

I woke up sore and unable to move too much. When my eyes finally fluttered open Wardell was wide awake watching The Good Morning Show.  I took a minute to appreciate his features again. Something I continuously caught myself doing more often.

"Sleeping Beauty is up?" He yawned and turned to the side to look at me.

I nodded, immediately regretting moving my neck. I scrunched my face up and sighed. "What's wrong baby girl?"

"Y-you killed my shit. Im sore as fuck." I watched him annoyed as he busted out in hard laughter.

"You'll be ight." Just then his phone started to ring.

He held up his finger as if to say hold on and answered the phone. "

".. Yeah, ok. Alright, I'm going to give you an address to bring them too. Thanks, Love you too Syd."

He stared at me nervously. "Why the hell you looking at me like that?" I inquired.

"I kind of told my sister to bring the girls here." He scratched his head.

"You serious?"

He nodded.

"Help me I gotta get ready." He laughed

"Nahh you don't. My kids love staying In the bed and chilling."

"Wardell if you don't get your ass up and carry me to the bathroom." I grilled him

"Okay okayyy." He chuckled

About two hours later there was a heavy knock outside my door and Wardell looked at me. I slowly removed my sore ass legs from on top of his lap and watched him strut to the door.

He opened the door quickly holding a huge ass grin. "Are those my baby girls?"

"Hi Daddyyyy!" I heard a soft voice from a little girl yell. While I peeped two tiny hands wrap around his left calf.

A little bit of nervousness rose in me. What if his kids don't like me? Then I had to remind myself that I shouldn't be worried.

My ears perked up when he said. "Thanks Syd."

I heard her say "No problem." And listened as his daughters ran inside my house. The pitter patter of their feet made me long to have my own children.

The same light tiny hands touched my thigh and I snapped my head to the right. There was a little girl with black curly hair holding on to me in attempt to get on the top of the couch. Out of habit I lifted her up onto my lap and she laid her head on my chest. It was the cutest thing. I massaged her head while she was laying on me.

Another little girl ran to the couch as well. She looked exactly like Wardell. "Daddy is this your girlfriend?"

"Riley...." He spoke nervously.

I laughed. "Hi little Miss Riley. I'm Aminah, Daddy's friend." I smiled at the sweet little girl.

Riley made an 'o' shape with her mouth and then gave me a toothy grin.

"Hiiii. Do you like princesses?" She kicked off her flats and climbed on my lap along with her little sister who seemed to fall fast asleep on me in such little time.

Wardell smirked happily seeing us all get along easily. "My girls." He smirked and soothingly rubbed my feet.

About another hour of talking to Riley and watching Disney shows, she also fell asleep on my chest. Both girls were cuddled against me and each other and I was slowly dozing off.

Right when my eyes closed I heard a click of a camera and seen the flash. "Really?" I whispered

"Sorry I was loving the view of my girls." He licked his lips seeing me slowly pull Riley up on my shoulder and doing the same with Ryan.

"Need help?" He chuckled.

"No I got it." I smiled.

Even though I was extremely sore I loved taking care of children with all my heart since I had none. I had Riley asleep on my left side and Ryan on my right. As soon as I reached my bedroom I laid Ryan down gently on the pillow and Riley next. I was quick to kiss their cheeks, change their clothes and cover them with blankets.

When I turned around Wardell was standing in the door way with his arms crossed just watching me.

"You stalker." I laughed. He backed out the door as I slowly closed it.

Wardell grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close. He used his big hands to grip my ass and kissed my lips.

"You know you're mine now right?" He smirked.

"For now." I rolled my eyes.

"No Aminah, until this divorce is over. Maybe even until we feel like it's done." He bit his lip and looked at me.

"I'm bad at commitment but I'm going to try. I promise." Wardell hugged me close.

"So when you popping out one of my kids?" He smiled a toothy grin.

"Boy I'm not popping out any kids until I'm stable everywhere." I laughed.

"With me you'll always be stable Aminah."

"I don't like depending on people." I glanced at his pretty green eyes.

"You don't have to depend on me. Just let me help you until you're fully on your feet. We have a deal or no?"

"Fine." I sighed annoyed. ".....Anyways I want to start cooking in case they're hungry when they wake up."

"You're so wife material. So glad you're my girlfriend." He smirked.

"You feel so hype." I shook my head laughing.

"Yes I doooo baby." He smacked my ass while I walked to the kitchen.

Wardell sat down watching the game while I began to season the chicken and start the rice. I decided to make some animal shaped macaroni and chicken nuggets and salad. About halfway into my cooking Wardell ran into the kitchen.

"I forgot to tell you their mother prefers for them to eat healthy." I laughed at him.

"They're kids. In my presence they eat anything regular kids eat and they will always eat real food when they are with me Soooo."

Wardell smiled. "I like that idea."

Just as I finished cooking I heard footsteps upstairs. I decided to go up there because I realized they were finally awake.

When I got upstairs it was only baby Ryan walking around confused. She looked so cute wobbling toward me with outstretched hands.

"Hiii Mommasss" I cooed and kissed her cheek. She was in her white onesie and white socks cuddled up against me.

I carried her downstairs and fixed her a plate of macaroni and cheese with chicken nuggets. I made sure she sat in my lap and I fed her til she couldn't eat no more. Ryan loved the chicken nuggets. I don't see how her mother didn't spoil the girls with junk food every once in a while. There's nothing wrong with that.

"Yesss baby." She smiled at me happy and attempted to kiss me.

I let her kiss me on my lips and I heard another camera click. "Wardell I am going to kill you." I glared at him

"Can you feed me first." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes annoyed. "You got two hands and feet and you know where the kitchen is."

I lifted Ryan up and put her on my hip. "Its shower time baby." I smiled at her.

I took her to the bathroom and washed her up. Just as I was drying her off Riley walked in the bathroom rubbing her eyes.

"Aminah I gotta pee."

"Ok babygirl." I moved Ryan to my left hip and helped situate Riley on the toilet.

She quickly used the bathroom and I assisted her in washing her hands. "Are you hungry Ri?"

She nodded quickly. "Ok baby let me dress your sister then I'm going to get you some food okay?"

She nodded again and followed me to my bedroom. Riley watched as I lotioned her sister and put on a new onesie and socks.

I put Ryan down to run around and held Riley's hand until we reached the kitchen. I fixed her some nuggets and macaroni and she are it up and even asked for more. For healthy kids they bussed this food down real quick.

While Riley ate, I ate and Ryan sat and watched Wardell play the ps4 in my room. She fed me nuggets and I fed her mine. We just talked about barbies and other stuff she liked and at one point she surprised me.

"Are you going to be my new mommy?"

My face went red and I smiled at her sweet little self. "You know Riley, I wish I can. But you already have a Mommy babygirl."

She wrinkled her nose in thought and pouted after. "But me and Ryan never see her. She always brings us to Auntie's house and goes to see New Daddy."

I nearly choked on my juice. "She does this everyday?" I questioned.

She nodded. "Then my Daddy comes home after we get home."

I ran my hand through my hair in surprise. "I will gladly be your new mommy Riley."

She jumped up excited and threw her small frame on me. "Yayyyy." I smiled at her

But deep down in my mind I was worried for these girls. Their mother has been neglecting them for a man. I needed to talk to Wardell about this.

"C'mon Riley it's bath time baby."

She jumped up and followed me. "Okay Mommy."

The fact that she called me Mommy brought a weird feeling to my stomach. But nevertheless I kind of loved it.

After I gave Riley a shower, both her and Ryan had another hour or two of playtime before bed. Moments later I fixed Ryan a quick warm bottle of milk as Riley snuggled on Wardell's chest all tired out. She was a daddy's girl but Ryan preferred a woman's touch. She followed behind me everywhere I walked in the kitchen until her bottle was ready.

Ryan laid on my right shoulder drinking her bottle while I rocked her.  Her calm and quiet demeanor soothed me. I kept rubbing her back until she fell sound asleep against me.

Taking care of these girls truly had me wishing I had a child. I sighed just taking a moment to hold Ryan close. Then again I heard another click of ac camera.

"I'm honestly getting annoyed with you and these pictures at this point." I turned around and stared Wardell down.

He smiled. "Aminah I can't help it. You just mesmerize me soooo much and seeing you with my girls just makes it better. Shit I'm debating if I should get you pregnant." He laughed at the thought.

I smiled a little. "I'm going to put Ryan in bed, when I come out we need to talk."

"Okay my love." He licked his lips.

I quickly went upstairs and put Ryan to bed. When I came back downstairs he was sitting on the couch screaming at the TV.

"Wardell they can't hear you." I chuckled.

"Come here." He motioned with his hand.

I walked over and straddled him blocking his view of the game. "I've been wanting dick all day." I bit my lip.

He grabbed my waist while I grinded on him slowly. I watched him lick his lips. He looked so good, I felt myself get wet immediately. His pretty green eyes seemed to get darker and his basketball shorts tighter.

Wardell pulled at my shorts and I hissed. "But Wardell I needed to tell you something important."

"Right now?" He quickly removed my shirt and unhooked my bra.

"Yes it's about your children and Ayesha." I moaned while he took both my nipples into his mouth.

"Can't that wait until tomorrow? " he growled quickly snaking his fingers into my shorts.

He rubber my wet pearl eagerly. "Ohhh fuck. Wardell noooo it can't wait." I bit my lip

"It's going to have to wait Aminah." He flipped Me over and pulled my shorts off.

Wardell positioned himself at my entrance and I felt myself getting soaked. "Don't fucking move." He held me still.

"But Ward-"

He pushed his length all the way inside me quickly. The feeling of him inside me took every thought I had away.