Chapter 9
In other room in the first floor, Mayami who sleeps well, awake from the sound of alarm from her clock. She wakes up naturally as this is a part of her daily routine, that is to prepare for their breakfast. Well usually, the breakfast only for her and Aika, but now with Valir as a new member of the family, she wants to cook something more. Sadly, the ingredients are extremely limited, so she will need to do with it right now. Getting up from her bed, she prepare herself before going to toilet. Finish her daily login in toilet, she head to kitchen to prepare all the necessary thing. Well, the only things left are something like sausage, chicken nugget and other fast food. So, decided to cooking something simple but grand, she start cooking. Not long after, there's a movement from upstair. Mayami knows it very well that Aika has woken up, and she will come to help her like usual. True enough, not more than 5 minutes later, Aika show up in kitchen.
Aika - Ohayou, kaa-san.
Mayami - Ohayou, Ai. Have you washed your face yet?
Aika - *nod* Um, what is kaa-san cooking for breakfast?
Mayami - Well, since we only have limited supply, kaa-san will make a simple yet grand fast food.
Aika - Haaiiii, let Aika do the cutting part, kaa-san.
Mayami - Eeeemmmm, are you sure you can handle it, Ai? Since last time Ai ended up cutting a bit of Ai's finger...
Aika - Um, daijobu. Please trust Ai, kaa-san. Ai has practiced much since then!!!
Mayami - Ara, is that so?? No wonder our supply runs out faster than last time.
Aika - *embarassed* W-w-we-well, it's fine, isn't it?
Mayami - Then, kaa-san will be the judge. Kaa-san will watch wether Ai can do it or not. But if kaa-san feel Ai still can't handle it, Ai will stop, okay?
Aika - Yes!!! Ai will show kaa-san what Ai can do!!!
Mayami - Ufufu, alright. Then let's start with sausage. If Ai can cut it like the shape kaa-san have cut, then kaa-san will leave all the cutting to Ai. How's that?
Aika - Okaaaayy!! Let's start!!!
Meanwhile, in Valir's room, finishing his rage, finally he is start to calm down. With his clear head, he is asking system more about the info.
System - Yes, host. There's no mistake, tomorrow is New Year 2020.
Valir - But here is still Mei though??
System - ....Please remember, host. Being in another universe means there will be difference in time between this place and host original world. It's fortunate enough that there's no different in time, but there's a large different when it came to date. Besides, host choose to come way before the plot started so host need to think about the date difference.
Valir - .......Sorry, it's my fault. *sigh* So tomorrow already a New Year, huh. I still remember the day when I died, it still early December.
System - While it is a short time for host, but the time for host to travel between universe is always different. Because host is passing through space and time, inevitable, there will be a time when host is touching some part when time is moving faster than usual, and sometime slower. For this instance, according to the data, host travel with a passage where the time move faster. So, this is the result. And for host to know, host hasn't passed any second when host talked with "creator". Time is stop for you in that time.
Valir - ....Wao.
Artemis - Nani nani?? Why is master spacing out??
Orion - Well, he must be bored waiting for the fusion. Well it hurt a lot too for me. *sniff* *sniff* How come I smell fragrance of another woman??
Artemis - Ne ne, Orion. Do you perhaps has any thinking about another woman??
Orion - Ehehehe, well of course!!!!!! ...not. H-h-hehehehe Artemis, I'm just joking!!! I just want to tell master that it's not good to be with woman alone in the night!!! Yess, that is!!! Not like I want to meet with that woman!!!!
Artemis - ......
Orion - Please believe in me already!!!!!
Artemis - Master, please excuse us. I think I need to have some word with Orion~ Tehe~ :p
Orion - No, please don't!!!! Boy, savee meeee!!!!
Valir - ....Go ahead, Artemis. Feel free to "have" some word with him.
Artemis - Thank you, Master~ *vanish*
Orion - NOOOOOOOoooooo..... *vanish*
Valir - .......
System - .....Host, right now Aika and her mother is in the kitchen. Will you help them or will you wait?
Valir - I'll go downstairs to help and see their reaction first.
With that said, Valir go to the kitchen to help mother-daughter pair cooking. Of course, both of them are surprised seeing him. They thought Valir won't get up this early, but Valir tell them that he is used to wake early. Well, it's not a lie though because in his original world, he lived alone, so he needed to prepare everything himself. Hearing his excuse, both of them feel pity because in their head, Valir is used to sleep on the side of a street and he needed to keep being aware of his surrounding, and maybe the sound of them cooking is too loud. Well, they both are having fun so they accidentally raised their voice. Well, anyway enough for the excuse. For now, they simply refuse his help, because this is his first breakfast here, so his help won't be needed. If he want, then he can start helping starting from tomorrow onward. This suggestion is accepted by Valir with a big smile. Right now, they're putting all the food on the table in dining room, so they can eat it together. But before that happen, Aika and Mayami will take a bath first together ^-^. After that, it's Valir's turn. Finish bathing, with Valir once again used Aika's father clothes, they finally start eating their breakfast. The breakfast is simply a fun and interesting for Valir, because it's been a very long time since he had any breakfast with others, so he simply enjoy it without having any other thought. After breakfast, Aika wants to clean the table and wash the utensil they used, but Valir simply took all the work on him, saying it's better for him to be the one who did it. In the mean time, Aika and Mayami can used that time to prepare for their school and work.
Mayami - Ufufu, Va-kun is such a good boy, right Ai?
Aika - We-well, he is not bad, I guess??
Mayami - Ara, not being honest now, Ai?? Ufufu~~
Aika - Ka-kaa-san, moouu, enough of this already. Ai will prepare for my school!!! *run upstair*
Mayami - *sigh* Haaaa, really, what is it?? A tsundere?? Ah yes, Ai is a tsundere~~ Now, better prepare for my work, since today is a very important day, I can't miss anything at all.
Note of Valir's riches
SQ: 6
ST: 9
FP: 6k
QP: 200k
Exp: 5*: 0, 4*: 40, 3*: 0
App: G: 2, S: 0, B: 0