After the meeting was done, Leo and I returned to the office. We worked all day till it was around eight when Leo came to get me from my office. We decided to stop and get dinner tonight instead of ordering in or cooking.

We arrived at a small little building that was hidden among the taller buildings in the heart of the city. We were placed in a booth towards the back which gave us privacy. We didn't talk till after we ordered.

"So yesterday you fell asleep before we could have our talk." Leo started as he smiled at me.

I started to get butterflies in my stomach as I nodded for him to continue. I could feel my heart racing as he opened his mouth.

"To put it bluntly, I really like you. I honestly haven't paid anyone any mind since I started to work for my father. I was instantly drawn to you the moment I heard your voice. It blew me away how fast you thought up a way to fix the cave in at the mines. I'm not gonna lie, I have wanted you in my bed since the moment I laid eyes on you.

Waking up to you this morning, was literally the best thing ever. That was the first time that I had ever called off work for the morning. I was stunned when I seen you walk out of my bathroom wearing nothing but lingerie." he said with a smile that made my heart melt. I returned his smile which he took as an ok to continue. "The day that your father called you, I swear to god, my whole world stopped when I seen the fear in your eyes. I was so proud of the way you handled things after he called you. I was there with Ashton and Maya when she was going through everything. Ashton used to call me in the middle of the night freaking out because he didn't know how to calm Maya down or to stop her hurting. I want to be the person that you come to when you hear from your father. I want to be the person that makes you feel safe. I want to be the person that you don't have to put up a brave front for. Will you let me be that person for you? I am really hoping that you say yes because I have never felt this way about anyone before."

"You need to ask me that one, very important, question." I said as I took in a deep breath as I let everything he just said sink in. I smiled as I seen him do the same. I reached across the table and took his hand in mine. Before he could say anything more, I said, "Before you ask me this question, I need you to know a few things about me. To start, I do not like showing any emotion besides being happy to anyone. I have never had a real relationship because I never wanted anyone to know what my father did to me. There will be days where I will hide away from everyone and everything. I absolutely hate crying. It is the worst feeling in the world. Modern art is a waste in my opinion. I love having a routine, but I like changing it up every few weeks. I will never ask you to choose me because if you have to contemplate whether to choose me or something else, the answer should never be me."

"Ok." Leo answered as our food arrived.

Leo started to eat as I continued. "So are you still willing to ask me that question?" We ate our dinner in silence after I said that.

Our ride home was fast since we took the short way back to the house. I was happy to see that Louis was not awake when we got home. After we took off our shoes and coats, Leo grabbed my hand, leading me up the stairs. I did not question why he was taking me to his room, I just let him.

Once we were safely inside, he pulled me close to him. I looked up into his eyes as he brushed a strand of hair out of my face. As I was about to say something, he cut me off.

"Don't say anything. Tonight, I just want to hold you. I will answer your question another day. I will think about what you said, since that is what you want me to do." he said as he slipped the straps of the dress off of my shoulder. I let him take off the dress as we stared into each other's eyes.

After my dress was off, I took off his shirt before he stopped me. He walked into the closet as I put the dress in a hamper. He walked out already dressed in a pair of sweats as he handed me one of his shirts. I slipped on the shirt as I climbed into his bed. He already had the blankets pulled back for me.