Midnight, in a room somewhere in Singapore.
???- ARRRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!! Another failure in my gacha!!!! How the fuck this game has so low gacha rate!!! I'm fuckin done with this shitty game.
one man is doing his daily routine, rage quit in every gacha game he is playing. Well, even though he is saying that he wanted to quit the game, not more than 5 minutes later, he opens the game again just to be sure wether he can get another shot in gacha.
???- Hmmm, i spent 120 quartz and not even 1 SR servant come to my summon. What is wrong with my luck. Now i'm running out of quartz and summon ticket, what should i do?? Let's see my fragment. I think i've saved up enough for one summon. *click* *click*. Yosh, i have 21 fragment, so i can get another 3 quartz (7 fragment for 1 quartz). Let's Yolo this time. I'm sick of ten summon.
Menu --> Summon
???- Let's see, since rate up is a lie for me in this game, let's summon from story summoning. Yosha, one two three, we hereby summon thee!!!!! *click*
???- Eh? Why is it so slow?? It's should be spinning right now. Is it some kind of bug?? Maybe it's a... EEEHHHH??!!!! NO WAY!!!!!! IT'S RAINBOW COLOUR SUMMONING!!! HELL YEEAAAAAAAH!!!!! So who is it?? I hope it's a waifu huehuehuehueuheuhe *drolling*. *sluurp* Ups, my saliva is going out. Now what class?? Ruler?? WAAAAAAAAHHHH IT'S JEANNE!!!!! WAIIIIFUUUUUUUUU!!!
the man, Valir is celebrating his first SSR in FGO since he played the game 1 year ago. He is dancing and jumping here and there inside his room, to show his happiness.
Valir - Right, to celebrate my first SSR since forever, i need to have a little party. Hehehehehe, let's see what i got here. Hmmm, pizza is enough for the main dish, i have some snacks too. Now let's buy some beer for the drink. I think minimart across the street open 24-hours. Let's goooo!!!!
Still in happy mood after the successfull summoning, he do a bunny hop from his room to minimarket. After buying the usual beer that he used to drink, he plan to go back to his room again so he can start the celebration. Little did he know that will be his last second in this world. When he cross the street, he forgot to check the surrounding vehicle and just cross. And there is where Bus-sama kick in. He got struck by Bus-sama and got very severe injury in his head. When got struck, he fly around 5-7 meters and when he land, he got head first into earth, so yeah, basically he is dead. Darkness decscent upon him......
--sometime later--
Valir - Ouch, that really hurt!!!! Dammit!!! Are my luck has been spent for Jeanne?? Really, got careless and got hit by bus, it's not even a good joke. So, where am i?? Is it hospital?? But why i can't see anything at all? And why i can't move my body?? Am i paralyzed?
??? - Hoho, i see u have woken up there, child.
Valir - ......Who are you? You're the doctor who saved me?? What happen to me??
??? - I see, u have many question there. I'll answer one by one then. Greetings human child, I'm God. No and Yes, i'm not your doctor but I'm the one who preserve your soul. For your last question, you have been dead.
Valir - Dead?? Eh, but i can still talk, right??
God - No, in fact i'm just using telepathy right to your mind. Right now, only your soul is here talking with me.
Valir - ........
God - ........
Valir - (Can this self-proclaimed "God" read my mind?? Really, "he" is not some swindler so i can pay more for my medical fee??)
God - Yes, i can read your mind so i know what you're thinking right now.
God - It's fine. I know why you're thinking that this is absurd, but always believe that supernatural is real. As for why you are here right now is because of your unique soul.
Valir - My soul?? What about my soul??
God - Your soul is a very unique, i should say that the chance someone have that kind of your soul is one in trillion.
Valir - WAO!!! So my soul is very special, huh?? So that why i'm so smart??
God - .... Your soul didn't have any connection for that.
Valir - Sorry...
God - ..... Let's continue. Your soul is unique because you will bring miracle/fortune to people around you. I mean, you bring miracle to them rather than for yourself.
Valir - I have omnius feeling from that sentence, but please continue.
God - So, in order to bring miracle for people, what your body need to endure is their misfortune/bad luck. For example, even just for a second, the bus driver that hit you got a bit of miracle. Because of that accident, the bus driver got into hospital, and he got money from his life and health insurance because you cross the street illegally that make him into victim of accident. In the next afternoon, his wife tell him that she is pregnant. They come from a low economic household so the accident is like blessing in disguise for them.
Valir - .........
God - And because of your soul, without your notice u have accumulated a lot, really a lot of good karma. That's why at first i got curious and found out how you got that much good karma.
Valir - So, that's why my whole life is full of misfortune even though my surounding is extremly lucky.
God - .... Yes, and because of that, i've planned to have your soul reincarnated to another universe. Of course I will change your soul type so that the miracle won't be for your surrounding but to your ownself. But it's just what I have planned. Now I ask you what will you choose?
Valir - Where will my soul reincarnated?
God - It's up to you, that's the privilage I'll give to you. but if u don't want to, your soul will enter the cycle of reincarnation and got reincarnated in random world.
Valir - Then what use that much good karma for me?? Is it only for me to reincarnated?
God - .......
Valir - Don't tell me you forgot about that?
God - *cough* *cough* Ahem, of-of course not, I've just wanted to tell you about it. Well with that much good karma you can practically have an endless wish but because i will modify your soul, then you will have around 3 wish you can bring to your next life.
Valir - So, it can be anything right?
God - No, you can't ask to add more wishes in your wish.
Valir - ..... Che, you really can't take a joke, God.
God - But, you're not joking, right? Don't forget i can read your mind.
Valir - Alright, it's my defeat. But in that 3 wishes, i can practically wish anything?
God - Yes.
Valir - Good, let me think about it.
God - Take your time.