Chapter 3

Everyone took cover as if a grenade was thrown into the cafeteria, where everyone was just waiting for it to go off and explode. The wave of noise died down to that of a pin drop and a sharp silence replaced it. The mood within the cafeteria shifted dramatically, shifting from a comfortable and laid back atmosphere to a suffocating one. A palpable tension circulated through the air, you could practically cut it with the dullest butter knife on the planet. Normally, I had no problem with a little tension here and there, it was just a normal occurrence in everyday life. However, when it siphoned through an entire room where everyone was a witness, now that was a different story. 

Every single high school had certain labels for certain students, Whitewood High certainly wasn't any different. Clarice was labeled as the female volleyball team leader and Sophie was labeled as an intellectual chick. Heck, I'm sure I had a label, whatever it was, I still had yet to discover it. Whether you were talking about juniors or seniors, nerds or jocks, or even the notorious, everyone had a classification. Jessica Summers (as well as her side chicks) however, was in an infamous class of her own. She was known as Whitewood's Queen B and the biggest bitch to ever walk through the halls of this school. 

For some reason, a large percentage of this school feared her, the reason apparently being that she could easily ruin someone's reputation with the snap of her fingers. With how spoilt she was with money, maybe it was possible. Then again, I had nothing to fear. Could I really be afraid of someone who walks around in the flashiest, yet grossest outfits with pounds of makeup caked on her plastic face? I knew true fear and Jessica Summers was nowhere close to that. If anything, she was just an annoyance and the bane of everyone's existence- the notorious, Clarice and I included. 

Jessica pointed her fake acrylic nail at me and hissed like a feral cat- "You're in my seat." 

"Yeah?" I mused, mocking her with an innocent look while batting my eyelashes. "Oh I'm sorry, I must have missed the 'bitch' label."

Amongst the silence, I could easily hear the others at the table began to snicker under their breaths. In the corner of my eye, I even caught a glimpse of a small grin forming on Caleb's lips. Feeling proud of myself, I watched in amusement and satisfaction as Jessica's face turned a bright red. Her deluded followed gasped in shock as well. No one, except the people at this table, ever stood up to her and I couldn't imagine why, it was incredibly easy to insult her. 

"Watch your tone with me, peasant."

"Oh sure," I cowered sarcastically. "I'm so afraid, Jessica Strippers." 

Initially, I didn't think my clap-back was that dramatic or funny, I was just doing to it get under her skin. However, the others thought otherwise. My comment sent the others (except Caleb, who managed to keep a straight face and that small grin) over the top, sending them into a full-blown, gut-busting laughing fit. Through their breathless gasps for air and tears pricking their eyes, they managed to praise me for my sharp tongue and bravery. Their laughter was contagious as they managed to get Clarice and Sophie to join in, their small laughs and giggles added to the mix. Following them, the entire cafeteria joined in, slowly easing off the threat of DEFCON one. 

"Babe! Are you just going to sit there?!" Jessica exclaimed. 

The moment she started to whine, the more I wanted to rip my ears off as she whined like a little attention-seeking child. Within the few hours I have been acquainted with Caleb, I've learned two things. One: he dislikes being around females and two: he doesn't tolerate any form of bullshit. Judging by the way he casually scrolled through social media on his phone, he had no interest in dealing with her. Even without obvious context, it was obvious that Jessica was a hopeless romantic in a one-sided "relationship." She was only concerned with her own personal gain if she were to be in a relationship with Caleb. 

"Do not fill your empty head with disgusting fantasies. We were never together, nor will I ever drop my standards so low to be with someone like you," he said calmly, but his tone had an obvious bite. 

"It speaks!" I thought.

Unable to save herself from any more embarrassment, she stormed off with her goons following her. However, before leaving, she pointed her finger at me, saying that I'll regret it or whatever. Even as she left, the boys were still dying from laughter, which was refueled by Caleb's closing argument. 

"J-Jessica Strippers!" Travis exclaimed, falling back onto the floor. "Girl, you are a genius!" 

Before we knew it, the bell rang and saved us from Travis' obnoxious and boisterous laughter. Without thinking twice, I gathered up my things and left the table with Clarice after saying goodbye to Sophie. Pulling my bag over my shoulder, I stretched my back and felt satisfied as the bones in my spine cracked with ease. Oddly, Clarice was looking at me, a look of shock written on her face. 

"What?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow. "It's not like you haven't seen me do this before." 

"I-I know, it's just… ugh…" she said, shaking from the goosebumps visibly forming on her fair skin. "Stuff like that gives me chills, and not the good kind." 

After unintentionally creeping Clarice out, we split up and went to our different classes for the afternoon. Making my way into the art classroom, I slipped into an empty seat and began drawing in my sketchbook to pass the time. The teacher still hadn't arrived, leaving many of the students to their own devices. Unlike the other students who liked to sit with their friends, I prefer creativity in peaceful solitude. It was peaceful until the seat beside me was pulled out with a screech, causing me to sigh under my breath.  

"You're not in this class," I commented, narrowing my eyes at Felix. 

"Of course not, I can't draw even if my life depended on it. I just thought you'd like some company."

Felix looked at me with his chocolate eyes, a mischievous smile on his mature face. He leaned forward onto the table, resting his chin on his hand. 

"Clarice told me that parties aren't your thing, but you still agreed to go. That was awfully nice of you."

"Even if I said no, she'd still show up at my apartment and drag me to the party," I shook my head, frowning at the dark smudges on my drawing. "That girl doesn't take no for an answer." 

Groaning frustratedly, the thoughts about the party distracted me, causing a huge blunder in trying to shade a male hand. I was heartbroken, it was a beautiful hand with beautiful veins and I ruined it. 

"I can understand why you're so worked up about it," he said.  "You prefer exclusion over inclusion, peace over chaos, and yet chaos wakes you up."

"It sounds like you have me figured out," I scoffed.

"Not at all Florence. You are complex just like the rest of us. I couldn't possibly understand everything about you, even if I were in your shoes," he reassured me. 

Sighing softly, I offered Felix a small smile, thanking him for his wise understanding. He was honestly such a sweet guy, I couldn't understand how he could be friends with the others, who were more brash and headstrong. I couldn't fully comprehend his life, but it's only right to reciprocate his sympathy. 

"You should smile more," he chuckled sweetly, ruffling my hair. "A beautiful smile suits you." 

I was left shocked at his affection. Even as he got up and left the room to resume his spare, I was still left in awe. Before I knew it, the smile on my face grew as I restarted my drawing.