"Where are you? I've been looking for you everywhere." she said with a panicked voice.

"I am at Leo's house." I replied very confused. Leo set a plate of food in front of me then sat next to me.

"Why are you there?" she said now sounding just as confused as me.

I put my phone on speaker so that I could eat and talk as I replied, "Cause Ashton called and said that you and William wanted the house to yourselves tonight."

"Oh okayyy." my mother replied with what sounded like understanding in her voice.

"Do you want me to come home?" I asked still confused.

"Oh no honey. William an I are staying at the hotel tonight. But Maya just filled me in. You have fun. I will see you later." my mother said then hung up leaving me just as confused.

"Well then. That was weird." I said to Leo who was trying not to laugh.

"I think Ashton and Maya are the ones who wanted no one home." Leo said as he took another bite. "Now I know why Jesse dropped off clothes earlier."

"Ah damn I'm gonna miss the big show that Maya promised me." I teased him with a whine. "She even said that I could join her tonight. I was looking forward to making her scream."

Pshh. "What did you say?" Leo asked after he spit out a bit of his wine.

I started laughing, giving away the fact that I was just playing. His face was priceless. I started to eat again as he leaned in. I could feel his breath on my neck as he whispered, "If it is that big of a problem, I can make you scream tonight."

I ended up playing it off like it was nothing as he sat back in his seat. I smiled as my heart continued to race. We finished our meal in comfortable silence.

Once we washed the dishes, I decided to go take a walk. I walked down the lit up path. The surrounding woods were magnificent at night. As I was about to turn back, the smell of the ocean drew me further down the path. Not long after, I emerged on what looked like a private beach.

The mountains around us reached out into the ocean creating the ultimate private beach. I walked to the waters edge. I made sure to stay out of the freezing water. I wrapped my arms around me as I walked the waterline.