I pulled into the driveway as the boys hopped out. I decided to not park in the garage since I knew that it wasn't going to rain. I did bring my surf boards inside the garage. As I was bringing in the last one, a black Ferri pulled up.

Leo jumped out as he seen me. He walked over hurriedly and gave me a big hug. The hug caught me off guard. As he pulled away I could see the excited smile on his face while I was still shocked and holding onto the board.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry. You almost dropped your board. Here I'll go put it up for you." he said as he looked down at my board.

I looked at the giant wet spot on his suit from my still wet clothes. That suit costs a lot and I know it. I was still wondering why he gave me a hug. Once I finally snapped out of it, I said, "I'm more worried about your suit; which I know is way more expensive than my board…. Why did you hug me?"

He answered as he placed my board on it's rack. "Oh the client loved your idea. Thank you so much for that. Sorry if I stepped over the bounds when I hugged you, I couldn't help myself."

"You're ok. It just shocked me." I said, still overwhelmed by the hug.

"Are you sure?" he asked now looking sad. He stepped closer to me and I instinctively flinched as he reached out his hand. A look of concern and understanding crossed his face but he didn't try to touch me again. I decided to change the subject since it was none of his business to know those things about me yet. He doesn't need to know about what my father did to me, at least not until I can trust him.

"Why are you here again?" I asked trying to switch the topic.

He went along with it as he replied as we walked in the house. "I'm here to discuss the exhibits interior design since William was working that project."