The Agreement


I read Wardell's reply and waited in the lobby of the local gym. He said he was about 15 minutes away and I intended on waiting patiently. Exactly fifteen minutes later I watched the tall, strong, and sexy man park his Range Rover and take long smooth strides toward me. I couldn't help how wet I became immediately.

"Hello Aminah," he smirked that toothy grin he seemed to do a lot.

"Hey there." I smiled and looked up to his tall figure.

" about this deal." He rubbed his hands together smirking hard.

"We can talk about it while working out" I chuckled and sashayed away teasingly.

"Oh mannn," I heard him sigh

We both made our way to the treadmill. He began to jog while I started walking. "Soooo..." I smiled at him.

"Sooooo," he looked at me a bit confused.

"Okay, I was thinking about the deal and..."

"And?" He spoke eagerly.

"...and I must warn you, I'm not the committing type." I bit the side of my lip nervous about his response.

He furrowed his eyebrows quickly. "I don't believe anyone in this world can be committing people. You just have to work hard enough to be one for a while."

I sighed, "And exactly how long are you trying to make me commit too."

"I can't give you an exact estimate butttt, until I divorce my wife." He smirked evily.

"Did you even begin the process yet?" I rose my eyebrows at him.

He shook his head, "Nahhh"

"What? And you want me to commit until you both are fully divorced? Do you know how long that could be?"

Wardell slowed the treadmill down and then stopped. "Actually, I know the time difference of a divorce varies and I'm gonna need you to keep my dick wet." He licked his lips and stared hungrily at my body making me more wet then I already was.

"Warde-" he pointed his hand to the Locker Room.

"Right now." He whispered.

I couldn't even help myself, I rushed to the men's locker room horny as a muufuucka. He scurried close behind. We quickly found an empty stall in the back and Locked the door. Before he could blink an eye I was yanking his basketball shorts down. His perfect penis bounced around hard as a rock. I licked my lips excitedly. Just as I was about to put my mouth on it he pulled me up by my arm and lifted me against the wall.

"I'm hungry, and you gonna feed me baby." My eyes went wide when he lifted me on his shoulders.

His tongue connected with my clit and I started moaning immediately. After a while of his tongue handling my second set of lips I was shaking hard and holding his head in place. I was so astonished that he had my legs this weak in under ten minutes. He slowly slid me down and slid inside me against the wall. I shuddered extremely wet from the quick head he gave me. Wardell quickly pushed himself inside of me and began pumping in and out of me slowly. That Motion only made me cream harder. When he started speeding up his strokes I moaned louder unable to tame my noises. He hissed every time he went deeper causing him to whisky start drilling me.

"Let me hear you make that fucking noise Aminah....Fuck...," he grunted and pulled out.

My legs were so weak from his pounding. His big, manly hands grabbed me and bent me over the toilet seat quickly. Wardell wasted no time slipping either back into my treasure box. As soon as he got back inside me he began drilling me. I never felt so much pleasure before in my life, I couldn't even help myself. Wardell pounded faster and deeper giving me long, deep, wet strokes. My body started shaking crazily, my knees felt weak, and my legs felt like noodles, and on top of that I couldn't stop moaning and whimpering from the feeling.

For the first time, I felt this rumbling feeling in the lowest post of my stomach. My hands were trembling and I realized I was finally about to cum. Wardell pulled on my hair and stated sucking on my neck while continuing his deadly back shots. I whimpered knowing I was about to cum so hard for the first time ever. Just as I was about to cum, Wardell pulled out and started pulling his pants up.

"Just a little preview to show you that I could make you cum if I wanted too." He smiled out of breath.

I looked at him with my mouth wide open. Did he just delay my high? He smirked. "But you didn't cum yet..."

"I know." He chuckled.

My weak body sat down on the top of the toilet in disappointment. "..... Stop playing with me and make a date so you don't have to wait any longer." He glared at me

"Tonight?" I said annoyed.

"I got practice and a family dinner but I'll make it work. Don't fall asleep tonight babygirl." I nodded quickly

"Can't believe you just did that." I covered my face with my hands.

"Did what?" He laughed knowingly.

"You just did THAT to me. For the first time I knew I was gonna finally c-cum and you just took that away like that." I snapped my fingers

"I just wanted too give you a preview Aminah." I stared at his dick print horny as ever.

"Could you take me home?" I sighed fixing my leggings back on and T-shirt.

"Yea sure. Let's go." It took us no time to sneak back out the men's locker room. We walked to his All black Range Rover and I got comfy in the passenger seat.

"Want something to eat?" Wardell buckled himself in and stated the car.

"Anything to take my mind off of what just happened." My vagina had never been this wet and gushy before, and looking over at Wardell, his dick was harder than ever.

I watched him lick his lips and quickly grab his basketball shorts trying too hide his penis. It was taking everything in me not to fuck him right here in this car. With one hand on the wheel, his muscles flexed and he paid close attention to the road. I watched him wind down the window and drive toward to the highway.

Wardell's features were soft. He had light smooth skin and a beard to compliment that. Did I mention that his gap fit him in the cutest way? His lips were juicy and pink, I'm surprised I didn't kiss him at all. Then I started remembering how he ate my pussy in that locker room. I cleared me throat and sat up trying too erase my thoughts. He glanced at me and winked. I chuckled. His eyes are such a pretty green and he had long eyelashes to compliment that and fair eyebrows. All in all, the man was good looking.

About a few minutes after we arrived at Milk Burger. "What you want?" He stroked his beard.

"....Let me get a vanilla milkshake, Bacon cheeseburger, and some cheese fries." I smirked.

Wardell ordered fries and a regular veggie cheeseburger with a soft drink. Just as I was about to pull my wallet out he swiped his card and drove up to the pickup spot.

"Really???" I rolled my eyes.

"What I can't pay for you?" I laughed and shook my head no.

"You have to let someone treat you sometimes "

"Nahh I'm fine without that treating shit. I been taking care of myself since young."

"Understood, but every once in a while you really should allow yourself to get treated to things. Starting now, let me take you out on the weekends."

"No I'm fine Wardell."

"I'm not taking no for an answer."

I smiled a little. "Ok whatever."

It was a quiet drive to my small comfortable home in Northern California. I lived in San José, South of Oakland where Wardell lives, about an hour and a half away.

"I didn't know you lived this far from me." He stroked his beard.

"Yeahhh, I been trying to move to Oakland but I'm not finding anything I really like, yknow?"

He nodded. "I'm planning on getting a crib away from Ayesha. Maybe you could room with me." He smirked.

"That's a lot." I bit my lip ".... Its a greattttt offer honestly, but I still barely know much about you."

"Usually people know a lot about me based off of social media. It's nice to finally speak to someone who knows nothing."

"In that case, tell me a little something about yourself." I smiled knowing we had plenty of time left.

He sat up and stopped at the red light. "I'm gonna start at the most obvious detail. I'm a basketball player, thats one."

"Golden State Warriors." I laughed. "....Green needs to get me pregnant." I sighed.

He glared at me for a moment and stepped on the Gas. "I'm a point guard, my best bro is most definitely Klay, I'm 27 with two daughters that I love so much, ummm what else?"

"Wait did you say two daughters?"

"Yeaaa..." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"That's so cute." I smiled hard as shit. He chuckled a little

"I wouldn't trade them for anything."

"What's their names? How old are they? Omgggg they must be so little and cute." I smiled hard and gushed over the idea of kids and babies. I always wanted one.

"Well, Riley's my oldest babygirl. She's 4 and that's my little twin. And Ryan that's my youngest babygirl, she's 2. They really grow fast." He sighed.

"Well, after the divorce would you ever consider having anymore children?"

"What? Of course. Im not stopping until I get two boys."

I laughed. "That's cute."

"Who me? Thanks I know." Wardell popped his collar and I rolled my eyes.

"Someone is feeling themselves." He smirked again and put his hand on my thigh.

Instant sparks flew in the same area his hand touched. I took in a sharp breath. Wardell's hand was softly caressing my thigh while he drove. It was relaxing. I was too used to immediately fucking men I didn't have a call bone in my body when I was with one but somehow I did at the moment.

Another moment of comfortable silence went by and I was watching the city fly by as he drove.

"Would you ever have any kids?" He asked quietly

"Would I? I always wanted a little tribe." I sighed ".... It's just hard finding the right person to get that with."

"I feel you." He went from rubbing my thigh to holding my hand. His hand is so much bigger than mine holding my small one but warm and soft. "...I would never regret having Riley or Ryan but I regret who I had them by."

"Why Is that?" He had a somewhat lost look in his eyes.

"No one knows Ayesha stepped out on our marriage for 2 years straight. Til this day I don't know who the man is and I just don't look at her the same. I tried to put it passed us for the sake of our kids but I'm only making myself suffer."

"Wow. Have you told your family yet?" I rubbed his hand softly trying to help relieve how tense he just became.

"I planned on announcing that I wanted a divorce tonight at the family dinner." He bit the inside of his cheek.

"That's brave of you." I looked at him slightly feeling his pain.

"I just don't know how my family and her family is going to take it."

"Just start them off with how you feel, slowly get into it then say you want a divorce. And if they ask why, then you tell them why but don't put her out like that okay? She has feelings too."

"She didn't care about mine when she started throwing her pussy all over Oakland."

His hands gripped the steering wheel angrily. "You're with me right now. If it makes you angry to speak on the situation you don't have to talk about it. We can talk about other things, okay?"

He nodded, his grip on the wheel loosening. I sighed, " what made you the way you are?" He inquired

I played it stupid. "What do you mean?"

"Oh come on Aminah, don't act dumb. What made you start playing these men, you know? Hit it once and then no more?" I bit my lip

"A lot of things."

"We got another 40 mins to waste." I sighed

"Okay, I uh, I fell in love with someone that I believed loved me only to learn the hard way that he didn't. He used me. He used me, mentally, emotionally, and physically. And I guess I just took it from there." I stared hard at my feet.

Wardell looked at me in wander. "Let me change the deal up a bit."

I gave him a sharp look. "Why?"

"Your story got me thinking."

"I don't want pity Ward-",

" Noooo you gotta hear me out first. Its not pity."

"Fine." I rolled my eyes."

"If I make you cum and all that let me make you mine. Just to show you how a man is supposed to treat you. Its still a commitment thing though."

I looked at him a bit embarrassed. "I mean, I guess."

"Music to my ears." He smirked