"Hello." I answer the phone but was instantly greeted with the sounds of sobbing. "Sophie what's wrong?" I ask her as I stand up and walk to my bathroom.

"I'm sorry to trouble you with this but I didn't know who else to call." Sophie sobbed into the phone.

"It's fine Sophie. What is wrong?" I ask her now very worried.

"I caught my husband cheating on me." she said as another round of sobbing sounded through the phone. "When I walked in on them, I freaked out and then he kicked me out, saying that he wanted a divorce." she finished as she finally broke down.

"Oh Sophie.." I start but am cut off by her.

"I'm sorry to call you about this but I don't have anywhere to go. I don't have any friends or family here." she says again as I walk into my closet and put on a pair of shoes.

"Sophie I am here for you as a friend no matter what. Send me your location. I am on my way to pick you up." I say as I exit my room.

"Ok. Thank you very much. I will find a way to repay you." she says as I hear taping coming form her end of the phone. After I receive her location, I walk down the stairs and hang up the phone. Leo and Louis look at me as I start to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Louis asks me as I put on my coat.

"I need to go pick up a friend who caught her husband cheating and he kicked her out of their house." I say as turn towards them.

They both give each other a look then Leo says, "Ok. The keys are hanging up. Louis and I will give you guys some room. I'll have a room ready for her when you guys arrive."

"Thank you." I say as I run over and give him a quick kiss then rush out of the door.

On my way to pick Sophie up, I get a text from Leo Letting me who that Annabelle fell asleep already. I laughed at the thought since it was barely six o'clock.

As I pulled into the neighborhood that Sophie sent me the location, I spot her right away at the end of the street, sitting on the porch, staring into space. She finally snaps out of it as I pull up to the curb and park the flashy car.