I walked into the bathroom and check the state of my makeup. It was still done perfectly which made me smile as I took out my bun. The curls created by it cascaded down my back and shoulder. I twirled around in the mirror checking myself out. Leo sent me a text letting me know that they have arrived. I rushed out of my room and down the hallway.

I slowed down as I made it to the stairs. I watched as Leo greeted a tall man in his late forties, Martha Newman from the board meeting, a younger looking version of the first man, and then Miranda entered. I was glad that she didn't notice me yet. I looked over Leo's outfit and smiled. He was wearing a slightly darker shade of blue shirt than my dress and black pants. His hair was still mess from when I ran my fingers through it at the office to watch him whine about messing up his hair.

I giggled at the memory as I made it to the last step which drew the attention of the crowd in front of me. I smiled at the two glaring woman as I walked over to Leo. He smiled at me as I stopped next to him. He started the introduction as he placed his hand on my back and motioned to each person.

"Hannah, please meet Issac Vea. His wife Mrs. Newman filled in for him in the meeting today." I shook Issac's hand then Leo moved onto the other man. "This is Issac's son Matt Vea." I shook Matt's hand but I could feel Leo's hand tightening his hold on my waist. So I quickly dropped his hand. Leo moved onto the other two. "You already meet Martha Newman. Then I'm sure that you have meet Miranda at school." I did not miss the way he clenched his teeth as he said Miranda.

I merely smiled at the woman. I watched as Martha gave Issac a quick glance as I introduced myself. "Hello. It is nice to meet you. I am Hannah Marie, the new share holder for Ward Corp."

I notice Matt look me up and down as I said it. I pretended that I didn't see anything as Issac asked, "My wife never told me how you got the majority approval for renaming T.A. Shipping and getting rid of the CEO. How did you do it? Mr. Park's daughter hasn't been seen since your father bought the company."

"Lets discus that in the study." Leo said as he motioned for Issac to go into the study on the bottom floor. He directed me towards it with the arm around my waist. As we got to the french doors, I walked in first as he turned to the three people following us. "Sorry but this is a business discussion now. Please wait in the living room." he said as he grabbed both doors.

He stopped midway as Martha spoke up, "But I already know what happened in today's meeting. Why can't I go in?"

I walked to Leo's side as I said in a sweet voice and a giant smile, "I do hope that you remember what I said at the meeting today Mrs. Newman. I do keep to my word. So hush hush sweety."

I closed one door and Leo closed the other. I turned to see Issac looking at me confused. Leo motioned to a chair in the room for Issac to take a seat. I sat next to the chair that Leo sat in, across from Issac. Leo offered him a glass of scotch and he accepted. Leo sat down as he took a drink from one of his own.

"Well to answer your question," I started but I had to ask, "Can I call you Issac?" He nodded at my question so I continued. "To answer your question Issac, I am Kaiden Park's daughter. I changed my name in March due to unfortunate circumstances with my father. As I was referring with your wife just now, no one can utter a word of this unless you want me to sue you for everything you got." I said as I got to the point.

Issac smiled as he heard me. After a few minuets he spoke. "I like you." he said as he stood up. "Finally a woman who will not take any man's shit in the company."

"Thank you." I said with a smile of my own as I stood up with Leo's help.

"I am pretty hungry. So lets go eat." I said as I motioned for Issac to walk out first. Leo stayed glued to my side like before. Issac directed his family into the kitchen as Leo held me back. I could see the glare Miranda shot my way when she rounded the corner.

Leo leaned down and whispered in my ear, "I see you wore heels." He said as he lifted up the side of my dress showing off my shoes.

I leaned into him as I said, "I see we match. What a coincidence."

Leo pulled back and smiled at me as he lead me to the kitchen. Everyone was seated in the chairs except the ones at the head and end of the table. Miranda sat to the right of Leo's chair and her brother next to her. Issac sat to the right of my chair and Martha next to him. I took my seat as Leo pulled it out for me.