entered the room as well, to have Jake enjoy a hot foursome once more.

Sunday morning Jake woke early as he had a fun day planned ahead. He had informed Diana today was the day she would be a slave for the full day.

He did satisfy the three women at home first, before he gathered plenty of stuff and threw them in a big bag, before he went to Diana's apartment.

He had a fun day planned ahead for her, and by the time it was over he would have to pleasure of being a slave, carved into her body.

After a walk, carrying the full bag with plenty of stuff he arrived at her apartment and rang the bell.

Not long after Diana opened the door, a small blush on her face as she knew Jake wouldn't let her go off easy.

Jake admired her beauty as she had her light brown hair was loose and not tied up into a ponytail like usual, only making her look more beautiful.

"C-come in," Diana said a bit nervous.

Jake smiled as he didn't move a step, "Oh no that doesn't sound good, it should be more like please enter this slave's house, my dear master."

Diana's cheeks went a bit more red, but after a bit she said: "C-come on in m-m-master."

"Hmm well it has to make do I guess."

Jake then entered the house.

He looked at the slightly nervous Diana and said: "Well here are the rules for today, you act like a cute little slave and I'm your master. You talk accordingly and obey perfectly. Do you agree, if not we better end this now, I don't like women who can't follow through on their words."

Diana definitely didn't want to lose Jake having felt how amazing he was in bed. She never felt that good before so she just had to go along with him for today.

"N-no master, I'll act like a slave, as to our bet."

"Good girl, then get changed into this in your bedroom," Jake said as he handed her a plastic bag.

Diana looked into it and immediately looked at Jake surprised, "T-this is?"

Jake smiled as he softly pecked her lips, "Go on get changed."

Diana let out a deep sigh as she went into her bedroom to get changed, blushing more so with everything she put on.

Jake had already made himself comfortable as Diana got out of her bedroom.

"J-Jake, this is too embarrassing do I need to wear this? A-and what is this?"

Jake smiled looked at Diana who barely had anything on. She wore light brown stockings and in the same collar open cute panties and bra, with only some fur lining showcasing her naked breasts and pussy even more. On top of her head, two cute dog ears were placed, making her look like a cute puppy. It was finished by a pair of thick gloves, making her hands look like cute paws.

"First up it's master, not Jake, and naturally as you're gonna be my pet today, you have to dress the fact. As for the thing in your hands," Jake said looking at a dog's tail, with on the other end a buttplug attached, "it's your tail of course."

"H-how do I put this on?" Diana said unknown how to fix to tail to her dog costume.

Jake chuckled as he said: "You don't put it on, you put it in."

"In where?"

"Where do you think?"

Diana slowly realized this thing was supposed to go inside her ass and she shook her head furiously, "N-no way I'm putting this in there."

Jake stood up from the couch and took the buttplugtail out of her hands as he said: "Of course not, I'll put it in for you, but before that we need to put on your collar, look at this."

He then got a leather collar out of the bag, but it wasn't just a collar, attached to the front was a small metal plate, with the words, 'Jake's sex pet'."

Diana's blush reached her ears as her entire head went red. Jake didn't care though as he attached to collar around her neck.

As Jake groped her naked breasts, caressing her neck and licking her cute earlobe he said: "Now put your hands on the wall, first I'll put on some lube, after which I'll finish your outfit with the tail."

Diana gulped, after all she never had experienced something in her butt before, but unknown to why her entire body had already gone into heat.

She was embarrassed wearing this weird outfit, yet seeing Jake stare at her as he played with her body she felt increasingly good from it.

So obeying his order she slowly turned around and put her hands on the wall before sticking her ass out backwards, allowing him to put the buttplug inside her unprotected asshole.

Jake enjoyed her obedience as he softly caressed her tight butt, "Good girl, your master likes his pets obediently, now relax."

He then began putting the lube around and especially in her tight asshole, causing Diana to let out some cute shrieks.

Not long after he put some lube on the plug as well, before he slowly inserted the plug inside her tight asshole.

"Eeek, kiiii," Diana let out some cute sounds as Jake finished putting the small plug in, after which he smiled looking at the tail that was attached to it.

"Good girl, now preparations are done, let's get a commemorative picture of it."

"P-p-picture, n-no way."


Jake spanked her tight butt as he said: "It's for my use only now get into position."

Diana gulped hearing Jake's commanding tone. For an unknown reason her body moved exactly how Jake wanted to as it responded to his authority. Her pussy got even wetter as she swallowed her saliva. It seemed her body was awakening to respond to Jake's orders.

Jake had showed her what position to get in and while she was embarrassed, she bent through her knees, spreading her legs wide, showing of her naked pussy, as her bent her arms in front of her, looking like a cute doggy.

Jake smiled as he took the picture, after which he showed it to Diana, "don't you look amazing."

Diana flushed red as she saw the lewd picture. If that ever came out her life would be over.

Jake then put the phone away as he got close to Diana, putting a finger in her honey pot as he soflty groped her breasts as well, looking close at her red face.

"It seems the doggy has gone into heat. Good doggies get a reward, while bad get a punishment. Now let's head into the bedroom to give this slave a reward."

Diana smiled happily as her body had been ready to go ever since Jake entered her apartment. So even though she had to go through this embarrassment of dressing up like a dog, she thought it was worth it the soon Jake's dick entered her from behind, as she was on all fours on the bed.