Hard To Believe


      I woke up this morning happier then ever. I know I caught Aminah off guard last night but I was too excited to care. While we were cleaning up the kitchen I heard her somewhat explain herself before she took off. She basically said she's in love with me, it just didn't come out direct.

Aminah was sleeping deeply in the crook of my neck. Her soft breaths and small moans were music to my ears. Even in the midst of a disagreement I always love her being near me. It was never like this with Ayesha. Aminah made everything better.

I slightly shook her head, changing my position underneath her but she moved closer to me and her grip got tighter. In a few seconds, I was caught in a smothering embrace. Aminah had her leg locked with mine and her hand tucked comfortably around my neck. We were both laid up entirely on my side of the bed. I mean you got to have some type of love to be sleeping like this. I smiled to myself and let out a deep breath. It was obvious she has love for me. I mean look at the thousands of things she's always doing for me in the small amount of time we've been together.

Aminah cleared her throat and tilted her head up a little before moving her hand to my chest. I wanted to wake her up but then again I didn't want to disturb her. We were going to be able to have Riley today for a couple of hours before she returned to her mother. I softly removed her head from my shoulder and scooted a pillow in place of my head. Then I moved her hand onto the pillow as well.

As soon as I sat up and began to move her thick ass leg from around me, she woke up. "W..what was that for?"

She blinked profusely and yawned before turning her body to the other side. Her burgundy lace panties peeked at me from under the sheets and I couldn't help but stare.

"What was what for?" I chuckled and ran my hands up her legs.

She swatted me away, too tired to really get me to leave her alone. Aminah pushed a couple strands of hair out of her face and wrapped herself around the long pillow. "You know what I'm talking about."

"I don't." I kissed her forehead and stood up to stretch.

"You gave me licks last night. Weren't you upset with me? How did all of that happen?"

Aminah had this cute perplexed face as she stared at me Standing at the foot of the bed. I took a moment to admire how beautiful she is and I just smiled.

"Babyyy you are a sight to see right now." I licked my lips and sat back down to rub her feet.

She grilled me confused. "I don't understand."

"You don't understand how beautiful you are? Whatttt? You're kidding right?" I stared at her for a moment avoiding every question she threw.

Aminah groaned and rolled her eyes before throwing the sheets off of her. "You're annoying me right now."

I laughed and yanked her small feet toward me. Her whole body came to me as I pulled her to the edge of the bed. "Lemme taste you again."

Aminah quickly sat up and swatted my hands away. "No Wardell." She sighed and pulled up my shirt she had on.

"Cmon Aminah..." I bit my lip and started leaving kisses all on her thighs. She smirked a bit and pushed my head away.

"Wardell... we need to get ready for Riley." She gestured towards the bathroom.

"So you're suggesting shower sex?" She glared at me and I chuckled. "....no? Okayyyy if you say soooo.."

2 hours later....,

Ayesha knocked on the door almost as soon as Aminah and I finished eating. I watched my babygirl clean the dishes and guided myself to the door. Through the screen door I could see Riley hopping up and down all excited. It warmed my heart.

As soon as I opened the door, Riley yelled, "Daddy I missed you so much."

I scooped her small body up in my arms and laid a thousand kisses all over her face. Riley giggled in unstoppable laughter as Ayesha stood there annoyed. I set Riley down next to me and kissed her forehead. "Baby go say hi to Mommy."

Riley smirked in even more excitement. She patted Ayesha's leg and smiled again. "Bye Esha."

Within a minute Riley disappeared in search of Aminah. Ayesha stared at me up and down like she wanted me. "I don't like you looking at me like that. It's disrespectful."

"So now I can't admire what was mine?" She rolled her eyes and threw Riley's bag at my chest.

"..... You're so full of it Wardell."

I chuckled and bit my lip. "I didn't mean to come off like that. Anyways how you been?"

"I've been okay. I'm going to move out soon so eventually I might have to leave the girls here for a bit."

"Cool. Cool." I stuffed my hands in my shorts and looked away awkwardly. Ayesha cleared her throat and nodded.

"I still love you you know..." she whispered.

My thoughts did a quick spiral and my head shot up. "Ayesha now is not the time for all of this."

"I know, I just-"

"I think you should go."

Ayesha closed her mouth almost immediately and looked at her feet. Without a word she held back her tears and scurried away. To be brutally honest, I didn't feel not a bit of guilt.

I shut the door and let out a deep breath. Aminah was in the kitchen with Riley all snuggled in her chest crying. I watched as she laughed a little and wiped Riley's tears.

"I missed you way more Peanut & you're here now so don't cry." Riley nodded still refusing to let Aminah go.


"Aawww two of my girls. I love it." He chuckled. Wardell and I suggested we find some things Riley could do in her spare time to take her mind off of all the set changes going on in her life right now. Wardell and I talked about It and his mother suggested horse riding classes since we were the ones who got her addicted to animals. In the middle of family time with my little girl and loving boyfriend, I got a message from an unknown number.

From : Unknown Number

"Hey, it's Tristan. Sorry it took me so long to text you. What you up too?"

I stared at my phone for a while trying to remember a Tristan?

To: Unknown Number

"Sorry um I don't really remember, try to jog my memory?" I sighed a bit annoyed with myself and my short termed memory.

From : Unknown Number

It's Tristan Thompson from the Cleveland Cavaliers... your new best friend, lol.

I laughed at his light joke that he used to start up conversation but in all honesty I didn't want to speak to him at all. I didn't want to miss a moment with Riley before her poor excuse of a mother took her from me again.

"Mommy?" Riley left Wardell's lap and climbed into mine.

"Hey Peanut..., you're so pretty babygirl." I complimented her and played in her tiny blonde curls.

"Can you do my hair?..." she pulled at her small bun at the top of her head. "... it's been really really itchy and I don't want this puff no more."

I immediately made up my face and pulled the ponytail out of its hold. What I saw was disgusting. Riley's pretty curls were drowning in dry scalps and piled up gel and grease. No wonder her head was continuously itchy and annoying her.

I sighed disappointed in how Ayesha made it seem like she cared for them but didn't. I glared at Wardell and he caught my stare.

"You see this right ?" I angrily looked through her tiny head. Wardell sat up aggravated and watched me comb through Riley's knotted and dirty hair.

"Come on Peanut we've got to wash your hair now so that it won't itch." I suggested.

While I had Riley in the tub I ran shampoo through her hair a million times and scrubbed her scalp until my fingers hurt. After a quick deep condition I dressed her and braided her hair so that Ayesha couldn't leave her head unattended for what seemed like forever.

Time with Riley had gone by so fast I didn't even remember that her mother would be picking her up so early. Right after she finished eating there was a hard couple of knocks on the door.

Wardell gave me a warning look not to do anything stupid but I couldn't help myself. "So you really think shit like that is okay you careless bitch?"

Ayesha looked a-taken back by my sudden anger on her. "W-wowww if hitting on Wardelllll gets you this mad, I sh-should do it more often." She chuckled dragging out some of her words.

It was obvious that she was drunk. Wardell's first action was to send Riley upstairs so she didn't have to witness us arguing.

"Babe leave it alone, alright ?" He sighed pulling me back from the door.

However, that's when we noticed a man in the passenger seat side of Ayesha's car. "Ayesha you better not have my kids around no man that won't plan to do better for you and them."

"Ayesha hurry yo ass up so we can fuck." The young man blurred out from the car. My heart sunk when I heard Ryan crying in the back of the car.

She looked back at the car then grinned in our faces. "Wardelllll h-hurry up and get myyyy child." She burped and held on to the door.

I could see the anger in him rise. Riley came back downstairs in a panic when she heard her mother yelling. "Hiii Riley baby. Let's go."

My blood boiled at the thought of her driving recklessly with Ryan in the car and her being drunk. I quickly pushed passed Ayesha and stormed to the car faster then Wardell could catch me.

Ayesha grilled me hard, throwing a heel at me and missing. "Bitch these are my kids. Y-you can't replace me homewreckerrrrr." She laughed and rushed behind me.

The man in the car got out quickly and blocked me from getting to Ryan. "Excuse me sir." I urged him to get out of my way.

The man didn't move, he just looked me up and down like I was a piece of meat. "To think that you were the one I stole from Wardell, shitttt I should've taken your fine ass."

My eyes went wide when I realized who was speaking. I looked up and saw Seth, his own brother, still eyeing me like a lion staring at a piece of raw meat. My heart froze quickly as Wardell speeded out of the house like it was nothing. Even I didn't stop him as he beat the shit out of him in front of Ryan, Riley and I. Who could really blame him?