I gasped as the floor beneath me lit up. I backed up a few steps as I brought my hands up to my face. I had tears of joy in my eyes as I watch the holograms of the miners move under the glass floor. Leo brought me to the mine exhibit that I helped him fix that day. I walked around the hole as I took in how amazing it looked along with the building. I stopped as I reached Leo.

"Do you like it? It was all done because of you." he said looking at me.

I walked closer to him and hugged him. I knew I caught him off guard but he quickly hugged me back before I could pull away.

"Thank you for showing me this. Are we even allowed to be in here right now?" I asked as I pulled away from him.

He chucked as he replied, "Yes. The owners gave you special permission to see it since it was your idea to do this and keep them on track. It ended up better than the original exhibit." He grabbed my hand and led me to the middle of the glass. He looked down at me as he gestured around us as he spoke. "Hannah, if you asked me for a job, I would give you one in a heart beat. Not because you are William's daughter or a friend. I would give you a job because without seeing the building and only getting a clipped portion of the problem, you came up with this all because you knew the building and approximately where the hole would be, you came up with this brilliant solution. It turned out amazing and everyone is going to love it. So since you do not want to ask, I am. Hannah will you come work for Ward ArchEngineering?"

"Yes I will. You have me convinced. Thank you very much for this opportunity. You will not regret it." I said as I hugged him for the second time in ten minuets. I was extremely happy with what he just said and offering me a job.

He set me back down on my feet but he did not let go of my waist and I didn't want him to. I could see him leaning down towards me. I lifted up to meet his lips as I threaded my fingers through his hair. The kiss was better than any kiss that I ever had. It was a slow and soft but passionate kiss. Right as I opened my mouth to welcome in his treacherous tongue, his phone rang.

I pulled away from him as he answered it. Both of us were breathing hard. His eyes never left mine as he listened on the other end. He smiled as he hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked as I walked around the floor one more time.

"Ashton was letting me know that your mom and William didn't want any kids coming back to the house tonight." he said laughing and wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh gross. I did not want to know that." I said making a gagging sound.

"Aw come on it can't be that bad?" he said laughing at me.

"They aren't your parents." I stated with a grim expression, to which he just nodded in agreement. "Where am I going to stay tonight? Oh man I don't have clothes either." I said as realization dawned on me.

"You can stay with me. I have a room set up for Jesse and some of her clothes there." he said grabbing my hand and leading me to the switch.

"Ok. I need to get out of this dress anyways. It is killing me to constantly be walking around with these shoes on." I said as he flipped off the lights and turned on his phone light.

"Come on. Lets go then." he said chuckling as he lead me to the exit.