"Get in. We have work to do and I have a business dinner tonight with one of the shareholders whose' wife filled in for him today." he said as he opened my door.

I held in the eye roll as Leo entered the car. We drove to the office with me telling him all the rumors going around about me. His only comment to them was, "They are just jealous that you are already a billionaire. They have to wait for their money. You don't." I smiled at his statement. I knew he was right. I didn't tell him about what Miranda said. I couldn't figure out a way to tell him about it. When we arrived at the office, we parked in the front.

We spent around two hours just picking out furniture for my office. My office was conveniently at an angle across the floor from Leo's. He had a direct line of sight into my office through the glass walls. After we were scolded by his assistant for laughing too loud. We started on one of his newest projects. We worked on it together since my office wasn't set up yet.

At around four, we left the office. We chatted about the new custom house we were designing for a celebrity on our way home.

When we arrived, Leo said, "Be down in thirty minuets."

We walked inside and up the stairs. I stopped Leo before he could walk into his room. "What should I wear?" I asked him nervous. He smiled as he looked at me.

"Wear something pretty. It's a business dinner but since it is here, it is casual. So wear whatever you feel comfortable in." Leo slightly shouted to cover the distance between the rooms. "Don't forget heels though. You might miss the conversations down there." he teased me about my height.

I laughed at his joke as I walked into my room. I walked into the closet. I contemplated on going for a more business style dress but I decided against it as we were eating here. It took me twenty minuets to find the right dress. It was a long flowy dress that had long flowy sleeves which tighten around my wrists in cuffs. The cold shoulder style looked amazing against the higher neck. The back had a key hole cut out in it that spanned the majority of my back. The light blue color looked amazing against my skin. I laughed as I put on a pair of heels so that I didn't trip over the bottom of the dress.