Chapter 10
In the front door of the house, Aika is putting her shoes while Mayami talks to Valir.
Mayami - Va-kun, be a good boy and watch over the house while kaa-san and Ai is away, alright?
Valir - Um, don't worry, kaa-san, I will watch over the house!! *showing his muscle*
Mayami - Ufufu, that's relief kaa-san. And then here, Va-kun~. It's some money for Va-kun's lunch. If kaa-san can, kaa-san would rather come back to make lunch for Va-kun, but right now it's a no-no so Va-kun needs to buy his own lunch, okay?
Valir - Yes, I will buy lunch myself, kaa-san so don't worry and do your best at work, kaa-san!!
Mayami - Uuuuhhh, not fair, Va-kun~~ Landing a critical hit all of sudden. But, kaa-san will do my best!!! *gut pose*
Aika - Emmm, b-b-be good at home!!
Mayami - Ara, Ai, that's not good, you know??
Aika - Kaa-saan!! Moouuu, shiranai!! Ittekimasu!!! *door opening*
Mayami - *sigh* Haaaaa, itterasshai. Gomen ne, Va-kun. Seems like Ai is still shy in front of Va-kun.
Valir - Iiie, it's fine, kaa-san. I also still shy around Aika-san.
Mayami - Va-kun, please drop the formality. We are all family right now, so it's okay to call us more intimately~~ How about calling Ai with nee-chan?? Kaa-san think it's a good idea~
Valir - N-n-n-NEE-CHAAAANN!!!??? *poof* *blush*
Mayami - Yeah, don't Va-kun think it's a good call?? *looking at Valir* Ara, doushitano, Va-kun?? Your face is all red?? Do you have a fever??
Valir - N-n-n-no-no, kaa-san. I'm fine!!!
Mayami - Is that so?? Well, kaa-san will go to work then, since it's already this time. Remember, Va-kun, don't open the door to anyone except kaa-san and Ai, 'kay?? Also, for lunch, theres much to choose near our house, so Va-kun won't need to walk too far.
Valir - I understand, kaa-san.
Mayami - Then, *walk closer* *kiss his forehead* *chuuu*, ittekimasu, Va-kuuun~~
Valir - *poof* *blush* itterasshai, kaa-san.
With that, Valir is alone at home. Not knowing what to do after it, he lock all the door, check the windows, and after he sure it's safe, then he get back to his room. Actually, he already has a plan for today, that is to look for Yoshino and Mahiro, the MC in this world. But, thinking how it will be a pain to interact with them, especially with Mahiro. Well, his only friend is only Yoshino after all, so Valir think he still need time to plan his approach. Now, he is back at square one, searching for something to do. Since he still hasn't made any progress with Aika (rather his progress is with her mother), he is thinking something for that. He isn't sure about Aika, since the detail about her is very minimal in the anime, so he need to investigate her more. One idea is crossing his mind, but he instantly rejected that. What's the idea?? That is sneaking to her room!!! Unbelievable, really unbelievable. But, on account that Valir instantly rejected the idea, so let's forgive him already. Unknowingly, he has just escaped a huge tragedy!!! Why you ask??
Well, since Aika is a cautious girl, with her still put a suspicion in Valir, there's no way she will leave her room unguarded when she is away. Eventhough there's hardly any precious thing in her room, since she hide her thing in her mother's room, of course with Mayami's permission, you know about lady, right?? They will be mad at you when you enter her personal space without their consent, so yeah, it's another landmine. Now, thinking about it, he can just send one heroic spirit to follow Aika. And his choice is.....
Valir - Well, Stheno, can you please follow Aika and investigate her, please?
Stheno - *appear* Well, it's an easy task for me, but it's rather boring just to follow her.
Valir - Only you can do this, my goddess!! Since your class is assassin, you should have Presence Concealment Skill as your passive, no?? Besides, you also have Magic Resistance, so you should be fine.
Stheno - Well, it's okay, but you need to promise me one thing, master.
Valir - Just say it, and I will promise you that.
Stheno - Ufufu, it's simple, when you have a chance, prioritize me to level up okay~~
Valir - Eh?? (Oh no, I'm planning to max Orion first!!! Oh no, oh no, oh no!!)
Stheno - Ara, is that a no, master? *come closer*
Valir - Ugghh.... (her smell is so nice. Well I think it's okay to max her first) Well, o....
Suzu - STOOOOOOPP!!!!!! Wait a minute, master!!??
Valir - Eh?? Oh, Suzu, what happen?? Ughh, i feel dizzy all of sudden.
Stheno - Ufufu, you're really a bother, little girl.
Suzu - Hmmphh, at least I will protect master from the like of you!!!
Stheno - Ara, how amusing~~ Well, let's forget about it, master. But please level up myself often, okay~~ *wink* *disappear*
Suzu - Nunununununuu, that woman really irritate me!!! And you too, master!!! How can you easy to get charmed by that woman!!???
Valir - Eh, i was charmed??
Suzu - And you don't even know you were charmed!!!??? Arrrgggg, I don't care anymore, pervert master!! *vanish*
Valir - I was charmed??
System - Yes, host. In that split of second, host were charmed by Stheno.
Valir - ......You know it too?
System - Of course, system is one with host, so of course system will know about host situation.
Valir - ....Then why don't you dispel it for me? Or at least give me a warning??
System - Why should the system do that?
Valir - I beg you pardon??
System - Why should system care about it??
Valir - Well, you are my system, right?? So it's your job to protect me, no??
System - According to host's wish, system will only provide host with gacha system from FGO JP, and it's bonus. It's also a plus for host to be able to summon host's servant physically in the future. And also, system level is still too low for system to do anything more.
Valir - Dakara, what is it all about leveling the system??
System - Host need to realize it himself. That's what the creator's command.
Valir - ...Alright, so it means I need to train my body manually. Great!!!
System - Advice: When host transform into your child form, all of host muscle and other all follow suit to match host age, except for host way of thinking of course. So when host training, it's better for host to use host child form.
Valir - Wao. Thanks for the advice now, sys. So how do I train??
Artemis - Why don't you ask my Orion's help, master?
Valir - AAAHH!! That's right!! I have Orion to help me train my body!!! Looking at his body, wao, it's really perfect!! Ne ne, Orion. Can you help me with my body training so I can get muscle like yours?
Orion - HAHAHHAAHAH, no problem boi, leave it to me!! In return, just introduce some good chick to me, will ya?? HAHAHAHAAHAHAH
Artemis - Da-ru-li-ng (A/N: Darling), CARE TO EXPLAIN WHAT'S THAT MEAN~~~? *yadere mode, henshin*
Orion - O-o-o-ou, yo, Artemis. You look beautiful too today.
Artemis - Hehehehe, well of course, darling. I'm always beautiful. But you still haven't explain anything, right darling~~?
Orion - B-b-b-boya, you still want me to be your mentor right?? Then help me, right now!!
Valir - Huh?? Why should I?? It's your family problem, so solve it yourself. (What is that troll say?? Really, I really admire him for saying that in front of Artemis)
Orion - O-o-o-oyyy, we aren't family, though!!??
Artemis - HAHAHAhahahAHAHahaha!!!! WhAT ARe yOu SayINg, dArlINg~~??
Orion - NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo...... *clink*
Valir - Rest in peace, Orion. *pray*
Note of Valir's riches
SQ: 6
ST: 9
FP: 6k
QP: 200k
Exp: 5*: 0, 4*: 40, 3*: 0
App: G: 2, S: 0, B: 0
Valir's Servant:
1. Stheno (Assassin)
2. Suzuka Gozen (Saber)
3. Artemis (Archer)
4. Orion (Archer)