Chapter 7
While Valir having his time to sleep, Aika is studying with her mother in the living room. They study while chatting about anything, well mainly Mayami is only talking about Valir. She really want to see her daughter getting along with Valir, her new step-son. While Aika is fine with that, but only after she has quintuple check him, and finding him clear. Not that Aika will find anything suspicious, except if she enter his room when he is throwing tanthrum to system. Well a little bit info here, Valir also have numerous innate that been given to by "Kami", one of them is when he is in one room, and the room is closed, means all physical access to that room is closed, then he will have the perfect isolation room. That's why before, when he was screaming on top of his lungs, none of them noticed anything. Well, for his others innate, you will find it when the time is right.
Continuing from before, Aika really can't think anything about her mother's decision to adopt Valir. Not because she is heartless, but more because she is a cautious person. Eventhough Valir has helped her from the robbery, it didn't make sense for her to adopt him. So using this chance, Aika ask Mayami about it.
Aika - Nee, kaa-san. Can I ask kaa-san something?
Mayami - Naanii, Ai? Ai can ask anything to kaa-san, you know??
Aika - Regarding kaa-san's decision to adopt Valir, can Ai know the reason, please???
Mayami - Uuummmmmm, well kaa-san too didn't really know what into kaa-san's mind. But when kaa-san heard about Va-kun condition, something just triggered inside kaa-san's heart, and kaa-san just blurted out the word. Ai also knows that kaa-san will never go back on her words right? That's why, kaa-san just think, 'well it happened so let's just go with it. Adding new family member seems fine, and also Ai can have friend when kaa-san isn't home', or something like that. Tehee~ ;p
Aika - So that's how it is.
Mayami - Yeessss, that how it is. Well, let's back to study, shall we?? The faster we finish it, the faster Ai can have free time before bed, right?
Aika - (Yeah, I need to increase my power faster) Wakarimashita, kaa-san!!
Mayami - Ufufu, good girl. (Well, from her looks, she still hasn't completely open to Va-kun. Hmmm, maybe I need to pull some string here. Ufufu)
And that night just gone like that without any progress with Aika. Well, his progress actually is in the wrong target but, he still have a lot of time, so yeah, maybe he can....
(Later, at 3.59 a.m)
Valir - *yawn* Hmmm?? It's rare for me to wake in the middle of the night. Eh, is it tomorrow?? Sys, what time is it?
System - .... It's 3.59:30 a.m, host.
Valir - 3.59?? Wait a minute, eventhough the FGO JP change day in 00.00, but the daily login will be at 4 a.m. Wao, how lucky I am. Sys, count down the time!???
System - ... 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4.
S & V - 3!!! 2!!! 1!!!!
Valir - Yaaaaaayyy!!!!! Happy new day!!!!!!
System - .....Congratulation for host, gaining the 2nd day bonus for start dash campaign. Here's the detail of the rewards. SQ: 3, ST: 5, FP: 2k, QP: 100k, Exp: 20 and 1 GA. Also consecutive daily login for the 2nd day, SQ:1. To sum it up, host now has SQ: 6, ST: 10, FP: 6k, QP: 200k, Exp: 40 and 2 GA.
Valir - Hohoho, then let's start the summonning right now!!!! Summon from LB 5 summoning campaign. No need to ask, just YOLO!!!!!
System - Summoning begin. *summoning process* *ziiiiiinggg* *bzzztt* *bzztttt*
Valir - Hehe, I knew it!! Of course it will be rainbow circle!!! Now, who is first? Europe or Orion?? Hmm?? Well, Archer class i guess Super Ori....
??? - Yeees! It's, it's Orion!
??? - It's the somewhat-pet-somewhat-stuffed-animal Oribe. Nice to meet you--
Valir - ...
System - ....
Valir - NAAANIIII!!!!????? Well, from the system they're called Orion, BUT IT'S A PUBLIC SECRET THAT SHE IS GODDESS ARTEMIS HERSELF WHILE THE BEAR IS ORION!!!??? WAOOOO!!??????
Artemis - Ara, naaaani, our identities have been revealed already, darling~
Orion - Ooohh boy, yeah sure. Thinking about it really obvious, right?
Artemis - Fuhahaahahaha!!! But, this looks fun to confused human, don't you think darling~~
Orion - Yeah, sure it is if you forget that I'm human myself.
Artemis - Nhehehe.....
Orion - Sorry about that! This gal is always like that.
Valir - (Why I summoned this two comedian!!????? Just why!!??????)
Note of Valir's riches
SQ: 6
ST: 9
FP: 6k
QP: 200k
Exp: 5*: 0, 4*: 40, 3*: 0
App: G: 2, S: 0, B: 0