After Hannah fell asleep, I slipped out of bed. I walked down to Louis's room and knocked.

"What do you want?" he grumpily asks as he opens the door.

I laugh as I push him into the room. I sat down on his bed and say, "Tomorrow after Hannah is finished with school you are taking her dress shopping."

He plops down on the bed as he replies, "Are you paying? And what about Annabelle?"

"Take her with. And yes I'm paying so you can get Annabelle a dress as well." I say with a duh since I spoil Annabelle more than my own sister despite my hatred fro her mother. She was my best friend's daughter after all.

"Ok. What is the dress for?" he asks as he pulls up his phone. "What do I get out of taking 'your' girlfriend shopping, besides spoiling my daughter?"

"Rebecca's charity event." I say looking down.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Louis shouts.

I laugh as I say, "Nope. I want to officially show off my girlfriend to the rest of the world as soon as possible."

"B-but it's Rebecca's event. It will steal all her spot light away from the even when you bring Hannah, the brand new billionaire, to that even as your date, let alone girlfriend to your ex's charity. Are you trying to embarrass her?" Louis says freaking out.

I look at him with a massive smile as I chirp, "Rebecca, yes. Hannah, no. And lets be clear, it is a charity event hosted by the CEO of a company I own. Not Rebecca's charity event. Besides, I wanna see how Hannah is gonna handle the self proclaimed Queen of Seattle High Society."

I watch as Louis stares out into space thinking of how the meeting will go. Then in the middle of it he brakes into a smile that fits his model face. He looks at me as he demands, "The newest suit that I just recently modeled for some designer in Spain….. Get it for me, as payment for taking her shopping."

"Done. It will arrive tomorrow evening." I say as I alert Zack of the inquiry of the suit and that it needed to be here tomorrow evening and that I will pay his boyfriend to go get it himself.

I jump out of Louis's bed and head back to the sleeping beauty in mine once I get confirmation of Zack's boyfriend heading to the airport.