As I drove back home, I couldn't get his smile out of my head. His excitement put me in the mood to go surfing. So when I got home, I greeted my mother who was waiting with William.

"Hey..." I trailed off as I looked at the two. I think I'm in trouble.

They only lasted a few seconds before they both started laughing.

"Hannah, until we can figure something out with your teachers you have a few free periods after lunch. You can leave if you wish because there is no reason for you to stay at the school. You do need fifty hours of surprised working hours before you graduate. You will need to find a job somewhere to get those. As a punishment for making your teachers quite, we will not be helping with that." my mother said after she got done laughing.

"Oh ok. Well I was wondering I if could go surfing?" I ask as I let out a breath of air I was holding in.

"Yes but if you tell me where you were. It took you an hour to get home." my mother said as she eyed her drink in my hand.

I walked over to her and gave it to her as I said, "I stopped at a little cafe to get a tea and you a latte. I ran in to Leo there. He was on his way to Burton Mines Exhibit and Tours. There was a problem there and I helped him form an idea on how to fix it. Also can I go surfing?"

"Ok." is all the my mother said as she smiled at me as she took a sip of her latte. "Oh by the way, there is a surprise for you in the garage. You can see it once you get changed. Now hurry up. You are wasting precious surfing hours."

I ran upstairs and slipped on one of my one piece swimsuits and a pair of tight swim shorts. I put on a long white shirt over the top of it. I pulled my hair into a tighter braid. I ran down stairs and into the garage as I passed Cody and Jake. I ran into the garage as it opened. I stopped mid way as I seen the slightly lifted blue Jeep Wrangler. It had three surfboards on top in multiple colors. My mother and William stood next to it with giant smiles on their faces.

"Happy six month late birthday, Hannah!" William said as I walked closer. "Since I couldn't celebrate it with you, here is a late birthday present."

"Oh my gosh!! Thank you so much!!" I said as I hugged him and my mother.

As I got in, I heard Cody and Jake saying to wait as they hopped in. They were already ready dressed for surfing. That day we surfed till it was dark out. They introduced me to a few of the local surfers who are always out on the water and know where the best spots are. There were a few of the surfers who worked so they didn't show up till later and only surfed for a few hours. I noticed that there wasn't very many girl surfers here. Once the sun set fully, we headed back home.