As I get out, I can see many people looking through their windows or on their porches at me. I ignore them as I walk up to Sophie. She stands and I envelopes me in a hug as she squeezes me. I look up at the front door to see a man and woman peeking at us.

I pull apart from Sophie as I ask, "Do you have any of your personal belongings with you?" She just shakes her head no in reply. So I glare up at the two as I march past Sophie and knock on the door. She hides behind me as the man opened the door.

"Step aside and allow Sophie to grab some of her belongings before I do it for her." I say as I address the tall man who reminded me of my father.

"And what if I don't?" he asks me as she crossed his arms.

"Do you know who I am, Mr. Tunner?" I ask him as I pull out my phone and start to contact Leo's security team.

"Some snobby bitch that has no right to be poking her nose in my business." he says, which makes me smile as I ask some of the team members to come to this address in approximately one hour to retrieve Sophie's belonging, by force if they have to.

"Mr. Tunner, I am someone who can ruin you if you wish to keep this game up. In fact I am the most powerful woman you will ever have the chance to lay eyes on. You are a naval engineer in the Navy, are you not? I can get you your dream job when you decide to leave the Navy, or I can make your life a living hell while you are in it and make sure that you become the scum of the earth." I say as I put my phone away.

"And who are you, Hannah Marie or better yet Leo Ward? Let's be honest, some young rich bitch as yourself is not as powerful as you think." he says with a snort at the end.

This time it was Sophie who spoke up, "Um Luke, she actually is." He only gave her a look as if he didn't believe her.

"Ya right. You are just a lying bitch who thinks she is all that because you got a job at Ward ArchEngineering." he says but I cut him off as I pull out my phone and start playing the video filmed earlier at the school with Leo asking me to be his future wife. I push past him as he continues to stare at the phone then back at me as I walk through his house.