

The alarm woke me out of my sleep. When I opened my eyes Ryan was laid out across my chest and Riley wrapped around my waist. These girls never slept in their own bed. Maybe I was too tired from crying my eyes out to wake up from the usual discomfort. I pressed the snooze button, giving myself an extra five minutes to relax before rising to take care of my duties. Even after all this bullshit, there was no way I could leave Riley and Ryan alone and even Canon too. It wouldn't be fair. Everybody in their family had their own set of things to take care of so they wouldn't take them in if I left. And Sydel could only do so much. No one would love them and take care of them the way I could. Maybe it wouldn't be all that bad to move out and have them stay with me sometimes. I'm sure we the girls got attached to me just as much as I did to them.

The alarm went off again and I hit end. Ryan woke up from the loud sound and clutched onto me tighter. Canon still was sound asleep and I definitely didn't need him up right now. Ryan sat up staring at me and shook Riley awake also. Soon enough both girls were up, and my morning routine had to begin.

"Goomawnin..." Ryan yawned softly rubbing her eyes. As much as none of those tension was their faults, I didn't want to do much talking today. I wanted to just be out of the house before Wardell woke up and be back by the time he was gone so that Sydel and I can start this move to the basement.

I've decided that I was going to pay him rent, get another job and save up to move out. It was evident he didn't need me anymore and I was dumb enough to even move out of the comfort of my own place so quickly just for a man. I sighed thinking of my stupidity as I gave Riley and Ryan a quick bath. They played among themselves as I readied their clothes. Canon's small cry snapped me out of my trance just as I finished dressing Ryan. The day already felt rough now that I had three kids up and I wasn't ready yet.

"H-hold On Canon. Pleaseee...." I spoke so softly.

It felt like I couldn't handle anything and if he cried any louder or made this morning any more tougher then it needed to be, I would break. His small cry got louder and I became flustered. My heartbeat sped up and my hands started to shake. Riley looked up at me worried and Ryan placed her small hand on my thigh. I buried my face in my hands and closed my eyes to take a moment to myself. The past couple of days were a lot. Who could blame me?

Suddenly, I heard subtle footsteps walk in the room, then out. The baby's cries went along with them and the faint smell of Wardell's cologne woke me up quickly. By the time I snapped my head around, he had already left the room. I guess it was smarter to stay away from me then to be all up in my face. Riley stared at me knowing something was wrong but said nothing. Ryan sat quietly while I did her hair unlike every other morning where she'd fidget every chance she got. It's almost as if they both knew I wasn't okay. It made me want to cry but I held it in and continued to do what I needed to do.

Riley let me do her hair next and I didn't have to run after them this whole morning either. They did everything they knew they had to do and made it so much easier for me. My hands trembled at the thought of them knowing Mommy wasn't alright. I didn't want them to see me in a sad mood. I kissed both of their foreheads and sighed pulling them into a gentle hug. Seeing them act this way for me irked me. The house was too quiet and it was hard enough knowing I'm still going to be near Wardell.

"I'm alright you know. You guys can quit acting funny." I smiled as much as I could staring at both the girls but they nodded and said nothing, still acting accordingly. I didn't mind it though.

"D-don't make a mess, I'll be right back." I spoke softly setting a bowl of cereal Infront of the both of them. I didn't have it in me to cook.

I rushed upstairs and took a quick shower. My hair was wet since I forgot to tie it up and my straight hair became curly. After my quick shower I slapped on the first thing my eyes saw. It took me 5 minutes to lather my skin in oil and drag on my matching adidas shirt and leggings. As usual, I never did much makeup. I glued on my lashes and rubbed some Carmax on my lips making them shiny and buttered up.

Like clock work, Sydel rant the doorbell 10 minutes before 8. I smiled at her and she pulled me into a gentle hug I felt like I needed. It worried me that we were all ready and Canon wasn't. I ignored the thought and made the girls' lunches as fast as I could. Sydel grabbed their bags and their lunchboxes and brought them out to the car. When she came back we both looked surprised when Wardell cape downstairs with Canon fully dressed and a packed bag hanging off his shoulder.

"Morning Syd...," he looked over to me and opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. I looked away feeling like I made everything weird. He awkwardly handed me the baby and kissed Riley and Ryan's foreheads.

"Morning Steph...," She smiled brightly at him trying to act as if all was well.

"Be good at school today. Okay?" He gave them both a fake smile and stuffed their pockets with money. He walked out the kitchen then walked back in like he forgot to do something.

"Don't forget Kissies!" The girls shrieked at the same time expecting Wardell to kiss them again for good luck.

"Oh and for her." He cleared his throat refusing to look my way while slapping his black card in Sydel's hands. I rolled my eyes at how much he still acted as if he cared. She waved it at me and before grabbing the baby bag and smirking.

"Come on." I spoke softly again as the girls followed us out to the car. I had already made Wardell's lunch beforehand last night. I knew he'd know it when he saw it.

It took a couple of minutes to load the little ones in Sydel's car before we drove off. We stopped at Dunkin' Donut's drive thru to get us something to eat since we were hungry then continued to our destination. On the way to school, while the girls slept, i told Sydel about what happened at the school the day before. She got all excited talking about how she and Saiyr were still good friends and now that I know her we could all be best friends and so on and so forth. She kept the conversation light and fun putting me in an even greater mood then I woke up in. I felt back to normal for the moment.

We reached the school an hour later, right on time. A lot of older kids were rushing inside and parents with their younger ones. I never experienced this before. Sydel offered me the chance to go escort the girls to their classes like she did all the time and I got excited all over again. I picked up both Riley and Ryan's bags and shook them awake. One by one they left the car and let me put their bags on their back. I listened closely as Sydel told me everything I needed to know about the morning rush.

"Come on my babies..." I chuckled giddily.

We waited a while until it was 5 minutes to bell for Riley to walk in. At the entrance we were greeted by Saiyr, Dean, and the Principal standing around the sign in sheets, making sure everyone signed in. Dean quickly lifted up the sign in sheet and carried it over to me in a rush.

"Good Morning Aminah..., h-how are you?" I blushed at his obvious attempt to get close to me.

"I'm well, thanks for asking." His face turned red as I gave him a bright smile. I signed the sign in sheet and walked away dropping Ryan off first and then Riley.

On my way back to the front of the school, the bell rang loudly and the halls were empty in the blink of an eye. The principal was busy with a couple of parents by a classroom toward the back and I took this time to go speak to Saiyr. She was sitting at her desk lost in some paperwork, way too busy to notice me. I smiled admiring her dedication and quietly took a seat in front of her. It took about ten minutes for her to realize that I was sitting right there.

"Oh... Aminah, I didn't see you. I'm sorry." She laughed crazily catching me by surprise.

"Hey girl, you looked so deep into your work I didn't want to stop you. How are you?" I smiled at her excited that I had a new friend. Right then Sydel walked up the ramp pushing Canon in the new stroller I got him.

"Ohhhh so this is where you were." Sydel scoffed with her hands on her hips. I stood up a bit caught off guard. In a flash I clasped hands together and bowed.

"Forgive me Sydel, I got excited to see my first new friend in such a long time." I sighed.

"It's alright girl, I get like that too when I'm about to see Saiyr." She chuckled walking over to her and hugging her. The principal walked by with a serious face on and a pair of parents following suit right into his office. I watched as Saiyr became flustered at the sight of him and etched a cheesy smile on her face right before she stood and bowed like I did.

"G-Good Morning Principal Winchester." She spoke softly as he ignored her. She sighed and slid back down into her seat as he shut the door.

"Girl don't let him shut the door in your face like that." I scoffed. She sighed covering her face in embarrassment. Sydel grinned and pulled up a seat next to me.

"So you didn't confess your feelings yet huh?" She smirked. My eyes went wide seeing Saiyr's embarrassed reaction.

"I just don't know how to say it." She groaned and threw herself back in the chair in fake despair.

"I-Is this girl talk? I'm getting all excited." I looked at both of them all giddy before they laughed and filled me in on the details. After about twenty minutes of talking I laughed hard.

"I say you just come out with it when it feels right to you. Just go with the flow." I shrugged. Saiyr nodded understanding my idea.

Suddenly, Vice Principal Dean's office door swung open and a pair of parents walked away leaving a stressed look on his pretty face. He looked so manly standing there and buttoning his suit in annoyance. He clenched his jaw and groaned making my kitty moisten quickly. I couldn't bare to take my eyes off of him. Saiyr and Sydel nudged each other smirking at my reaction to Dean. His eyes finally caught mine and he smiled showing off his pearly whites. I smiled back causing a slight blush to rise up on my face. His face showed that he didn't want to go away yet but he reluctantly backed into his office and closed the door again. I sighed longing to feel his brawny hands on my body.

"Someone is clearly in love with the Vice Principal..." Saiyr sang, sending Sydel and me into a fit of laughter.

"I-it's not like that I swear." I laughed harder, eventually calming down enough to give them the details on what was really going on. Right after my explanation, his door swung open again. All of us looked up at him expectantly when he poked his head out the door.

"U-Um, Aminah..., can I speak to you for a moment?" He looked me right in my eyes making my knees go a little weak.

"O-okay." I stumbled over my words as he shut his door. Saiyr and Sydel 'oooo'd' and 'aaaah'd' egging me on to go talk to that hunky handsome man.

I knocked on his door and shyly poked my head inside when he insisted I come in. Dean had removed his suit jacket and loosened his tie with a stressed look on his face. I felt sort of bad and quickly entered the office. He gestured for me to sit so I did as he offered. I watched him stand up and place a cup Infront of him and me.

"Usually I'd whip out some liquor but it's way too early for that. Apple or Orange?" He snickered pointing to his mini fridge.

"I'm good." I smiled softly and he stared at my face a minute longer.

"Wow. Your smile is as beautiful as you are." He sat there mesmerized just by looking at me. I couldn't stop myself from blushing so obviously this time.

"Thank you." I smiled again looking down and hiding behind my hand.

"You really don't want any juice?" He offered again and I laughed.

"No thanks, I literally just ate and drank what you're offering me." I unintentionally smiled again. He couldn't take his eyes off of me and I loved every second of it.

"Well alright then, you know..., I really hope you meant it when you said next time because this is next time. So can I have your number?" He licked his lips and leaned forward on the desk expectantly.

"You sure can." I gave in to his pretty face and handsome features.

"I hope it isn't fake either." He looked up at me then back at his phone as he typed in what I was saying.

"You can call and hear it ring if you want." I bit my lip rubbing my knees together. It was taking everything in me not to ask him if he wanted to take me on this table right here right now.

"You don't mind if I call and text you a few times every so often?" He hid behind his hand so that I wouldn't see his face turning red but I could see it all. I stood up and walked around to the inside of his desk. He watched me carefully as I hoisted myself up on his desk Infront of him and crossed my legs comfortably.

"Of course I don't mind. Are you blushing?" I smirked leaning closer to him. His face got even more red and he loosened his tie some more.

"I-Is it hot in here or is it me?" He immediately stood up not realizing that would land him right where I wanted him.

His nervousness left him standing right in front of me while I was sitting right on his desk. I uncrossed my legs and pulled him a little closer by his tie. He was slowly getting caught up in the moment and I knew I couldn't do anything to crazy just yet. I just wanted to make sure he took the bait. Dean hovered over me with his tall frame and my clit throbbed wanting more of him. I leaned in closer to him while he breathed hard as fuck. A tent was forming in his pants and I brought my face closer to his neck. His hands were hesitating to grab me and I loved every moment of it. He wasn't sure what to do and I thought it was cute. Maybe I'd play with him a little more before we get any serious. I wrapped my thighs around his waist and pulled his waist into mine.

"You're really sweet." I planted a soft kiss on his cheek and backed off.

Dean looked at me with the deepest yearning face I've ever seen in my life. He slowly sat down, all the redness in his face leaving and becoming his natural pale color again. I hopped off the desk and waited for his dark eyes to disappear before leaning down to his ear and whispering.

"Make sure you call me." Dean looked up at me and fixed his pants quickly.

"I-I will." He looked away nervously. I turned and reluctantly left his office. If I wanted too I could've had him right there.

"How'd it go?" Sydel looked at me all hyper and Saiyr waited for a response.

"I could've fucked him right there on his desk..." I blurted out. "....but that would put me in a weird place. At least he has my number." I sighed annoyed. Saiyr stood up, gathered her papers, and sighed.

"Lucky you. I can barely utter a word to that man." She croaked.

"Keep trying you'll get there. I swear." I giggled.

Sydel and I took Canon back to the car and settled him in. Soon we'd have to get back and make me a new apartment in the basement. The drive back was filled with sing alongs, random conversations, and great vibes. Eventually we were back at my favorite plaza searching for furniture to put in the basement since there was none. The only thing down there was my old things from my apartment in one of the extra rooms being used as storage space.

Sydel and I used Wardell's card to buy a few things such as a king sized bed, some appliances, and a few extra things I didn't have down there. I was going to use the biggest room as my bedroom and have a space for everything. The other rooms were off to the other side of the basement. However, the one I chose had its own huge bathroom and walk in closet and was right by the kitchen, living and dining room area along with the basement entrance that leads to the garage. I was beyond excited to see how this living space would turn out and how I'd do this living separately from Wardell thing.