New To This


I woke up slumped across Wardell butt ass naked wrapped in his arms like a baby. He was snoring lightly in my hair. When I looked at the clock it was about 7am.

I tapped Wardell's shoulder profusely. He finally woke up a bit and stared at me tiredly. His eyes were just so pretty.

"Babes you got practice at 10:45."

"Shit." He looked at the time. "Get the girls ready for me and you get ready too." He groaned.

I got up quickly. Since the girls had baths last night I would just wash them up real quick. I took myself to the shower and washed up quickly. Wardell was In the other bathroom getting ready. When I Came out Ryan was up.

Her tiny feet approached me quickly along with a small pout. "Maaaamy."

The sound of her saying it warmed my heart. "Hiiii shnookumsss." I cooed and lifted her into my arms.

She wrapped her tiny arms around me and laid her head on my shoulder. I guess she's still tired or whatever. It took me no time to make my way to the kitchen and prepare a bottle for her.

Wardell was in the kitchen cooking some breakfast in his boxers. "That was quick."

"What?" He glanced at me for a moment before returning his eyes to the eggs in the pan.

"That shower." I laughed

He walked over to me and laid a kiss on Ryan's cheek then pecked my lips. "Good Morning to you too."

"So what's the plan for today Mr. Curry?"

"Welllll...," he scraped the eggs onto a plate quickly and whipped out the bacon.

"...Either you can stay home with the kids until I get back. Orrrr you all can come and watch me practice. Or do whatever you want for the day until I'm back. Your choice." He shrugged stuffing a forkful of eggs in his mouth.

I rubbed my fake beard. "Do you think its appropriate for me to go outside with them? Yknow? Cause media and stuff?" I asked a bit concerned

"In my eyes I don't care. The media is gonna say what they want." I nodded

"So I can take them to the park down the block?"

"You can take them to Timbuktu. It don't matter cause I trust you baby." He smacked my ass and dipped up the stairs.

I smirked.

30 minutes later

Wardell came down the stairs and into the living room. He was wearing a black and neon green under armour basketball shorts and a Gsw t shirt.

"I'll be back in 5 hours. 6 the most my love." He kissed my forehead and I pouted.

"Can we drive you Daddy?" Riley pouted for a little.

Wardell scratched the back of his head. "Sure babygirl let me get your clothes on."

I watched him rush upstairs with Riley to put on her clothes. Ryan was already ready but I needed to get ready as well.

I rushed up the stairs behind them and threw on Wardell's black shirt from last night. It smelled so good just like him. Then I quickly pulled on my leggings and my black roshies. (However you spell it)

It took me about 5 mins to put my curly hair into a quick messy bun and meet Wardell and the girls downstairs. I grabbed one of my small purses and put my phone, charger, keys, and a lot of money in it.

"Drive for me baby." He threw the keys at me and scooped up Ryan in his arms.

I looked at him a little unsure. "You really want me to drive your car?"

"Yours doesn't have their car seats so I don't believe you gotta choice Aminah." He laughed

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Ok Bossman."

He put Ryan in her seat with ease and strapped her in carefully. The little girl seemed so tired I felt a little bad. Riley hopped in her seat wanting me to buckle her in and so I did. "Thank you Mommy."

I looked at Wardell awkwardly and he shrugged and smiled. "Your welcome baby."

I pranced around to the driver's side of the car giddy as fuck to drive the Range Rover. Wardell got in and turned on some music while I started up the car.

"Mommy." Riley sang

"Yessss my love."

"Can we watch Daddy practice?"

I looked at Wardell. "Yes Daddy? No Daddy?" I laughed.

He shrugged, "It's up to you Aminah. You're Mommy not me." He smirked.

"Yeaa Riley we can watch."

"Yayyyy." She threw her tiny fists up in the air excited.

"But for only about an hour or two." She kept her big old cute smile on her face.

"Awww shes just so cute omgg." I chuckled in the rearview mirror.

"You should let me give you a baby." Wardell whispered.

My heart jumped a little at the thought. He is such a great father to his kids. Why not?

"I don't know about that." I bit my lip still thinking about it.

"You will soon when I get ya ass pregnant." He put his hand on my inner thigh and rubbed it calmly with his thumb.

"What if I do end up like that...?" I looked at him a bit embarrassed.

"Then I'll be the happiest man alive." He slowly let his hand travel to my lower lips.

"Wardell." I said anxiously.

He didn't reply and just slipped his fingers in my leggings happily. My eyes didn't lose focus on the rode no matter how soaked I was becoming. But my moans however, I has to keep concealed.

Ryan was knocked out and Riley was dozing off. We had about another 20 minutes before we reached his home court. "Godddd Wardell." I let out a shaky breath at the red light.

For the little time I had I closed my eyes and grabbed his hand. My whole body shook and I was so close to my orgasm. "Shit..."

I grabbed Wardell's hand as my whole body reacted unexpectedly. He used his other hand to choke me a little and Kiss my lips.

"You look so fucking good when I please you." He groaned and grabbed at his shorts.

I slowly opened my eyes to the green light and stepped on the gas. "Don't do that again." I said shakily.

He smirked anyways. "I do what I want Aminah. And I want you."

We pulled into the Home Court parking lot and I stared at Wardell excited.

"Does this mean I get to go meet Greene? and ohhh my goshhh Can I meet Igoudala and Coach Kerr?" I jumped up like a kid at the candy store.

"No, noooo, & hell no." He laughed.

"Not funny." I said immediately turning back to the wheel.

"You can meet them after practice when the girls are with their Aunt."

My eyes litt up immediately. "Yessssss!" I smirked.

"I'm going to give you Sydel's address. She knows you're coming in like a few minutes."

I nodded. "....but the girls and I wanted too see you practice. " I said confused

"Aminah you're the only one awake." He laughed.

"Ohhh right." I looked at him then looked at the girls, then back at him and chuckled.

"You'll see Me In a good half an hour sweating and shit."

"Sounds appealing to the eye." I licked my lips.

He watched my lips intently. "You not allowed to do that shit outside." He said seriously

"Wait huh? What?" I cocked my head to the side.

"You are not allowed to lick your lips outside." His face was so straight.

"Why?" I laughed.

"Because my dick just got hard. And I know other niggas would get hard too."

I looked at him and laughed hard as shit. "Wardell it ain't that serious."

He rolled his eyes. "We got here really early. Let's take the girls to Sydel's house." I nodded and put the key in it's ignition.

Another 40 minutes later...

Sydel answered the door in a light flowy dress with sandals. "Hey guys." She hugged Wardell and hugged me.

"Wassup Syd." He smirked handing over Riley

"So she's the lucky girl that has my brother's and my nieces' hearts."

I blushed hard as ever and looked at Wardell who's face was redder than an apple.

"I guess." I chuckled.

"I've got to say you are way prettier than Ayesha & you seem a lot more down to earth."

"I don't know if I should say thank you or stay quiet." I laughed a little.

"Girl I don't judge. Besides I'm the only one in this whole family that knows what's going on with big bro."

I looked up at Wardell and he looked away from me quickly. "Everything like what?"

"Everything like how he wants to give you every good thing in the world because he believes that you deserve it. But I'm not gonna say too much I'm gonna let you figure the rest out." She said as we followed her upstairs.

Wardell walked closely behind the both of us as quiet as ever. I laid Ryan down the same time as she laid Riley down on her bed.

"Would you like something to drink? Eat maybe? Since you guys got time before yall leave?"

"Sure I'll take some Lemo- you need to shut ya mouth -made." Wardell smiled at her.

Sydel glared at him. "From what you told me I like her so I'm not shutting my mouth." She stuck her tongue at Wardell.

"Anyways Aminah. I'm Sydel, your new bestfriend." She smiled laughing.

"Youre so adorable." I laughed with her.

"Seeeeee she loves me." She stuck her tongue out at Wardell again and he rolled his eyes.

"Your 'bestfriend' and I gotta go." He said annoyed.

"Ohhh you think imma say more than I should don't you?"

Wardell seemed so nervous at the fact that Sydel's mouth was running a mile a minute.

"I prefer that you don't." He said a bit aggravated.

"Ah cmon big bro lighten up. I'm just fucking w ya...." She shrugged.

".....Anyways have a safe practice. Dont fuck up and don't fuck down." She hugged Wardell and they did a cute little handshake before we stepped out the door.

Sydel closed the door lightly and I followed Wardell to the car. He seemed a bit embarrassed by Sydel.

"Your face is so red." I laughed hysterically at him

He glanced at me for a second and shrugged. "She talks too damn much."

He looked so annoyed it was cute. I put my hand on his arm trying to help him relax. "It's okay and I think it's cute that you think of me that way."

His face went red again. "Can we not talk about this." He seemed a little stressed already.

"Ohhh, okay." I went quiet quickly and watched as he drove toward the highway.

The drive was silent and uncomfortable. Wardell was gripping the steering wheel so hard and I couldn't understand how he could be so mad at those playful words. His focus kept shifting from the road to me every once in a while.

"Sorry I brushed you off like that." He loosened his grip on the wheel.

"Its okay." I spoke quietly.

"No it's not. I'm sorry it's just that she says the wrong things at the wrong times. And I get offended quick."

He pulled into the parking lot and parked right next to his bestfriend's car. "My main man is here."

"Klay Thompson?" I said getting excited.


"Ohhhh my Gosh can we go in?" I said impatiently.

"Under one condition."

"Which is?"

"My dick is hard." He looked at me.

"Nothing that can't be tamed." I shrugged unbuckling my seat belt and smirking.