He continued the story as his eyes followed the path of his thumb. "When she finally stopped in front of me, her smile dropped. I didn't miss a beat as I asked her if the baby was mine. Never in my life had I seen someone turn so pale as she did. I pulled out the paternity test, Louis's bloody phone opened to the messages, and the engagement ring. I placed them on the table as I asked her again. All she could do was start crying and begging me to listen to her explain. So I let her do exactly that.

Her exact reply was, "I did it for us. We were fighting so much that I was afraid to loose you."

By that point, all the anger was gone and all that was left was pain. I was hurting as I told her to keep everything and to never contact me again. I felt like I was shot in the gut when I heard her screams as she cried. I walked away from her that day and vowed to never let another woman that close to me again."

He took a few breaths a he sat up. "So what happened after that?" I asked him since I knew that if he didn't want me to know this then he wouldn't tell me.

"She had the baby. It was a little girl. Louis named her Annabelle after his sister that died right before she was born. He goes to see her every day that he is back in the states. I see Rebecca every few months at either a charity event that her new husband or her is hosting. They live in the house that I bought." he finished with a laugh.

"Why did you tell me this? And why haven't I heard about her before?" I asked as I scooted closer to his warmth.

Leo laughed at me as he motioned to me to straddle him. I did so as he covered me with the blanket. "You haven't heard about it before because no one talks about it because I asked them not to. They all know how much it ruined me." he said as I settled into his lap.

I leaned down to rest my head against his chest as I asked, "So why did you tell me then?"

I heard his heart beat pick up as he replied, "Well there are three reasons. One I want you to be mine. Two I feel like that is something that you should know if you want to be with me and judging by where you are sitting right now…. You want to be with me."