Diana's enslavement (2)

Jake didn't hold back at all as he held Diana's small waist while he pounded her hard from behind. Diana was on all fours on the bed, after all she was dressed as a dog at the moment, which naturally meant doggy style had to be the first position of the day.

Diana moaned loud as she felt Jake's amazing dick ram into the deepest parts of her body. He slammed it against her womb with every thrust and every time she felt it her mind drifted a bit further away.

Just like when they had the sex for the bet, Jake fucked her with all he had. It was hard and hot and Diana was out of breath in minutes as her eye-white began to show.

Still she enjoyed every second of it, as the hard sex etched Jake's dick into her body.

As he was doing her from behind he had a great view of the backside of her body. And naturally as he saw her tight ass, honed due to her athletic body and her numerous workouts he couldn't resist himself from spanking it.

*Pats pats*

Both ass cheeks received a slap, showing red immediately.

Diana couldn't even talk anymore as she achieved a light climax from both slaps on her ass. Somehow she was enjoying the rough sex with Jake a lot, never having known her body to be so masochistic.

Jake kept on doing her from behind and as he noticed Diana actually felt good from a little bit of pain, he kept on spanking her tight ass. Not long after her entire ass was red, but Diana was still moaning loud as drool leaked uncontrolleblly out of her mouth.

He felt her pussy tighten up even more with every spank, which made him feel better as well, so in no-time he released his first load of the day deep inside her womb.

Diana came hard as well, after which she fell forwards on the bed, losing power in her limbs.

Jake though didn't let her get any rest, as he turned her around and began, stuck his dick inside her pussy once again.

"P-pleasshhee, g-givvve me shomme ressht," Diana said with some trouble, being exhausted from just one session.

Jake smiled as he gave her lewd lips a quick peck, "Oh I'm not gonna stop until I've tamed you completely, now be a good girl and submit to your master."

Jake then began fucking Diana hard again, as she immediately began moaning loudly, loving the feeling of Jake's dick deep inside her vagina.

And as the sex continued she realized something, Jake had no intention of letting her go at all, not until she was his fully.

For two hours Diana had to surrender to Jake's beastly desire as he used her body in whatever way he wished, no matter how many times he came inside her he kept pushing it in again. And no matter how many times she climaxed either, within minutes a next one would rise up.

After the two hours of continuous sex had ended, she lied on the bed soaked in semen as plenty of it gushed out her womb. Sweat had completely soaked her body and she was breathing extremely raggedly.

Jake smiled as he looked at Diana's figure, having had the time of her life with her. He felt a bit bad going so hard on her, but it was necessary to turn her into a loyal sex slave.

Lying down next to her he said: "rest up for a bit, we'll continue later."

Diana immediately closed her eyes as she fell asleep.

An hour later she woke up once more, seeing Jake look at her.

"W-what is it?" She said embarressed.

Jake smiled as he pinched her nipple, "You look cute when you sleep, also the day is not over yet."

"A-ah I-I'm sorry m-master."

Diana then felt something in her lower body as she tried to get up from the bed. Immediately Jake stopped her as he said: "Where are you going?"

A bit embarrassed she said: "I need to go to the toilet."

Jake put on an evil smile as he said: "I see I need to take out the dog huh. All right come with me."

Diana gulped knowing this couldn't be good.

Jake went into the living room as Diana followed him. After she had some rest she gained some energy.

Jake then got something out of his bag after which he connected it to Diana's collar.

Diana's head went red seeing Jake hold a leash in his hand connected to her collar, but it didn't end there. Jake put a dildo inside her pussy, which was held inside by a small rope. He then got a big coat as he handed it to her, "put this on."

Diana took the coat unknown to what to plan was, when she saw Jake walk to the front door.

"Come on and let's take out the doggy."

Diana opened her eyes wide realizing what Jake was planning. As she wanted to say something Jake squinted his eyes, "Now!"

Diana put the coat on and went to Jake, not being able to resist his commands.

The leash Jake held went under her coat, which meant it would be hard to notice.

Jake then opened the door and pulled on the leash urging Diana to follow him. Swallowing her saliva she left her house. Only wearing a coat with underneath she was mostly naked.

Jake then walked alongside Diana who was looking around her nervously, "Relax if you act normal no-one will notice."

Not long after the two arrived in a park nearby and as Jake looked around he saw nobody and said to Diana, "Take off the coat."


Jake chuckled as he said: "I won't ask again."

Diana gulped as she looked around before she slowly took off the coat revealing her naked body out in the open.

"Good girl, now get on all fours."

Diana obeyed and went on all fours like a dog, while Jake still held the leash in his hands. Even though it was really embarrassing and if anyone saw her, her life would be over.

Just obeying Jake's commands made her feel extremely good. Even Jake was surprised how easily she obeyed.

Smiling he pulled on the leash and Diana walked on all fours after him. Naturally he wouldn't go on for too long, after all he didn't want anyone to see her either, so he said while seeing a tree, "Go on pee."

Diana gulped as she looked at him, but upon seeing his smile she bent her head and went to the tree, before she peed against.

After Diana had finished her business Jake allowed her to put the coat back on and they went home again.

As they arrived home, Jake took off the coat and disconnected the leash. Then he said to her: "All right I've decided."

Diana looked at him as she replied: "Decided what master?"

Licking his lips he said: "I'm gonna take you as my slave for the rest of my life."

"E-eeh, t-this was only for a day, w-what do you mean rest of my life."

Jake smiled as he looked at her, "it's exactly as I said it, you're gonna serve me as a sex slave for the rest of my life."

"T-that, d-don't joke Jake, this is only for a day."

"I'm sorry but this was never for just a day, everything I did until now was to show you how much you love being my slave. I awakened the slave inside you and now you're gonna serve me forever."

"N-no way, y-you're going to far Jake, please stop this. There's no way I'm gonna be your slave forever. I-I don't even like this."

Jake laughed a bit as he said: "Then why did you obey so easily, I got you dressed up like this, took you out and even had you pee naked in public dressed as a dog. Just admit you like to be ordered around."

Diana didn't know what to respond as her mind was a mess. For some reason whenever Jake ordered her something she had to obey and when she obeyed her body felt amazing for doing it.

"Just think Diana, do you really think you're gonna be able to live without my dick. There's no way other people can make you feel good anymore after having had those sessions with me. And don't think I haven't noticed you loving being commanded by me. You love being a slave, haven't you realized it already."

Diana's mind was fully in disarray, and no matter how much she tried, she couldn't refute Jake's words.

Just thinking about Jake's dick made her pussy twitch and when he gave her a strong commanding order, her entire body went into heat just wanting to obey it.

"B-but still, a-a slave? I-I can't be a slave."

Jake sighed as he said: "I see, well if you really don't want to that's fine, I'm not gonna force you. I am sorry but then our relationship ends here. You can keep the outfit as a reminder of our hot time."

Jake smiled as he walked towards the front door and left the house.

Diana was perplexed as she stood in the empty house, her mind in shambles as Jake had just left.

This wasn't what she wanted. As she looked at her hot body in a mirror she smiled as she looked at the plate 'Jake's sex pet', realizing she couldn't live without him anymore and if that meant being his slave, she would do so.

Immediately she ran out the front door and said: "I'll do it, I'll become your slave."