"Um sorry for that. I didn't mean to say that out loud." I said as I went to put the napkin in my purse but I was stopped by Leo grabbing my hand.

"It is completely fine. I don't see why I didn't think of that earlier. What made you think of that?" he asked as I placed the napkin back in the table.

"Um when you mentioned the support bean for the exhibit, I realized where the hole was and from there, you heard it all." I replied as I looked down. "You probably didn't realize it because, by the looks of it, you are clearly stressed. It is easy to look over something like that in that state."

He stood up with a giant smile on his face. As I stood up with him he said, "I have to go. I need to tell Antino about this."

I just smiled as I walked to the door that he just ran out of. I walked over to my car as I smiled like an idiot. I was startled when Leo spoke next to my ear. "I forgot to ask for your permission to use your idea. So, Hannah may I please present your solution to the cave in to Antino?" he asked as I spun around with my heart beating out of my chest.

"Yes. Hahaha. You might want this too." I laughed as I handed him the napkin.

"You are a life saver. Thank you so much!" he shouted as he ran back to his car.


"Hey, Antino. My girl came through. I have a solution to your problem." I stated into my phone as I drove back to my office from the coffee shop.

"The girl who you literally left the office in search for? Is she even that good?" my good friend, and owner of the mine, asked me with concern lacing his tone.

I laughed as I sat back in my seat even further, "Oh trust me, she is. I will take any criticism she sends my way as a compliment. So does that answer your question?"

Antino hesitated on the other end of the phone before he finally said, "If you trust her then she is good enough for me."

I breathed a sigh of relief as I stopped at a stop light. "I'm glad to hear that. I will fill you in on the details when I return to my office."

Antino just laughed as he said, "This girl must have one pretty brain to have you personally tracking her down and she isn't even employed by you. Why isn't she? Or do you have a better idea in mind." he paused before he continued, "Like maybe a pretty ring on her finger instead of a contract to work for you?"

"I will keep that a secret." I said as I hung up the phone.

As I drove the rest of the way back to my office, I couldn't get the way that Hannah looked as she was in deep thought about the mine. Antino was right about her having a pretty mind. But that wasn't the only thing pretty about her. I seen the way all the people stared at her in the coffee shop. It made me very protective of her, even though she isn't mine. Yet. My mind had to remind me.

I took special notice of the vanilla and coconut scent of her hair. I bet that it's as silky and soft as it looks. Oh what I would do to have it…. My dirty side of my mind tried to start but I quickly shut down the idea since right now I did not need to be ruining a perfectly good thought with those dirty ones.

The combination of her hair products and her citrus body spray was not lost on me. It was a heavenly combo, that was destined to make me stay up all night thinking about it. Thinking about how wonderful it would be to have her sleeping next to me every night with that intoxicating scent.

A nice warmth spread through my body at that thought, making me smile. For the first time in a long time I walked into my office building smiling.