Chapter 4

For the rest of the week, nothing really worth noting or significant happened, certainly nothing that would stop me from continuing my life here at Whitewood. I suppose it was just like any other week. Except for the addition of Jessica trying to get even with me only to fail, Caleb silently terrorizing me with his icy gaze, and the building anticipating and excitement for the party tonight. Whenever a senior hosted a party, it was a huge thing and the talk of the school until it was long forgotten. Regardless of label or year of study, everyone was going to be there. No physical invitation existed, instead, if caught the slightest wind from it, you were automatically invited. Unfortunately, since I was part of the volleyball team, I was entitled to attend. Although, I would prefer not going altogether and saving me the energy. 

By the time six o'clock came around, Clarice had made herself known within the peaceful confines of my apartment. Begrudgingly, she interrupted my precious reading time when she rang the doorbell, and she wouldn't stop ringing it until I answered. The moment I opened the door to let her in, she waltzed inside like she owned the place. I thought she'd wait for me to invite her in, but she was too excited for formalities. Sighing, I shut the door and followed her further inside as she made herself comfortable with taking her shoes off. 

Laurence came out of the kitchen with a large glass of chocolate milk and stared blankly at us. Shrugging shoulders, I gave him the "just go with it" stare.

"Hey Laurence," she waved towards my brother. 

"Hi," he said plainly before returning to the living room to resume his homework. 

"Still not much of a talker, I see," she chuckled, nudging my side. 

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I grabbed her jacket by the collar and dragged her into my bedroom. She promised she'd help me get ready, knowing how hopeless I was at dressing up for occasions like this. Even if my life depended on it, dressing up was out of my field of expertise. She immediately strode to my closet and began sifting through my clothes. 

"Florence, your wardrobe is empty," she sighed, shaking her head. 

"What are you talking about? I have more clothes than I know what to do with." 

"I'm talking about party clothes! Don't you have a dress or something?"

Rolling my eyes and grumbling under my breath, I slipped off of my bed before digging underneath my bed. I swiped my hand back and forth blindly before hitting the long-forgotten shoebox that was collecting dust. Pulling it out and setting onto the bed, I opened it and revealed a dark maroon, off-the-shoulder dress. Ignoring Clarice as she squealed her head off, I stared at the clothing article, letting fond memories fill my head. I had no time to let a sad smile appear on my face as my friend grabbed the dress and held it up for us to see. It was like she was holding a newborn baby in her hands as her eyes lit up like a firework's display. 

"This is beautiful," she whispered in tear-jerking awe, holding it up against my body. "Florence, it's gorgeous on you. Go put it on, I'll get my makeup ready." 

Walking out of the bathroom, I walked towards the full-body mirror sitting beside the ivory vanity. It felt odd wearing this dress after I tucked it away to be forgotten. I promised myself I would save it for only an important occasion. Yet, I never thought I'd wear it for something as measly as a senior party. Even as I'm sat at the vanity with Clarice doing my hair and makeup while throwing in some compliments here and there, I was in disbelief, still trying to process everything. By the time she was done, my hair was curled in very loose ringlets and I face my graced with light, but effective makeup. Clarice looked to be proud of her work as she stepped back. 

"Well Florence, it's time to turn some heads," she said like a proud mother, hugging me from behind. 

Grabbing a jacket to cover my shoulders, I led Clarice back into the living room to get our shoes on. Laurence was still doing his homework, but this time he was watching a drama on the large TV. He was so immersed in the brewing conflict between the quarreling couple on the screen, as well as enjoying his milk, that he didn't notice us come in. It wasn't until I called on him where he turned around with a milk mustache on his face. 

"Laurence, make sure not to open the door for anyone and don't stay up too late. If you need anything, just text or call me. I'll be back later." 

"Yes sis," he replied, turning back to his show. "Have fun." 

Once we arrived at Jacob's house, the party was already in full swing and flooding out onto the street. Jacob's house was fairly large, there was no doubt in my mind that a quarter of the school could fit inside. As we were walking up to the front door, there were already some people passed out drunk on the lawn and others were slowly getting to that point. The moment we stepped inside, the blast of music flooded my ears and it was probably disturbing the neighbors. Allowing Clarice I lead me around, we met up with some of our teammates as well as some of the boys from the male team. 

Standing off to the side as Clarice was chatting to some of her friends, I looked around and observed the other party-goers crowding the floor. I didn't see anyone else worth noting, except Sophie and Jacob who were comfortable against each other in the living room. Sophie noticed me staring at her and greeted me with a wave; I returned her gesture with a small smile before she turned back to her boyfriend. Not wanting to intrude on their romance, I continued to look around. Taking a glance at the upstairs loft, I caught a familiar pair of bold sapphire eyes standing out against the second-floor crowd. 

Caleb was staring at me, an indecipherable look in his eyes. I noticed how he hard was gripping the railing, judging by the prominent veins traveling up his thick arms. Even as some second years tried to flirt with him or catch his attention, he was still focused on me. I couldn't imagine why though, it was obvious that there was unspoken bad blood between us. Despite the fact that I have caused him no spite, he still held some animosity towards me. I was still under the impression that he despised me and I can only say that the feeling is mutual. 

Shaking him off, I followed Clarice into the kitchen where we were immediately greeted by the one and only Tristan. He stood at the counter, expertly pouring alcohol for anyone who requested it. If I hadn't met him before, I would have mistaken him for a bartender. He immediately asked us if we wanted a drink but I declined. Meanwhile, Clarice took her first shot of the night (and probably the first of many) and effortlessly downed it. She slammed the glass onto the counter and exhaled dramatically as her face scrunched up. 

"You're not going to drink, Florence?" Clarice asked. 

I shook my head- "I have somewhere to be tomorrow. I'd rather not be there with a hangover." 

A little while later, Sophie came into the kitchen and joined Clarice and me at the center island. The moment she came in, she was quick to compliment how beautiful I looked. Though, I was far quicker to deny it and remain modest about my appearance. 

"You look amazing, don't deny it," Clarice chuckled. "If I were a dude, I'd go for you." 

"I saw how many guys were looking at you," Sophie added, nudging me. "Even Caleb was giving you a few glances before you disappeared into the kitchen."

As I shook my head for the seventh tonight, Jacob appeared in the kitchen and joined us at the center island. He wrapped his arm around Sophie's small waist and pecked her forehead. I noticed the serious look on Jacob's face as he addressed Tristan, telling him to go outside. The boy in question quickly nodded in understanding and flew out of the kitchen. I have never seen him move that fast before.

"Sophie, stay here with the girls and don't move. I'll be right back," he ordered softly, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

"What's going on?" I asked.

"You know, party crashers and such. Look after my girl," he replied before leaving quickly. 

I raised my eyebrow towards Sophie and she chuckled softly. Her charcoal eyes reflected an understanding and soft look, further drawing my curiosity. Her cherry lips curled up into a fond smile. 

"He's been protective of me ever since we were little. It's just how he is."

Nodding softly, the three of us turned to converse about different things. Meanwhile, in the back of my mind, I couldn't help but think that trouble was brewing. As long as I didn't have to get my hands dirty, I would enjoy myself tonight. Then again, when did I ever get to enjoy myself?