

When I got home I saw Ayesha dressing Riley in our bedroom.

She smiled up at me, "Hey how was the gym?" 

I kissed Riley's forehead and smiled back at Ayesha. "It was okay, I had a great workout. I don't know why but I'm in such a great mood."

I grabbed a towel and rushed to the bathroom to shower. It didn't take me long to wash off and put on a quick button up and jeans.

"Hey could you dress Ryan for me while I get ready?" I nodded tiredly.

When I walked into Ryan's room she was sound asleep in her crib. I didn't want to wake my baby girl because she looked so relaxed and peaceful. I slowly, lifted Ryan up. She moved a little and I rocked her while I gently laid her on the changing table.

I swiftly put a little cherry red short sleeve dress and white leggings and her tiny flats. I didn't really know how to do hair, I Always left that up to Ayesha. Again, I picked up Ryan and walked back to the bedroom. I barely worked out in the gym but fucking Aminah's thick ass was a workout in itself. I sat on the bed with Ryan sleeping on my chest and slowly dozed off.

27 minutes later...

"Steph, wake up." Ayesha shook me lightly. She was dressed in a Burgundy dressing pants and a black sheer top to match with stone black heels. She looked pretty. I rubbed my eyes tired as hell and felt my chest quickly.

"Where's Ryan?" I panicked for a moment.

She chuckled. "Right there."

Ryan was on the floor biting one of her toys happily. I sighed, "I thought she was still on my chest."

"I know. But it's time to go before we end up being late." I watched her put on dark purple lipstick.

I got up quickly rubbing my eyes and clearing my throat. Ayesha lifted Ryan off the ground and walked to the mini van. "Riley!"

I heard little footsteps running behind me down the hallway. "Is that my big girl looking so beautiful?"

Riley cheesed up at me happily. "It's me Daddy." She threw her arms around me to hug me closely. I took no time in hugging my baby girl back.

"Cmon baby let's go." I held Riley's hand and we walked to the car.

When I got in the car Ayesha was still fixing Ryan up in her car seat. "Daaaa" Ryan screamed.

"Hey princess." I blew her a big kiss and she cheesed hard.

"Ahhhh I love my babies man." I smiled.

"Take us away Mr. Curry." Ayesha sighed as she got in the car. She didn't have to tell me twice.

We drove  to Ayesha's new restaurant that we currently began having our family dinners at. I sighed knowing I was about to drop a big bomb in the family.

Ayesha held Riley and Ryan's hand and I walked further behind looking for ways to explain my decision. We walked to the back of the place with the private tables. 

Ayesha was the first to greet everyone at the table. Ryan and Riley ran straight to their Grandmother, my mother.

First person that caught my eye was my father. "Wassup pops." I smiled and hugged him for a while. My mother was sitting beside him covering Ryan with kisses. "Hey ma," she waved me off.

I chuckled, she loves my kids more than me nowadays. Seth and Sydel were sitting by her along with Ayesha's two brothers and her parents. Riley didn't want to leave my sister's side.

About halfway into the dinner everyone was finishing their plates while I had barely touched mine. I was too caught up in how I was going to explain this decision to them all.

"Stephen baby are you alright?" My mom stared at me worriedly. I looked up nervously.

"I just don't know how to explain what I'm feeling to you all." I cleared my throat.

I could feel Ayesha's glare and I knew this would be an embarrassing surprise to her.

"What are you trying to say son?" My father's eyes furrowed. It felt as if everyone singled in on me.

"Can someone take my kids out the room?" I sighed and sat back uncomfortably.

"I got you." Ayesha's youngest brother took Riley and Ryan out.

"I don't know how to say it. I feel restrained.... in this, I feel like I'm living a lie and I don't want to feel this way anymore. Matter fact I still feel betrayed and hurt and I don't think I can come back from it." I slowly let the words come out.

"What do you mean? What's making you feel this way?" My mother inquired some more while everyone else at the table had confused looks on their faces.

I glanced at Ayesha who was already letting tears flow and looking down. Before I could say a word, she blurted out, "I stepped out on Wardell and It's marriage about two years ago and I didn't stop until about 4 months ago. He was only staying for the sake of our girls and so he feels restrained as if he's supposed to do that."

Ayesha paused and started crying, she wiped her tears and looked down. "Wardell, I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart for hurting you and hurting our Union. I should've never done what I did and there is no other way I can say sorry. I'm so sorry."

She was hysterically crying and I still didn't even feel bad. Everyone's faces were shocked, astonished, surprised, and all.

I looked down at my hands. "I...., I don't accept your apology."

My mother looked at me disappointed. "Stephen."

"Ma you can't change my mind and you don't know how I feel, or how I've been feeling for months."

"I just hope you guys can move on." My mom sighed annoyed.

"There is no moving on Ma. I uh, want a divorce." I looked away from Ayesha's running makeup and ajar mouth.

I felt awkward with everyone staring at me and judging my decision. "Ayesha get the kids so I can drop you guys home I need time to think."

Seth shook his head. "Bro let me talk to you real quick."

I looked up at him hoping his usual judgy self wouldn't appear at this precise moment.

"Wassup Seth," he pulled me aside.

"Listen I'll take them home for you just go take time to yourself." I nodded.

"Thanks bro." I couldn't be more grateful at the moment.

We walked back to the table and I looked around embarrassedly. "Um, Seth's going to take you and the kids home." I bit my lips while looking at Ayesha.

She seemed hurt, really broken. Her makeup was all over the the place and she couldn't, more like wouldn't look at me. I cleared my throat uneasily.

"Ayesha come here." I always get hurt but I don't like being the one to cause the hurt.

She slowly stood up and followed me outside. When we finally found a quiet place to talk I took out my handkerchief and started wiping her face free of running makeup.

"Dont cry okay?"

Ayesha looked down again. "I just can't help crying Wardell because I know that I'm the reason for all of this. Im scared that the girls won't see you often and I'm scared of a lot of other things. Wardell please don't do this."

Hearing her beg me hurt my feelings a little. "I'm always gonna have love for you Ayesha. We had a long run and two beautiful baby girls. Dont think anything is going to change, okay? I'm always going to be Here and my relationship with you all will never change."

Ayesha started crying harder. I sighed and pulled her in for a hug. "Stop crying girl. You know I love you til the end and beyond."

Ayesha showed a small smile. "Even through all of this you still somehow are the sweetest person ever."

"Ooohhhh girl you making me blush." I smirked and winked at her.

She laughed, but the sweet moment soon came to an end. "Well, I'm going to go home and you know go out for a while to think about things."

Ayesha nodded. "I understand. I'm going to spend the night at my sister's house and send the girls with Sydel."

I nodded, "See you tomorrow?"

She nodded as well. "Tomorrow." I gave her a side hug and jogged to the mini van.

I rushed home, speeding through red lights, and swerving on the highway just to get to Aminah faster. When I reached home I ran upstairs to the room so I could change my clothes. I quickly threw on a white T-shirt and black basketball shorts. I rushed to my Range Rover for this hour and a half drive I have to take to Aminah's house.

Before I drove off, I called her phone and put my phone on speaker. It rang a couple times and she finally answered.

"House of Beauty, this is Cutie. How may I help you?" I chuckled at her sillyness.

"Babygirl it's me."

"I'm sorry who is me?"

"Me is Stephen."

"I'm sorry who is Stephen?"

"Girl stop playing with me" I growled.

"Your name is Wardell, not Stephen."

That was cute, I thought. "Real cute Aminah."

"Boy you think it's a joke?"

"I'm going to ignore that question. What food you want me to pickup?"

"I want Chinese babes and I also want Dick." Hearing Aminah say that already had my little man started.

"Aminah I'm driving." I grunted.

"I could've been riding you right now but nooooo." She said teasingly

I pulled my basketball shorts a little lower because I needed the space down there with how hard I was getting.

"Aminah you need to relax until I get there." I heard her giggle over the phone.

"Or you can help me relax and put me to sleep."

"Fuck." I felt my whole dick get hard, I couldn't even help myself.

"What did I do Daddy? Did I get you hard?"

"I'm gonna hang up the phone now Aminah cause you think somebody's joking with you."

All I heard was her laugh before I hung up. Her voice alone could make me horny as hell.

47 minutes later


There was a hard four knocks at the door and I walked up to the door excited as shit. When I looked through the peephole, Wardell was standing right there.

I opened the door and was immediately pinned against the wall. His lips found mine quickly and he slammed the door shut. He slowly started removing my house dress and sucking on my neck. I immediately got wet from his every touch. His strong hands lifted me up and carried me to the couch.

"You wanna play all those games huh?" He pressed me against the couch and ripped my panties off.

I bit my lip and pulled him closer. "Just give me that dick Wardell." I whimpered

"Nahh you're gonna wait for this dick." I moaned while his fingers played in my wet area.

Wardell's fingers were fucking me crazily. "Ohhhhh yesssss." He went from finger work to mouth work

His tongue played with my clit and I held his head in place. I felt so wet and he was kissing, licking, and sucking in all the right places. My body started shaking. "Ohhhh God Wardell."

I pushed his head further down feeling my orgasm coming. My legs shook uncontrollably and he quickly slid himself inside me missionary style. I shuddered when he got inside me. Subconsciously, I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back a little and he pushed himself forward. Wardell grabbed my legs and held them up to the sides of my face while he pumped fast. I was out of breath begging him to calm down because he was really killing my shit. He started to slow down and stroke slowly. "Fuck." I moaned and he shut me up with a sexy ass tongue kiss. His lips were so juicy and just wet. I was loving it. Wardell grabbed me and spun me over into his favorite position; doggystyle. Wardell slid in hard, deep, and fast which made me run a little. I moved forward and he dragged me back into position. "Don't move." He grunted. I bit my lip and started moaning into the sheets. His strokes were perfect. My whole body wouldn't stop shaking and my vagina was non stop leaking juices. "Ah shit Daddyyyyy." I whimpered.

He heard me whimper and started going faster. "Fuck Wardell." I screamed. I started raising my upper body a bit and he pulled me back into him again. I kept moving away knowing he was bound to make me cum quick. He pushed me down putting all his weight in my back so that I would stay still. I grabbed the sheets knowing he was about to try and make me cum. Wardell started pounding me out non stop, long, deep, super wet, strokes. I grabbed the sheets and felt my legs go extremely weak. I started panting and begging wardell for more. I've never done that to anyone before.

"S-Steph moreee ughhh yesss ff-fuck." I whimpered holding unto the bed sheets tightly for dear life.

He was continuously fucking me from the back with no mercy. I started to feel the low rumble in the pit of my stomach and my breath hitched.

"Wait W-Wardell" I yelled feeling my body go against my will. He ignored me and grunted

"Fuck I'm gonna c-cum..." I moaned. I felt myself tighten around his dick. Wardell hissed and went deeper.

"Oh Goddd" he moaned, his strong hands grabbed on to my waist almost immediately.

My whole body shook violently and I felt my eyes rolled back. I felt this completely amazing high feeling while I came all over him. Wardell went limp on top of me. I knew he came inside me after I did when I felt the warm liquid shoot inside of me.

I slowly laid myself out on the bed tired as hell while he rolled over on his back breathing hard. When I took a glance at him, his eyes were closed and he looked so relaxed.

He sighed and put his hands over his face, "Whatever the fuck you did a while ago that tightening thing shit, that just made me cum in you 1000x harder and faster then I expected. I did not expect that at all."

"Sorry I was trying to make you cum before I did." I laughed.

He smiled, "That shit will get you pregnant. I didnt even have the will power to pull out after that."

"I just can't believe y-you made me cum hard as fuck." I said embarrassed but happy.

"I know." He smirked with his eyes closed.

Before I knew it Wardell was cuddling with me in the spooning position sound asleep.