We got in the car and drove to his house. On the way, we talked about the different buildings around us and what we liked about them. As we pulled up to Leo's house, I looked around and realized that we were no longer in the city. His house was located in the middle of the forest. It was modern style house with mainly all windows and wood. We got out of the car and walked inside. I was startled when he shouted.

"I'm home!" he shouted into the emptiness of the home.

I jumped when the lights turned on throughout the house. I looked around to see that the house was an older colonel that was renovated to fit the modern style. The exterior walls were mainly all glass. You could see in the original wood floor, that were stained a dark red, that most of the interior walls on the ground floor were removed to make a giant and open living space.

Through the archway to the left of the grand stair case, that was also red, you could see a beautiful redwood kitchen with stainless steel appliances. There was a set of double doors to the right of the staircase that were closed with silver drapes inside of it.

I was surprised to find a giant gray couch in front of the massive white fireplace that had an equally as big TV above it. The couch was adorned with multiple blankets and pillows. It was calling to me.

On the right side of the room, was, what looked, like a library. It had short book shelves made out of some type of white wood that ran along the widows and the walls of the room all overflowing with books. I could see books all over the two chairs in the room and the tables in both the living room and library. I felt at home here.

"This place is gorgeous." I whispered as I continued to look at the painted portraits and landscapes on the walls. "My dress just so happens to match it as well." I said with a laugh as I looked down at my dress.

"Thank you. I bought it when it was abandoned. So I renovated it into a more modern house without taking away the fact that it was still a colonel. The base structure is the same but with more windows." he replied winking at me at the end. "Come on. Lets get you some comfier clothes."

I followed him upstairs. I was amazed at how big the house really was. Down stairs, you don't get the feel that is it so big. But upstairs, you get to see how big it is with all the rooms. On either end of the hall way were sets of french doors. I was lead to the one on the right. Leo told me that in the closet were Jesse's clothes and which door was the bathroom.