To my dismay, we were pulled apart to take pictures. I had forgiven him for what he pulled with my mother. I have yet to tell him since I have been super busy, but I have been looking for the right time and have yet to come across it.

Once the pictures were done, we headed to the reception. After we ate, everyone joined on the dance floor except me and Leo. He walked over to me as he leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"Will you please come with me? I have something to show you." he asked holding out his hand.

I put my hand in his as he helped me out of my seat. He lead me out of the building and to his Ferri. Before I got in, he stopped me and walked behind me taking off his tie.

"This is to make sure that it is a surprise." he said wrapping his tie around my eyes and guiding me into the passenger seat and buckling me. He shut the door then got in the driver side.

As we drove off, I decided to speak to him.

"I forgive you. I forgave you a long time ago. I'm sorry that I haven't told you sooner. I have been super busy." I said as I fiddled with my hands.

"Busy with what?" he asked.

"Trying to find a job since I'm not actually taking college classes." I say with a huff. "And I've had no luck. Since I am over qualified or lack their unspoken age request."

"You could have just asked me for a job at Ward ArchEngineering." he replied with a 'duh' tone.

"One I wanted it to be fair if I got a job and not just because I know you or because of William. Two Ward ArchEngineering is my dream job and there is no way that someone like me would get a job as an engineer there." I say a bit sad. "And three, no one would treat me fairly if I did ask you because I would have only gotten the job because of nepotism."

He didn't reply the rest of the drive till we got to where we were going. He helped me out of the car and led me inside of a building. He picked me up once the door closed behind us. He kept the blind fold on as he walked a ways into the building. When he stopped, he set me down gently and told me not to move. He pulled off the blind fold but I couldn't see anything in the pitch black. I could hear him walking then a switch was flipped.