"Hello." I answer it and prop it up on my dresser in my closet so I could change and see my mother without her seeing me.

"Hannah!!" my mother screeches.

"What?" I ask wearily as I peel off my outfit.

"I knew that you and Leo were gonna be a couple within a month of you two meeting." she says happily.

"I lost the bet. I thought that you were gonna hold out for longer. Come on couldn't you have been nicer to me." Maya whines from behind my mother.

"Well if you would have told me then I would have waited." I said as I put on a pair of sweat pants and a shirt of Leo's.

"I thought Leo was joking when he told me that he was going to ask you out." Maya replied to me which made me stop in my tracks as I entered my room. "I was surprised to find that he gave you the shares to his family's company. I don't understand why though."

"Maya, my father is Kaiden Park." I say as I look at the phone screen. I watched as her face morphed from confusion, to shock, to anger, and then finally setting on a knowing smile.

"NO FUCKING WAY!!" Maya screamed.

"But he didn't know that till after I agreed to take the shares." I explained to her.

"Um doubtful. He knew who you were the moment he offered you a job or else you wouldn't have gotten them." she explained as she sat next to my mother.

"Ok. But all he told me was that he gave me the shares in case something bad happens to him." I tell them as I sit next to Annabelle.

"Hi Annabelle!" my mother and Maya greet the child who was already in her pajamas and watching TV. She just waved to the two and went back to her show.

"Oh Hannah, we will be back tomorrow night." my mother says with a wink. "Make this last night with Leo count, but I do not want grandchildren just yet."

"Well it's a good thing Annabelle and I are having a girls night tonight. So it will definitely be a good night." I say with a smile.

My mother didn't get a chance to reply as I got a call from Sophie. I told Maya and my mother good night and that I had another call before I answered the call from Sophie.