Valir, the boy who addicted to one mobile game from Japan, the one whose life full of misfortune, got a big chance that will change his entire life. What will he do?? "come come my friend, let me tell you my secret. I will win the grail!!"
Aku berharap novel ini tidak berhenti dan terus update....
Dan semoga novel ini bercerita tentang cerita cinta harem.....
Dan butuh tambahan capter lagi......
5 years ago
how will the harem be?
5 years ago
Reveal Spoiler
5 years ago
Good, ахуенно вообще , надо больше фиков о этому фендому, автор давай проду побысрей, а ещё русские сверхраса. .......…….......................
More chapter........More chapter........More chapter......More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........More chapter........
Aku berharap novel ini tidak berhenti dan terus update.... . Dan semoga novel ini bercerita tentang cerita cinta harem..... . Dan butuh tambahan capter lagi......
how will the harem be? .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Reveal Spoiler
Good, ахуенно вообще , надо больше фиков о этому фендому, автор давай проду побысрей, а ещё русские сверхраса. .......…….......................