Chapter 6
After they finished dinner, Aika start to collect the plates and bring it to the kitchen so she can wash it. Of course, Valir has volunteer himself to do it, but Mayumi strongly rejected it. Now, being alone with Mayumi, Valir start to remember the time he took a bath, the scent in the bathtub, all of it make him blushed really hard even Mayumi start to think wether he has a fever so she is approaching him. Of course, Valir still in his own world so he didn't notice her movement until she place her forehead against his. With him being forced out from his imagination, the first thing he see is her beautiful purple eyes, the same as Aika's eyes. Deeply inhaling the air, which he sure will calm himself, proved him wrong because as he inhale the air, so do her fresh scent. At that time, Mayami already know he doesn't have fever, but seeing him blushing even more, made her realize that he probably didn't have any experience being close to a woman or girl. This sudden of enlightenment makes her want to tease him more!!
Mayami - Ara, what's wrong, Va-kun? (A/N: Yes, she just change his nickname)
Valir - E-e-e-et-etto....
Mayami - *grabbing his hand* Come on, Va-kun. You can tell anything to kaa-san. Remember what kaa-san have said in our way home? Va-kun can considered me as Va-kun kaa-san. So, Va-kun can tell anything to kaa-san. No need to shy.
Valir - W-w-w-we-well it's too c-c-close....
Mayami - Hmmm?? What is it too close, Va-kun?
Valir - *looked away* E-e-e-et-etto....
Mayami - Ara, is it because kaa-san's face too close?? Ufufu, it's not that right, Va-kun?? *stroke his hand gently*
Valir - *goosebumps* U-u-umm, o-of co-course not. *shake his head*
Mayami - Ufufu, kaa-san think so. Ufufu, come, let kaa-san hug Va-kun!!! *hug*
Valir - (Aaaahhh, I'm in heaven!!! So this is the feel to get hug, especially by MILF huehuehuehuehe, ups seems like the dam is broken again. Very sorry reader, but it takes too much effort to fix the dam, so please bear with it. Huehuehuehuehue) (A/N: Sorry guys, he is just this pervert, I can do nothing to change it. Let's hope he can change slowly by himself. God bless Valir)
Aika - Kaa-san, what are you two doing??
Mayami - Ara, Ai. Come here, let's have a hug together to welcome Va-kun to our family!!
Aika - *blushing* W-wh-wha-what are you saying, kaa-san!!?? I'll go to my bedroom!!!!
Mayami - Ara, too bad Ai didn't want to join us. Don't you think so, Va-kun??
Valir - *mumble* *mumble*
Mayami - Yes yes, kaa-san understand. Va-kun want to hug Ai too right?? Ufufu, don't worry, Ai is only shy. *release him from the heaven* Anyway, Va-kun. Va-kun's room is beside Ai's room in upstair. Va-kun can see the signboard with Ai's name in her door, so don't get into wrong room, okay?? *wink*
Valir - *inhaling* Yes, ka-kaasan. Then, I will go to my room.
Mayami - Wait, Va-kun. *kiss him on the forehead* Chuuuu~. There you go. Oyasumi, have a nice dream, Va-kun....
Valir - *blush* Hai, oyasumi, have a nice dream too, kaa-san.
(Let's switch to Aika's room)
In her room, Aika is currently sitting on her bed, thinking about what happened today. Firstly, she got followed by a random boy on her way home (rather on her tour around the city). Next, the weird feeling of being observed by someone, but she can't pinpoint where was the observer. Then, the boy himself save her mother from robbery, and because he didn't have any place called home, her mother brought him to her house, and want to make him her step-son. And then, the kind man who wanted to buy him an ice cream, but suddenly just disappear. There's nothing suspicious about Valir himself, rather what worried her more is wether that kind man has any ways to spy on her through Valir. She doesn't want to rule out that possibility because until now, she still doesn't understand how she got spied before. She is 100% sure that kind man from Valir's story is targeting her, so she still need to be cautious when she is around him. But for now, she still have her promise with Mayami to review her lesson, so she packs all her books and bring it to the living room. When she open her door, Valir is crossing her room wanted to go to his room. Shrugging her shoulder, she picks her book back and down to living room, where her mother has been waiting.
(To the Valir's room)
Valir - *panting* Haaa haaa, I can't handle the sweetness. Oh come on, she is so sweet!!?? Should I change my target to Mayami?? No no no, how about both of them!!?? That's a good idea, really. HAHAHA, how genius I am.
Stheno - Master, your desire are leaking too much. I can even feel it in my astral form.
Suzu - Yeah master. Please control yourself more.
Valir - ...Thanks, you two. Fuuhh, but the temptation is still very big. Hmmm let's think about it later. I still have time around 6 years before she re-married.
Stheno - ......
Suzu - ......
Valir - Hahahaha, anyway, it's a brand new start for me and thinking about it, I suddenly remember μ's song, Start Dash..... Wait, I think i start to remember something really important which I forgot before.......
*1 second* *2 second* *3 second* ...... *one minute later*
Valir - AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!???? I remember now!!???
Stheno - What is it, master??
Valir - Sys, you said before that you created new account for me in the original system right?
System - .....Yes, what is it, host?
Valir - And you clearly said that I can join whatever event the original system had, except for the stories and combat related, right??
System - ...Yes.
Valir - So it means I have start dash for new account right!!???
System - .....Yes.
System - Host never ask, so system won't bother to explain. System automatically assume that host already know about it if host didn't ask.
System - Before, system have explained how to get SQ and fragment, but when system wanted to explain about the compensation, host cut the conversation himself, and system also have explained that system will cleared all the event for host.
Valir - ......
System - .......
Valir - ....So, how much SQ I have now, my dear sys??
System - ....Please stop, eventhough system doesn't have any sort of emotion, suddenly system want to puke when hearing host called it that.... To answer host's question, because of the renewal start dash event per July 3rd 2019, the first day host got 2SQ, 5ST (Summon Ticket), 2k Friend Point, 100k QP, 20 Experience Cards and 1 Golden Apple. Rejoice host. Because host won't have to play the in-game battle related system, all in-game Apple can be used in real world. The effect as it is: recover 10% host health, stamina and mana for Bronze Apple, 50% for Silver Apple and 100% for Golden Apple.
Valir - So, I have 5ST and 2SQ right now?? Hehe, so it's time to pull Orion to my side. Hehe, with a bug character like him, hehehe... Oh yeah, let's just wait for tomorrow. And with 2 pull, I can pull both Orion and Europe. Hehehe, how nice!!! Then, let's sleep, so tomorrow can come faster!! Good night for you all, including reader heheheehe....
Stheno - What is master saying?? Reader?? Did he think we are in short of novel?
Suzu - Or maybe fan-fic hehehe.....
System - .......Error, system didn't quite catching that.
Note of Valir's riches count from this chapter, the one from previous free roll just assume the system burn it all, hehe bad system. Anyway, here's the detail:
SQ: 2
ST: 5
QP: 100k
FP: 4k
EXP: 5*:0, 4*:20, 3*:0
App: Golden:1, Silver: 0, Bronze:0