

         The past couple of days have been awkward between Wardell and I. The girls were with their mother for the next few days and we were finally alone again in the house. Yet, I still felt completely alone.

        Whenever I got to have a conversation with him he'd brush it off and avoid speaking on his feelings. It worried me. I knew I didn't react well, according to the way he's acting but I knew I didn't deserve this treatment. All he been doing is fucking me, going to practice and hitting the gym this whole week. The girls weren't around so our time hasn't been occupied. But he couldn't even look me in the eyes. Since he had no intentions of speaking on the situation I spent my time cooking, trying new things and reading alone. The fridge was full and I resorted to baking.

"Wardell...," I spoke softly as he yelled at the TV along with Klay and Andre.

"Wassup Mina?" He looked at me nervously almost as if he didn't want to stare too long.

"I was wondering if you guys wanted anything in particular that you want me to cook?" I shrugged.

Wardell shook his head at me and returned to watching the game. However, Klay smiled at me and responded. "I could use a little something in my stomach. What you got in mind?" I smiled at him for showing me some sort of attention.

"I can show you what I've got in the kitchen and you can think of something you'd like?" I raised my eyebrow at him and not my lip fighting the urge to want to fuck him.

Andre stared at the actions going between the two of us and laughed a little at a very jealous Wardell. His hand was tight around the remote and I smirked knowing it was bothering him. Wardell glared at Klay from where he was sitting and I chuckled a little to myself. Klay seemed stuck on what he should do and I decided to take it upon myself to make Wardell even more jealous. "Aww come on Klay, Wardell isn't going to kill you I'm just making you something to eat." I laughed

He awkwardly shrugged at Wardell and followed me into the kitchen. I smirked to myself and took out some raw beef. "How does hamburgers sound ?"

Klay sat across from the island and nodded. "Sounds about right." I watched his eyes focus on my chest and I knew it was the perfect moment to begin to seduce him.

No matter how I tried, once I was wet I needed something to take that feeling away. Klay bit his lip and looked away while I stared at him attempting to intimidate him. "You forgot the rest of the ingredients." He slickly chuckled trying to get me to do what I said I would.

I licked my lips at him and smirked. " ...you're right."

I bent all the way over and removed the lettuce, tomatoes, ketchup, onions, and other necessary ingredients I needed. Klay watched my big T-shirt raise up a bit as I stood back up. "Like what you see Mr. Thompson?" I smiled and laid the things on the table.

Klay quickly put his hands in his lap. "I think I should go finish watching the game." He but his lip and stood up.

From where I was standing his lil man was hard. I smirked knowing I was taunting him and he knew better.

Wardell scurried into the kitchen almost immediately after Klay took his original seat on the couch. He pushed me against the fridge quickly and

Checked my neck for any love bites and slightly lifted my T-shirt and checked every part of me. "He didn't touch you right?" His paranoid thoughts were getting the best of him.

"Why do you care ?" I rolled my eyes and turned around, returning to seasoning the meat.

Wardell groaned and propped himself on the counter. "Cause you're mine. What kind of question is that?" He stAred at me intensely.

"With the way you're treating me, it's a very great question." I scoffed.

Wardell sighed and hopped off the counter. " How fucking Ironic Aminah..." he strutted back toward the couch with a aggravated look on his face.

I groaned and placed both my hands on the counter. I hated emotional shit, how can you be upset over me not responding to how you feel, the same way? I pounded the meat with my hands angrily And shaped them into small circles. Upset was an understatement, I never exactly knew how to handle a man in a relationship, I only knew how to treat them as best as I could. Emotions weren't my forte.

I whipped out the biggest frying pan I could find and placed it on the stove. All of my hamburger meat had been shaped into a circle and were waiting to be cooked. Aggravated was a complete understatement. Wardell had me irritated to the fullest. I angrily chucked the meat into the hot oiled pan earning a lick of hot oil on my wrist.

"Shittt." I screamed. I quickly ran my arm under the pipe and rolled my eyes.

Wardell rushed into the kitchen a couple seconds after I yelled. "Baby are you okay?" His face held so much concern and he lightly held my arm to check out the small burn.

"I'm fine." I sighed. He stared at me for a minute before rubbing some vaseline on the burn and covering it with a small bandaid.

"Be careful... okay?" He rubbed the bandaid on the burn to reassure that it would stick then kissed my forehead.

I nodded my head silently. It was honestly adorable how he still made sure I was okay and still cared for me even in the heat of an argument. I never had that from anyone. It made my heart warm a bit.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" He looked around the kitchen checking for anything he could do. How could I stay mad at him?

"No babe. I'm okay, go enjoy the game." I chuckled and patted his back. He looked around again and nodded. I gently placed the patty's in the pan and watched them fry. In the mean time I readied my pressure cooker to make wings and fries.

It took no time to finish making the whole meal. The boys had finished watching the game and were debating on what movie they wanted to watch. Of course, I had no say being that it was a boys night. I quickly made everyone a plate with a lot of food. These basketball players eat a lotttttt.

Just as the movie was starting I gave the boys' their plates and placed all the extra stuff on the table buffet style.

I grabbed My plate and started to head upstairs when Andre called for me. "Where you going?..."

Wardell looked up just as confused. "....you're not gonna join us?" Klay added on.

I laughed nervously, "I don't want to interrupt you guy's night. You know?" I awkwardly shrugged.

"Baby get over here and sit with me....." Wardell chimed in. "...you're not interrupting a thing."

I shyly walked over to the end of the couch where Wardell sat and took a seat beside him. We were all getting into the movie. It was so fun to see another side of Wardell when he's having a great time. A couple of hours later, it was eventually time for Klay and Andre to go home to their families. But it was honestly real nice having them here.

"Goodnight guys." I waved at them from the door as Wardell walked them to the driveway.

Moments later he was in the kitchen helping me clean up. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. Wardell was washing the dishes and I found myself cleaning off the stove and the counters. It was uncomfortable for a while before I decided to break the silence.

"Wardell.... it's not that I don't love you." I sighed and placed the washcloth down on the counter.

He ignored me and continued to wash the dishes. He even started humming to ignore me. It irritated me that I was trying to talk this out and he was acting like a child. I sighed. "Fine."

I threw the washcloth in the sink and stomped my way upstairs. If he wanted to act like that then that's what we'll do. I took a quick shower and came out to see Wardell in bed watching the news. Him being near me at the moment, irked the shit out of me. I readied myself for bed quickly and wasted no time getting under the covers and turning my back toward him.

After a few minutes I could feel myself getting tired. It's been a long day of getting ignored by Wardell and i just didn't exactly have the energy for it anymore. Just as I closed my eyes it felt like I had to open them back up.

Not even a full fifteen minutes of sleep passed by and Wardell was in between my legs with his mouth connected to my area. I didn't want him to move though. He was licking my clit so slowly and it felt so good.

"W-what are you doinggg?" I moaned and pushed his head further into my vagina. I couldn't help that I was long overdue for some special treatment.

Wardell held my legs wide open as his wet tongue slid against my wet mound viciously. The direct contact from his tongue to my clit had me going crazy.

"Oh Godddd....," I moaned, letting myself relax. My body shook at the intense feeling as my breathing became faster. He wasn't letting up and I wasn't complaining.

It felt as if he were stroking my happy spot repeatedly with no mercy. I felt the low rumbling in my stomach as he sucked on my juices and ran his tongue along my folds faster then the first couple of times.

"Ohhh shittt Wardell, d-don't stop." I threw my head back in pure ecstasy and grinding my hips against his face.

The need to cum was getting unbearable as he brought me closer to climax.  Wardell Licked faster and fasterrrr as I pushed his head closer to my clit.

"Right thereeee..." I moaned loudly and grabbed a hold of his hand that had found its way to my breast.

"Baby I need you to cum for me, all in my mouth." He grunted and spoke against my clit making me shiver.

After another minute of a combination of slow and fast licks I felt my body giving out on me. Wardell grabbed my neck, choking me as my body shivered and I whimpered from his sweet licks.

"Fuckkk... Baby I- I'm cumming." I moaned and let it all go.

Wardell slurped up what was left of my juices and laid a soft kiss on my clit. "Thank you for the food today  Amiyah. It was great."

I tiredly watched him pull my panties up and pull me into his chest. "Y-your welcome." I was so confused.

He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him so he could cuddle me. I didn't have the energy to ask about what all of that was for. I was too tired and way to content with my happy ending to ruin it now. In a matter of seconds I was fast asleep in the crook of his neck.