Chapter 5
In Aika's house, after finished taking a bath and change her clothes, Aika start to prepare for both her and her mother dinner. Since there was no call or message from her mother, that's mean her mother won't have any extra hours at her office and will be home shortly. Opening refrigerator, there's not much ingredients left because they haven't gone shopping for 4 days. Thinking about what to make with limited ingredients, she hears the sound of a door opening. Forgetting what to cook, she goes to front door to welcome her mother.
Aika - Okaeri, kaa-san.
Mayami - Tadaima, Ai. How's your day at school?
Aika - Nothing interesting at school. Teachers only reviewing for the exams which I already aced.
Mayami - That's good, but Ai also need to be careful when taking the exams. Let us review the lesson again at night, okay?
Aika - Hai, kaa-san. Hehe, it's been since kaa-san coming home on time.
Mayami - I'm so sorry about that, Ai. But right now, is the crucial time for kaa-san's work, so please bear with it a little more, okay Ai?
Aika - Don't worry, kaa-san. Ai understand.
Mayami - Arigato, Ai. Kaa-san really proud of Ai. Ah, wait a minute Ai, kaa-san wants to introduce you to a boy that has help kaa-san before.
Aika - Huh?? Help kaa-san? Who is he?
Mayami - Wait a minute, kaa-san has asked her to come in but he didn't want to come, so kaa-san think bring Ai to invite him together. Let's go, Ai.
Aika - Hai, kaa-san. (I wonder who is he? From kaa-san word, it seems like he is the same age as me.)
Aika - (Huh?? He is the boy from before?? How come he is here?? Don't tell me!!??)
Mayami - Here he is, Ai. His name is Valir. He really has helped kaa-san before. And Val-kun, she is my daughter, Aika.
Valir - Konbanwa, my name is Valir. Nice to meet you.
Aika - Ah, yes, nice to meet you too.
Mayami - That's right, come inside, Val-kun. From now on, you can live in this house with us.
Aika - (NANI!!??? How can this beee??!!!)
Valir - (Hehehehehe, keikaku dori. It's really outside my expectation, but this outcome is the best for me. Huehuehuehue, Upsss, readers don't like it so i should stop it, hehehehe.)
How can this happen?? Let's see shortly after Suzu report her finding to Valir.
While Aika take her time for bathing, at the same time, Valir explaining his next plan to his 2 servant after he heard the report from Suzu. His plan involves living near Aika's home, to be precise living next to her house. First option is to make them to be a childhood friend, and then everything can be way more easy. But first, how can he buy that house? Eventhough the house is normal, and the price won't be that high, but he came to this world without any money. And if not for God's (Author's) kindness, he wouldn't be able to form any short of conversation except body language. He forgot that not all of universe understand his language, so yeah, he is really fortunate to have that innate to understand any language.
Now back to his problem about money, actually no, that won't be a problem for him at all. With such an absurd luck, collecting that amount of money will be a piece of cake, so he started to dismiss that thought and just go with the flow. Sure enough, not long after, he sees one woman about to get robbed. He looked around and found some police officers just came out from restaurant, so he shouts as hard as he can.
The officers quickly notice the source of the sound and run towards Valir. Of course, the robber also realize that his act has been found and without wasting time, he run as fast as he can. When the officers arrive at Valir, they didn't see any sort of robbery, but they see one lady with her bag on the ground. Quickly realize that the robber has flee, some officers went to the lady to ask for the direction which the robber took. The remaining officers take Valir to the lady and ask for explanation from both of them. After getting the lady testimony back up with Valir's word, finally the officers let them go. Of course before it's happen, the lady ask for the police to escort Valir's back to his home, and help to protect him from any harm. But of course, Valir tell them that he didn't have any place to stay. With his dirty clothes, courtesy to walking from the forest, until now, where he haven't had any chance to rest, all of them quickly believe in his word. And so touched by his word, the lady ask Valir wether he want to live in her house with her family. And that was what happened before. Such absurd luck, don't you say??
Now, sitting in the living room is Aika and Valir. Mayami is taking a bath right now. At first, she wanted to take a bath with Valir, because she only think him as a child. But Valir insisted not to do that, so he can have time alone with Aika. And here we are.
Valir - Ummm....
Aika - What? If you have anything to say, just say it already.
Valir - Umm, I'm not sure but, I think I've seen Aika-san before?
Aika - (Oh yeah, he didn't know that I have known he was tailing on me earlier.) Well, how come? I think the first time we met was this evening in front of my house.
Valir - Umm, I don't know, but earlier this evening, I saw beautiful girl walking on the street. She looked very much the same as you. But, when she enter a valley, she just disappear. Could it be that girl is Aika-san?
Aika - Hmmm, I don't know. But why you interested in her?
Valir - Well, she is the most beautiful girl I've ever met, and I want to know her more. But after seeing her, i don't have any courage to greet her because I'm afraid she will despise me.
Aika - (That's why eventhough I deliberately walked slowly, he wouldn't catch up to me. But still, what about the feeling being spied on before? I still can't confirm it. Maybe I need to probe more). Well, I don't know about that girl, but I'm sure won't despise someone based on their look. By the way, what have you done before meeting that girl?
Valir - (Hehe, trying to get information from me. Let's see what should I tell her, I wonder? I'm pretty sure she wants to know about Stheno who spied on her. Maybe I can use it as a smoke.) Ummmm, I did a lot of think. AAAAHHH!!! I met handsome man who really kind to me, he said I really similiar to his deceased son so he wanted to buy me an ice cream, because his son liked ice cream very much. But after we arrive, somehow he disappear and I searched for him until I saw that girl. I wonder where did that kind man go? (Hehe, with this, her suspicion from me will be greatly weakened.)
Aika - (That's more like it. I'm sure he was used by that man to split my concentration so he won't be discovered. Hmm, I feel bad for him.)
Valir - Hehe, I hope that kind man can accept his grief and move on. Well, because of that man, I can see that girl after all. *sigh* I really want to meet that girl again.
Aika - Do you really like that girl so much?
Valir - Ehehehe, how can I not like her. She is so beautiful, beautiful enough to outshine the sun.
Aika - *blush* (How can he talk it so casually!!?? I'm that girl, and he literally confessed right now!!?? What should I do, what should I do??)
Mayami - Aaaahhh, it's really refreshing after taking a bath. Val-kun, now it's your time to take a bath. For today, Val-kun can use Ai's dad shirt first. Tomorrow, we will go shopping so it's a good chance to buy Val-kun some clothes, right? Anyway, I've prepared your need atop the washing machine.
Valir - Hai, Mayami-san. Then I'll take a bath now. Please excuse me.
Mayami - Arara, that kid really moves fast, huh? Anyway, why you're blushing, Ai?
Aika - *panicked* A-a-a n-n-n-nothing, kaa-san. Ai just feel a little hot here. Yes, a little hot.
Mayami - Ara, is that so~~? Hmm, how suspicious Ai-chan.
Aika - Moooo, kaa-san. Please stop teasing Ai already.
Mayami - Ufufu, alright alright.
Aika - By the way, kaa-san. Have you changed the water in the bathup yet?
Mayami - Hmm?? Not yet, why?? I thought it's fine if Val-kun wanted to use it. Ufufu, what happened, Ai?
Aika - ......*really speechless*
Mayami - Alright, kaa-san will cook something first for us, so the time Val-kun finished his bath, we can eat together!!
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, our MC, Val-kun just take his time inside the bathtub without knowing the water haven't been switched. After finish bathing, only then he know about it from Mayami. At that time, his expression is really funny to be seen. Can you imagine, the forever alone boy, using a used water from a beautiful woman like Mayumi?? Hehe, it's quite sight to be seen I tell ya.