Air Out


    Sydel and I spent a month decorating and waiting ordering and cleaning and placing things all around. Occasionally, Saiyr also came to help and we had fun along the way. Nothing changed between Wardell and I but the relationships I had with Dean and Tristan continued to grow. I decided that instead of going around and having sex with randoms it was better to keep a few around. Dean and I haven't done anything yet but that was going to change real soon. Tristan and I kept this oral thing going but I was starting to lose my patience. One of them needed to dick me down before I lose my senses and run back to Wardell again. Saiyr, Sydel, and I have grown so much closer and I felt blessed to have such good friends that supported me and knew everything about me including the many men I've slept with. It was just good to know people accepted you for who you are.

    It was about 4am on a Friday when Sydel and I shouted excitedly. We were finally done with these mini renovations and setting everything up my way and having things in use and ready for me. This was going to be a new start. The girls and Canon were all at their Grandparents for the their small 4 day Halloween break. Wardell still shut himself in our old room every time we managed to be home at the same time even though I never went upstairs unless the kids were home. I noticed he started to have his friends over more often, especially on the weekends.

    I invited Saiyr over to spend the night with us so we could have a little fun. We deserved it after putting so much hard work into this mini basement renovation. However it was only 4am and I knew we wouldn't get a reply from her right now. She probably had work in a few hours and we needed all the sleep we could get after staying up this late.

"Let's go to sleep." I yawned tiredly. Sydel looked up at me nodding with bloodshot eyes.

"Sounds like a great idea." She slurred throwing herself on the couch.

"I would go to the bed but it's so far away..." I moaned out. Sydel nodded again in agreement. Moments later we were both knocked out.

   It took us around eight hours to regain our energy. By the time we woke up it was nearly 12:30 in the afternoon. Sydel and I took turns showering and getting ready in the bathroom. We were both extremely hungry so we decided on homemade Chicken tenders with homemade fries, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a movie. While we were cooking it up we got a surprise visit from a couple of Wardell's friends.

"Helloooooo! Anybody home?" Klay shouted while running down the stairs.

"Who told you you can come busting into my humble abode?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"My apologies, I smelled the food and I had to come running. I can't miss that rare seasoned cooking." He smirked at me chuckling while being followed by Andre and a moping Wardell.

"Hey Mimi." Andre walked up and hugged me gently followed by Klay .

"Hi guys." I smiled avoiding all kinds of eye contact with him.

    After around 5 minutes of small talk Wardell slowly wondered off upstairs while Klay and Andre stayed down here expecting a plate of food. I wasn't going to deny them because they were in Association with Wardell, besides, they were really cool and down to earth people. Not to mention the slight crush I had on Klay since before I even knew Wardell personally. I chuckled at the dreams thought of Klay being in my guts. They guys gave me a weird look and I averted my eyes as soon as I could. The wetness between my thighs couldn't stop itself.

"You Alright MiMi?" Klay asked awkwardly and placed his hand on my shoulder. I shuddered imagining what his hand would feel like in other places. Oh God ,I'm doing it again.

"N-nothing I'm fine." I smiled softly and removed his hand from my shoulder. Goosebumps rose on my arms and I slowly moved away from him and closer to the fridge. However, his eyes wouldn't leave me.

As I shared both Andre and Klay's plates they sat patiently by the island waiting. Klay's eyes were burning holes into my body and Andre was to preoccupied with the game on TV. I had Sydel and Saiyr trying to save me from this awkward ass moment by attempting to start a conversation. But his eyes never really left me.

"-uh, MiMi can I talk to you outside for a bit?" He scratched the back of his head awkwardly avoiding Sydel's death glare.

"It better not be about what I'm thinking about." She groaned and bit into a baby carrot. Saiyr giggled shooing me back into the open lobby like hallway that stood in between the living room and my room.

Just as Klay was about to speak Wardell glared harder at him and moved a little closer. It was clear he felt uncomfortable so I walked a little further behind the wall where she couldn't see a thing or make this much more awkward then it needed to be. Finally, we were alone and Klay's face began to blush lightly. I smiled at his kid like behavior and leaned against the wall in nervousness.

"So what was it that you wanted to talk about?" I kept my eyes on my feet.

"What was that look you gave me about?" He chuckled and stuffed his hands in pockets while staring hard at me.

"What look? I didn't give you a look." I backed up in attempt to act dumbfounded. Klay stepped closer to me backing me into a wall.

"You know the face you made when you turned a little red and smirked all sexual and shit.... -w-what were you thinking about?"

By now Klay was closer then before and had pressed a hand against the wall and over my short stature. I reluctantly let my eyes look up to his tall, muscular frame and got weak in the knees. It was almost as if he knew what he was doing. The man wasn't letting me up for a thing, he wanted that answer right away. Klay slowly let his hand slide down the wall and down beside my head.

"Talk to me." He grunted huskily with his deep voice sending me in a trance and allowing my sweet nectar to drip from within.

"I... I was thinking about you inside me." I bit my lip accidentally giving him the same yearning look as before. Klay twirled my hair around his fingers and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"I can make that thought a reality." He groaned seductively in my ear. My mouth opened slightly in awe of what his voice was doing to me.

"M-make me cum." I whispered even more seductively before leading his hand to the hem of my shorts.

Klay took a deep breath and slowly leaned his body against mine, lifting me up a bit higher in the process. I knew he was one of Wardell's friends but he came on to me. Why should I resist him when he couldn't resist Ayesha. In my eyes, it was fair play and I was also killing two birds with one stone. Klay slowly started to suck on my sensitive neck making me moan softly in his ear as he rubbed my throbbing clit gently. I opened my legs wider inviting him in a little more. My mind went blank as I immediately zeroed in on the idea of cumming fast from this dreamy stimulation.

My moans got a bit louder and he covered my mouth with his huge hand. I looked him straight in the eyes wanting him to insert himself inside me and rag my body all kinds of ways. Klay slowly eased his thick fingers inside my vagina and started thrusting at an almost alarmingly accurate spot. I grabbed onto his shoulder and closed my eyes in pure ecstasy. My legs were beginning to shake and Sydel busted around the corner super fast. My eyes went wide and Klay slowly pulled his hands from my shorts.

"Are you two serious right now?" She scoffed clearly disappointed.

"S-Sorry Syd, I swear it's not the way it looks. Let me explain." I fixed my shorts pulling them from my mini back and front wedgie.

"You shouldn't be telling me sorry." She gestured to a red faced Wardell standing on the staircase with a tight grip on the railing. Klay slowly backed up from me as he looked between Wardell and I.

"Wait a second, aren't y'all done with each other?" He crosses his arms annoyed by Sydel interrupting and Wardell's clearly disturbed face. My eyes widened some more as Wardell came stomping toward us enraged. I've never seen him this angry before in my whole life.

"G-Get out." He stuttered pissed off holding the bridge of his nose. It almost seemed like he was fighting the urge to lack self control.

"Isn't down here.. her space." Klay chuckled and in response received a quick, swift punch straight to the middle of his face.

Before I knew it Wardell was throwing punches at him left and right, one behind the other. At some points Klay started getting a few hits in but it seemed as though Wardell's anger was taking over. He was definitely not the same as before. I watched in horror as Andre struggled to pull Wardell off of his teammate. Klay slowly stood up and lunged for Wardell causing another mini fight to break out. Sydel had her mouth covered in shock and Saiyr was enjoying all the action. I, however, didn't know how I should really feel.

As Andre struggled to push Wardell in the empty storage room he started to scream. The veins on his neck and his head bulged out profusely. Sydel held his arm trying hard to calm him down. Klay stood on the other side of the room screaming back at him and taunting him some more. Saiyr was too busy trying to get him to stop and the room felt too stuffy for me.

"You're supposed to be my best fucking friend Klay." He yelled extremely aggravated as Klay shrugged.

"You know I wanted her first. It just took time to get your trifling ass back didn't it?" He heckled him and continued to taunt Wardell. Andre shook his head in disappointment.

Wardell refused to look at me or utter a word to me and continued to ignore me just as we were before when he was upstairs and I stayed downstairs. My heart skipped a beat as Sydel escorted him back up the stairs giving me a death glare and gesturing that we were going to have a serious talk about this later. Saiyr was in the dining area using the first aid kit to clean his cuts and small bruises from their squarrel. I took a seat and sighed annoyed with my situation. This was all becoming too much.

After all the drama had come to an end, Sydel locker the upstairs door and rushed back downstairs. Klay was icing his nose and Saiyr and I were sitting at the island as quiet as a mouse. We watched as she walked over to Klay having a brief conversation with him before escorting him out the house. She always handled everything so easily, I kind of envied her for it. Both Saiyr and I looked at each-other knowing that when she walked back in I was going to be getting a long ass lecture about how wrong I was.

"Girl...," Sydel groaned and slowly sat down Infront of both of us. I sighed.

"...go on. I know you're about to lecture me, so kill me with your words." I made myself comfortable and leaned my head on my right arm.

"Actually... I'm not. That was revenge wasn't it?" She grilled me with her huge ass eyes. The one thing that made it hard for me to lie to her.

"It was but mainly it... really wasn't." Sydel and Saiyr looked at each other dumbfounded.

"Bitch, What the fuck?" Saiyr busted out laughing and Sydel reluctantly cracked a small smile. I couldn't help but laugh a bit too.

"It wasn't like that at all I swear. He was coming on to me and you guys know how I am with that. I-I couldn't deny it." I shrugged. Sydel cocked her head to the side and sighed.

"So basically... you just let him finger you because you were horny." I nodded again.

"I'm not a spiteful person. But I did feel a bit satisfied seeing how red his face was. I definitely didn't expect anything that came after that though." I groaned rubbing both my knees awkwardly.

"Wow. I'm kind of proud that you had no intentions behind it because I'm hella petty. Girl I would've fucked him with Wardell next door if I could." Saiyr rain off at the mouth getting off topic. I sighed slowly giggling from her crazy ideas.

"I think I need to apologize." I stood up quickly fixing my shirt.

"Oh no sweetheart. You stay right here- Sydel pressed her pointer finger against my chest, causing me to sit back down.

"That man is in a super dark place right now. You go up there and he will hurt your feelings worst then how he's feeling right now- She bit her lip nervously.

-I'm super disappointed in you Aminah. You knew better then to try something with someone he's so close with." Sydel glared at me then the floor. Saiyr nodded in agreement.

"It is kind of fucked up. I can imagine how he's feeling right now. Hurt of course, but probably also betrayed. I mean aren't you guys the closest people to him?" Saiyr scratched her arm and looked away. Even now I still felt semi bad.

   The next day, Sydel, Saiyr, and I spent all day watching movies and eating popcorn and junk food. Tristan kept blowing my phone up but I kept ignoring his messages and calls. I just wasn't in the mood. It felt nice to have a girls night in since I wasn't used to them at all. I was never able to keep any friends since they all felt they couldn't be friends with the type of person I am but these girls were different. Since the situation yesterday, none of us really spoke on it. Sydel was heated and mad at me for a while but knowing how close we were she got over it in a jiffy. That was one of my favorite things about her. Saiyr, as usual, didn't care at all. 

"Hey do you think he's feeling any better yet?" I started playing with my fingers and getting nervous.

"I'm not sure but he's kind of the opposite of me, he'll hold a grudge." Sydel thought, rubbing her ankle.

"Seems like him." Saiyr shrugged "-but aye, try to apologize if you want, you know? Cause then you can't say you never did." She pointed a cheese doodle at me.

"The girls come home soon." I threw my head back and yawned debating what I should do.

"Don't forget about Canon." They both spoke in unison.

"How could I?" I groaned. "-we have to be in tune, I don't want them to sense the tension again." I scratched my head a little irritated.

"It's all good, y'all should be just fine." Saiyr smiled widely at me. "-oh and I kind of invited dean here for you."

"D-Dean? Vice Principal Dean?" My eyes widened. I looked at her like she was crazy

"Bitch I do not need Wardell seeing the man that works at both of his daughters school in his basement with the girlfriend he just broke up with." I slightly raised my voice, panicking on the inside.

"The men you mean?" She twiddled her thumbs hiding her embarrassment.

"Wait Hunky Principal is Coming?" Sydel smirked at Saiyr as she nodded.

"You moved up in rank didn't you?" I couldn't help but smile as well. She chuckled nodding again. The things I'd do for my beloved friends.

"Um, I told them to text me when they were here so that I'd go get them.  "-You sure you don't want to take it to my place? I don't want him mad at you forever..." she sighed

"Actually that'd be so much better." I sighed and hugged her tightly, showing her as much appreciation as I could.

"Perfect. I'll let them know." Somehow the day was getting even better. I might even get something to finally soothe this throbbing in my lower body. Maybe I'll even find the courage to apologize to Wardell for real this time and talk everything out.