I was cut of by her saying, "Yes I knew Hannah. Sandra is her leading case agent and brought her home to help get her away from her father until she got her name changed and moved." I instantly understood now why she acted the way that she did in her reports. She views Hannah as family. "How is she doing? I heard that her father contacted her and I seen her name blasted all over the news today."

"She is doing good. Actually on her first day she is suing Issac Vae and his wife for breaching the contract and sharing her personal information with their children. She is even charging Miranda Vae with harassment." I said with a smile as I looked at my sister. She had one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen her wear in a long time.

After a few minuets, she replied, "That's good to hear. I haven't seen her in a long time. I hope you understand that if you hurt her in anyway, I will break every bone in your body mister."

I held up my hands in defense as I said, "I promise I have only the best intentions for her."

"Ya with a whole lot of naughty plans." she replied with a knowing smile.

"You're right. I will admit to that. So any good news on your end?" I asked her as I noticed that she has been hiding her left hand from the camera's view the whole time.

She held up her hand that now supported a giant diamond ring on it. "Yes! Jacob proposed to Sandra and I earlier tonight!!" she screeched.

"Well it looks like I'm the only one of us who isn't getting married." I said with a giant smile. I was truly happy for her. She deserved it. "So when is the wedding and am I invited?"

She rolled her eyes at me as she replied, "Sandra has already had a spring wedding planned for us for a long time. So in April. And I need someone to walk me down the isle. So of course you are invited. About the marriage comment, all I gotta say is not for long. I know that you have already found your forever. It's just up to you to make the move to make it official."

"Thank you, Isadora." was all I could say to her before I hung up the phone and went to bed.