"Oh god. I am so sorry for the waitress's behavior. Please apologize to Mr. Ward." the man says as if he was truly sorry but I knew it was all an act.

"Mr. Mark, I suggest that you agree to my offer before I ruin this cafe's reputation within the social elite and you loose all of your business. My assistant has sent you an email that you need to e-sign then send back. Once I get the paperwork back, the money will be wired into your account." I say then hang up.

I look over to Sophie as she nods at me letting me know that the deal was taken. I look over to the waitress who was huddled with the staff by the cafe entrance. I stand up and walk towards them. They all quiet down as I stop in front of them. I could feel many eyes on me as I addressed the group.

"Hello. I am sure that you all heard the news. I am the new owner of this establishment. I hereby give everyone a two week notice so you can find further employment. The waitress who was assigned to my table, you are fired immediately. The managers please report to my assistant Sophie. She will be discussing everything with you about the future of this establishment and the remaining two weeks. Have a nice day."

After I was finished, I walk back to the table to see Leo already standing with my bags. He held out his hand to me and I took it. We walled back to his car in silence.

As I was about to get in, he leans down and gives me a kiss, stunning me long enough for the onlookers to capture a few pictures of the kiss and the look we share after it. We get in the car and head home, as we discuss what I should do with the cafe.

When we get back to the house, Louis is pacing outside of the door angry.

As I get out of the car, he approaches Leo and I. "Leo is it ok if Annabelle stays the night? Rebecca wouldn't let me take her back home because I was bringing her back late." Louis says as his face drops into a look of despair.

Before Leo has a chance to say anything, I beat him to it. "Of course. Annabelle and I will have a girls night." I say happily as I walk towards the house.

I hear Leo reassure Louis as I walk inside the house. I instruct the butler to bring up hot chocolate, snacks, face masks, and nail polish into my room. I lead Annabelle into the room as my mother starts to call me on face time.