"Nope. It is stated in your contract with Ward ArchEngineering that you are to remain in school until you graduate. Therefore, you have to go. Sorry." Leo said as he started to back away.

"Fine I'll just graduate early." I stated with an attitude.

Jack laughed at me as I stomped my foot and started to walk away. I was halfway up the steps when Leo started his car. He didn't leave right away so I turned to look at him. I laughed as I seen him sitting on the edge of his window with his arms on the top of his car, staring at me.

"I will be here after class to pick you up." he yelled to me. Before I could protest, he slipped into his car and drove away.

As I made it into the school, the bell rung. Alex was by my side as I walked into my first class. I walked into a class full of glares. I ducked my head as I headed to my seat. For the rest of the day at school, I listened to everyone whisper about me. I ignored many of them as I kept my head down.

As I was making my way to lunch, I stopped in my tracks as I heard someone mentioning Leo. I leaned against the wall as I listened in on the conversation.

"I don't know what she is thinking. I am engaged to Leo. Those shares were promised to me. My mother told me so. After their meeting this morning, she called me about them. She said that Hannah wasn't going to last in the company. She even assured me that the arranged marriage with Leo was still in effect. I am going over to his house after school. He told me that he wanted some alone time." I couldn't listen any more as I turned around to see who was talking. It was Miranda Vea.

She looked at me and smirked as I walked past her. I ignored Jack and Alex as I walked to the parking lot. I could hear Miranda and her group of friends laughing as they followed me. To my luck, Leo was already here and waiting next to his car on his phone. When I made it down the steps, he looked up at me and smiled.

"Did you have a good day?" he asked as he motioned to the school which was full of students watching us.

"Oh did you hear, I killed your father and made you give me those shares." I said with a very sweet voice and a smile. Leo started laughing at my comment. "Or that I am pregnant with your baby and those shares are hush money for it." That one made him double over as he placed my backpack in the trunk.