I slightly slapped his chest in response to what he said which made him laugh. After the laughter calmed down I said, "That was only two. So what is the third reason?"

His heart beat instantly started pounding as I asked. I looked up at him as he said, "One of those fundraiser's are coming up and I would like for you to be my date. It would be a great chance to introduce you to the business men and women of the area since Ward Corp. owns most if not all of the companies or they hold major shares in them."

"So you want me to be a date to your ex's fundraiser she is holding?" I asked as I sat up. I could see that my question did not make him happy.

He let out a breath of air before he said, "No. I want my girlfriend to accompany me to a fundraiser hosted by a CEO of a company that I own." I smiled at what he said before I remember that he didn't ask me that one question.

I let it go as I remembered what he said earlier. "When is this event? I need to get a dress."

"It is the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will have Louis take you dress shopping for it instead of going into work." Leo said as I laid back down on his chest as he laid down on the bed.

"We will speak about the girlfriend thing tomorrow. Also send Sophie to the store since I am not going to be in the office, I might as well get some work done while shopping." I replied in a very sleepy voice.

As I drifted into a deep slumber, I heard Leo say, "Anything for the future Mrs. Ward." I didn't have the energy to react as sleep took me over.