As I laid down on his chest, Leo said, "I have had many girlfriends, you can say, in the past few years. I only started working for my father in the past year. I just took over as CEO not that long ago. I would take the girls out on the dates that they would tell me about to make them happy or buy them whatever they wanted. I never stopped what I was doing with work long enough to actually know if I liked the way that they acted, or how they looked in a certain outfit, or if they were after me for the money. At the time I couldn't care. I had an assistant just for the sole purpose of keeping the women happy so that they wouldn't interfere with my work. I have only had one girlfriend that I actually paid attention to. Her name was Rebecca. I dated her for two years. I was truthfully in lover with her. I was only seventeen when I meet her. She was the daughter of an employee that worked in my dads office. I was willing to give up the world for her.

One day she came to me and told me that she was pregnant. Looking back on it now, I should have realized that the time frame for when she would have gotten pregnant was when we were fighting and we didn't even sleep in the same apartment let alone have sex. Anyways I was extremely excited to find out that I was going to be a dad that I didn't think of that.

Fast forward six months and an engagement ring later, Louis and Ashton sat me down. It was the night I was going to propose to her. They showed me messages that she sent Louis telling him that it was really his kid and that she was thankful for the fact that he was such an alcoholic. She convinced him to have unprotected sex with her. Thus the one night where the child was conceived, securing her a permanent position within the Ward family. Only did she not realize, my family had a paternity test done to make sure that it was my kid. They sent the result to Aston to tell me, since they knew that I would only listen to him when it came down to it. I was pissed at Louis for what he did and I took out all my anger for her out on him. He was in the hospital for a week because of it." Leo said as he looked down at me. I nodded at him that he could continue if he wanted and that I was listening.

"After I beat the living crap out of him, I left to go to the spot where I was supposed to meet Rebecca to propose to her. I showed up all bloody and a fucking mess. I waited the remaining five hours for her to show up. I went over in my head how I could have missed all the signs. She would refuse to let me to go to her doctor appointments with her. I didn't count back the weeks to when the child was conceived. After she told me the news, we were never intimate unless there were people around. I even bought her a house in the same neighborhood as Louis's parents, per her request. I did everything for her.

When she finally arrived, decked out in all the designer clothes, expensive jewelry, and in the latest sports car that I bought her, I was so angry I was calm. I made sure to bring along my driver to take her back to her house when we were done. She walked up to me as she was smiling at the scene in front of her." I sat up as I watched him smile bitterly at the memory. I could see his eyes glistening with unshed tears as he placed a hand on my thigh and began rubbing.