Conversation stared about the business and some of the projects that everyone at the company had started, while food was being served. After everything was dished out, I started to become the topic of conversation.

"Hannah, how do you like working for Leo?" Issac asked me.

"It has been my dream job since I first started my engineering degree." I said as I motioned for the maid to pour me a glass of wine. I could see Leo smirk at me.

"Oh wow. Miranda will be graduating this school year with her associates degree in interior design." Martha bragged as she smiled at Miranda and Leo.

"That is impressive." I said sarcastically.

Matt held in a chuckle as he said, "What is impressive is the fact that you are already a billionaire before you get your high school degree. Let alone a college one."

"Matt." I said getting his attention, "I am graduating with my PHD in engineering, Bachelors in science, and Masters in business.. I will hopefully be done with it in December as long as I can get my supervised hours with Leo done before then. That is more impressive than money. Money cannot by brains." I said as I folded my hands in my lap and sat back in my chair. "Obviously."

Matt just looked at me with a glare as he said, "You know Hannah, I thought you looked familiar. Now knowing a little more about you, I know where from."

"Matt." Issac warned but he didn't listen to his father as he continued.

"It all makes sense since Mr. Park's daughter was 'found' the day you went to your first board meeting." Matt said as I leaned onto the table and rested my head on my hand. "You must be T.." Matt started but was cut off by his father.

I just kept smiling as Issac said, "Matt do you want your inheritance? Do you love the lifestyle you live now?"

"Yes?" Matt replied as he looked at his father.

"Then shut the hell up. You don't know what you are talking about. You are trying to pick a fight with the one woman just as powerful as all the Wards combined." Issac said with a glare at his son.