Responsible Pt.2


   After Wardell's departure from the house I took another shower. Even though we weren't supposed to be fucking I couldn't help my self. When Tristan made me cum like that, I needed more. I still needed something to get off. I had to promise myself it wouldn't happen again. I grabbed the girls lunches and bolted to the car. My bouncy straightened hair dropped in front of my face as I buckled myself in. Canon was in the back sleeping peacefully.

  The drive to the girls' school was approximately an hour long. The whole time baby boy slept peacefully until I had to place him in the carrier sling. He got fussy before he calmed down again against my chest. I grabbed the two lunch boxes and took my time walking toward the entrance. To my surprise, it was really quiet. A random teacher met me at the front smiling brightly.

"Hi who are you here for?" She chuckled peeking at Canon who was asleep again snuggled in my chest.

"I'm looking for Ms. Breland, and Mrs. Woe's classroom." I asked as politely as I could.

"Breland is on the third floor and Woe down the hall of the second. Your first door on the left." She smiled at me as I thanked her. As I walked through the hall I could see what a good school this was. It was huge and spacious and every accomplishment was plastered on the wall for everyone to see. It didn't take too long for me to reach Mrs. Woe's class first.

When I peeked inside the classroom, Ryan had a blue crayon clutched tightly in her small hand. She seemed to be working hard on coloring in the lines. A huge smile grew on my face to see her trying her best at school the same way she did at home. Her teacher caught me staring and waved at me to come in. I embarrassedly shook my head no and waited for her to come to me. Mrs. Woe smiled softly at me and greeted me with so much kindness, I took a liking to her right away.

"Hi, can I help you?" She smiled kindly.

"Hi, I'm uh.. here to drop off Ryan's lunch. She forgot it at home and I didn't want her to go hungry." My face reddened at my little white lie and the embarrassment of her not knowing who I was.

"I'm sorry, I believe we've never met. I'm not sure if I can give her that lunch you brought here. Are you on the list of people that can come here for the Currys?" I twisted up my face feeling annoyed almost immediately.

"I'm pretty sure I'm not on the list but I'm not here to pick them up or anything. I'm just here to drop off their lunch." I scoffed.

"Sorry Ms., I'll have to take you to the principal's office. I have nothing against you, I believe you, however, it's school's policy to check in with the parents."

"Do we really have to go through all of that nonsense? I can just call Wardell on my phone and have him tell you. Ain't that enough? I got things to do." I groaned. The teacher bit her lip nervously and shook her head no.

"Sorry you'll have to deal with the principal ma'am. His office is In the front where you came in." She shrugged. Mentally, I'd already fucked her up for this extra bullshit she was carrying on about.

On my way back to the front of the school, I saw two men in the hallway having a laugh and small talk. For a moment, they both watched me as if I was a deer and they were lions. It made me put a pep in my step being that I wasn't here with Wardell. The waiting room by the office had a small tv with the news playing. From the looks of it, Wardell was going to have a game really soon. Canon moved around against my chest, getting comfortable all over again. Just then, the same two men were in the waiting room along with me. The secretary walked in catching the dirty looks they gave me and clocked them both in their heads.

"What did I tell you guys about staring at a lady like that? It's uncomfortable, have some respect." Her small gesture made me laugh and the guys both glared at her.

She was something else, short and ferocious like me. My eyes widened as she made her way over to me. When she was finally In front of me she bent over slowly and smiled. Her mocha skin was so pretty and her eyes were too. The men behind her continued their conversation while her bubbly personality rubbed off on me.

"Wow you're gorgeous." I looked at her amazed. Her pretty white teeth shone brightly after I complimented her. Even though I couldn't see, I'm sure she was blushing under that pretty skin of hers.

"You're gorgeous as well. Sorry, I don't mean to rush you but are you here to see someone?" She chuckled trying to hold back her smile.

"One of your teacher's sent me to the principal's office so I can call a parent to put my name on some damn list. All I did was bring the girls' lunch, I did not know it was this complicated." I rolled my eyes annoyed. The pretty mocha skinned secretary giggled at my annoyance and nodded.

"Trust me girl, I feel you. Give me a moment okay? Im sure you'd rather deal with me instead of those drooly mouth white men. They're always gawking over a black woman when they see one." She whispered causing me to snicker and sending us both in a fit of laughter. I nodded and watched as she went to speak to the taller man standing by her desk.

After the two exchanged a couple of words and glances, she followed him into the principal's office. It was safe to assume he was the actual principal since the other stared me down for a while before heading into the vice principal's office. In a couple of minutes she came out with a binder and sat next to me while searching through some files.

"So who are you here for?" She looked at me with her big brown doey eyes.

"Riley and Ryan Curry." I sighed.

"Oh, the Curry's." She made an irritated face.

"What you're not fond of them?" I laughed getting her to join me. She smiled laughing along with me.

"It's not that, I used to go out with that Seth Curry. Total pain in my ass and a whole jerk." She scoffed.

"Oh girl... I agree. You wouldn't believe the shit he has done in my small amount of time dating Wardell." I rolled my eyes frowning.

"You know, I feel like we'd make good friends. Since I don't have any..." she giggled again skipping through the papers and finally finding column c.

"I have no friends either, plus I totally agree." We smiled at each other, a whole different type of excitement rushed through me. She paused before pointing at the list and handing it over to me.

"The last time the list was updated was about a month ago. Do you see your name here?" I looked at it once and there my name was in bright blue letters at the top of the list.

"Yeah, I'm Aminah." I pointed at my name in surprise.

"Oh, Aminah..." she rested her chin in between her thumb and pointer. "...and I'm Saiyr." She smiled again.

"Such a pretty name for a pretty woman. I'm impressed." I laughed.

"You're flattering me too much- she laughed. "Give me a moment, I'll put this back and accompany you to the classrooms." I nodded and awaited her return.

It didn't take long for her to return. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement as we had a series of friendly conversations. I dropped off Ryan's lunch first giving that Mrs. Woe a piece of my mind as she tried to start an argument. Saiyr and I spoke a little more on our way to Riley's class as well. I learned that she was around the same age as me and lived alone in a condo in the city I used to live in.

"Why haven't I ever met you?" I gave her a fake sad face.

"We could've been friends a long time ago." She dragged pitting emphasis on the 'long'.

On our way back down the stairs, Canon opened his eyes and looked around. His eyes found Saiyr and never left her. It was the first time he woke up calmly and gave me a chance to get ready for his crying. However, Saiyr cooed at him keeping him busy while I made him a quick bottle. She was amazed at the little human I had with me, watching him carefully while he drank every bit of his bottle. I patted his back waiting for his loud burp. He belched and let me change his diaper super quick before making any noise. It's the most accomplished I felt since I got him.

"So.., is he yours and Wardell's?" She smiled at Canon getting him to play and smile along with her. I quickly started shaking my head no and blushing.

"Honestly he was a surprise baby from his Ain't shit mother. She just dropped him on us and disappeared." I shrugged.

"Wow, must be a lot on your plate in such an instant. I never did get good vibes from that lady whenever she came here." She scoffed.

"Girllll... you are me." We laughed again before I stood up ready to go.

"Here, take my number. Maybe you can come over one day when you get the chance and we can hang out." She smiled and wrote her number on a piece of paper.

"Of course, I can't wait. Later.." I waved while walking out the door. The giddiness of a child rose and danced around inside my stomach. I couldn't wait to make a new friend after so long. She was genuine and just as excited as me.

I placed Canon in the backseat and shut the door. The vice Principal appeared behind me almost scaring me out of my damn shoes. "Shit..." I gasped and held my chest.

"S-Sorry. I was going to ask if you needed help with that but you were already done. I didn't know what to say." He chuckled nervously rubbing his head.

"It's alright. Next time just speak so you don't go around scaring people." I awkwardly tried to be nice.

He nodded nervously.

"Hey, is it alright if I ask for your number? And your name? You're so beautiful." The vice principal's pale skin turned red right away. I sighed thinking of a way to turn him down nicely.

"I can give you my name, I'm not really too fond of giving out my number though." I chuckled.

"That'll do for now, I don't mind. I'm Dean, and you are?" He was pretty cute and Very muscular and tall and his hazel/green eyes were so pretty as he stared me down. His jawline was strong and he seemed a little rough around the edges. The type of man I liked. Maybe giving him my number wouldn't really hurt.

"I'm Aminah..." I smiled softly opening up the car door. My heart sped up feeling my nether regions perk up. I couldn't help but wonder what he was like in bed.

"I'll see you around right?" He watched me as I stepped into the car and closed the door.

"Maybe... Dean." I cheesed hard while he watched me back out and drive off.

Another hour passed as I drove to my gynecologist appointment. My doctor had called me in for a checkup and I had also wanted another checkup to make sure that my birth control was up to par after that pregnancy scare. I didn't do well with things that were out of my control. The checkup took about a half hour. Come to find out, I was fine and definitely not pregnant. She made sure my body was healthy and in tune before I left.

Now it was around 1pm and I had some shopping to do for the baby and for some groceries. I parked the car in my favorite plaza and sighed. I was really starting to feel like a mother having Canon around me 24/7. I didn't mind but not being able to do what I wanted when I wanted was irritating the shit out of me. For example, I could've fucked the vice principal in his office. I guess you could say Canon was keeping me from making bad decisions.

The first place I decided to go to was Target. I grabbed a cart and went straight for the baby section. Considering that Ayesha was sneaky and pretty much hid this baby from everyone, we didn't really have much but what she brought us. The first thing I picked up were two boxes of diapers, a play set, and some enfamil. Other things we lacked started to catch my eye and eventually I needed a second cart. It took me a while getting everything I would need for Canon and then heading to the check out line. As soon as I finished buying all that I would need for his little self a man offered to help pile everything in the car.

"Thank you sir." I smiled while putting Canon in his car seat and removing the sling from around me.

"Is he yours?" He chuckled smiling softly at Canon.

"Oh.. him? No, no, nooo..." I awkwardly laughed waving my hands in the air.

"Oh you're the babysitter?" He asked confused.

"More like a step mother." I blurted out so that he wouldn't stay around to ask for my name or number.

"Oh... I didn't realize. So you have a man?" I nodded almost immediately.

"Oh Alright, Well you have yourself a blessed day ma'am." He shouted while walking away in a hurry. This was probably one of the best parts of having Canon with me. With the amount of men who approach me, they were more likely to flee then stay.

I got back in the car, in a rush to shop for groceries. I only had about two hours left, one to shop, and one to reach home before Sydel and the girls. Canon was fast asleep and I really didn't want to bother him. I groaned while thinking of a way I could move him without interrupting too much. Just then a thought came to my mind. I ran to the back of the car and opened the box with the new stroller inside. It was compatible to the car seat and easy to handle. I quickly fixed the wheels on it and set Canon's car seat on top. It clicked together showing that he was fastened safely in and we could move on.

The grocery store wasn't packed at all for once. I silently thanked God and rushed in with the stroller and cart in search of everything I would need for the week. I picked up different meats, liquids, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, snacks, and cleaning supplies. I was surprised at how fast I shopped around and got out of there. Since I had a little time to spare, I dropped the groceries off in the backseat and walked over to some of the outlets in the plaza. I shopped around in search of things I'd want to get but the only people I could think to shop for was Canon and the girls. I picked up a couple of new outfits, shoes, accessories, and toys. When I looked at the time, I was ten minutes overdue. I rushed to pay for the stuff I had and speed walked to the car. Luckily I was a half hour away so I had time to get back before everyone.

When I reached home, Wardell was hunched over speaking to someone outside the gate. When I squinted a little harder, I noticed it was Ayesha. It seemed like they had just finished fucking. He was shirtless in shorts and slides chasing after her. Ayesha's hair was a whole mess and her clothes half way on as she rushed into the backseat of her car. Did they know I was coming home or something. I pulled up behind her and parked the car, running out to see her.

"Aminah it's not what it looks like." Ayesha smirked at me from inside the car.

"Bitch! Come take your son." I yelled banging on the window of the car. She locked the door a little scared but still dying of laughter. Tears brimmed my eyes and I gave Wardell the dirtiest look as she sped off.

"H-How could you? After all I'm trying to do for you..." I lowered my head too sad to continue talking.

"Listen, it's not what it l-

"Isn't she supposed to be on a plane Wardell? Somewhere far off? Those were your words to me. Why'd you lie? And to me, It looks like you guys were fucking again. Tell me am I wrong?" He lowered his head, eyes filled with guilt.

"No you're not wrong." He stared at me with a pained face and walked away.

Just then, Sydel pulled up in the drive way beeping at Wardell as he walked slow. She caught me standing outside the gate with my head hung low and parked her car before leaving it and running toward me. I guess something must've felt off to her as well.

"Hey gi- She stopped mid sentence seeing the tears fall from my eyes. "W-woah, what's going on?" Sydel wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a gentle hug.

"He slept with her again." I looked up at her with sad eyes and wiped my face. Sydel's eyes widened in response.

"That cant be true, isn't she on an island somewhere?" Sydel chuckled trying to cheer me up.

"H-he Lied to us Syd. I just saw her leaving, he was chasing after her. E-Exchanging words, I don't know what they were talking about. She was half naked and so was he, h-he even admitted it to me." I sobbed like a baby looking to Sydel for comfort. She pulled me back into her gentle embrace and kept patting my head until I was done crying.

"I didn't think that would happen." She finally sighed.

"I thought we would be fine after yesterday." I sniffled feeling unsure of myself and being in that house.

"I thought so too after the talk we had this morning. This isn't right, something's got to be up." Sydel smoothed down her hair in deep thought.

"I-I don't want to stay here anymore." I frowned looking up at her sadly. It was pretty obvious I already had no where else to go.

"I'm sorry, I wish you could stay with me. I should have gotten a two bedroom house with Damion, ughhh. We will be moving soon. That's a promise." She ranted off topic. I laughed at Sydel being her normal self.

"It's fine. I'll just have to stay here until I find a new house to buy."

"W-Wait, you're really going to leave him? The girls? Me?" She widened her eyes finally taking me serious. I nodded.

"I don't want to be a home wrecker. If they're not done with each other who am I to intervene? Y'know? I don't mind taking care of the kids still but I'd feel so low knowing that I messed up a marriage that could've worked." I shrugged feeling sadder then before. Who knew this situation would take a toll on me? I guess I'm not as nonchalant as I used to be.

"I h-have a better idea. Why don't you take the basement for yourself? That could be your house and you wouldn't be too far away from me or the girls and Canon." Sydel beamed.

"I mean, that could work until I move out." I nodded seeing how the basement was like an apartment.

"Or you could stay here forever?" Sydel begged.

"No, it'll just be until I find my own place. Would you help me fix it up tomorrow?" I chuckled wiping my eyes clean.

"Yea, sure." Sydel nodded sadly.


That night, Wardell never left his room.