Chapter 12
After getting his food for lunch, Valir is now at home eating his food. True to her word, the food around this area is very delicious, but one food catch his interest, that is something called martabak. It's the first time he saw this food and he really want to try it, and the taste is good enough for his liking. Finish eating, he start doing his training with Orion. At the same time he start his training, Aika in her school is having a break. Same like always, book is her only friend in school environment. Well, so much to her classmate, even the teachers who teach in her class is not too comfortable with her. Indeed, even though she has controlled her aura well, the pressure from being the Mage of Zetsuen is still there, so everyone around her felt pressure just standing near her. She realize it too, so for her classmate sake, she request to her teacher to make her sit in the corner spot, much like the MC's in most of anime. And her homeroom teacher readily agree to her request, because the other classmates already speak about it.
Now, used to be alone, she started to read her novel again. Now her only wish is for the time to pass real fast. She wants to get home faster because she still needs to investigate about Valir more. She still want to confirm wether he is a threat or not for her family. Because of that, she wants to start from the very big clue Valir has told her, that is the where about of that kind man he met before. She will tried to search for his trail after the school end, because she already has remember Valir's aura (which unknowing to him has been changed if other wants to see it, thanks to the "creator"), it will be an easy task to trace his step from where he met her. She even hope that she can just skip her class, because well all the lesson has been mastered by her, and nothing more to be learn.
Well, while Aika is thinking to investigate Valir, the said person is now lying in the ground just from the warming up routine by Orion. Don't be surprised, because of his bad luck in previous life, he rarely train his body. You know, there's a time when he wanted to jog around his home, because of his poor luck, the moment he wanted to start running, there's a sudden heavy rain. Automatically, he cancel the idea to have a run and decided to do indoor training, like push-up, sit-up etc. Tragically, when he start the training, there's a sudden earthquake, only in his town, so he start to do the safety procedure when earthquake happen. After that, still hasn't given up yet, he wanted to start his training again, only to met with another incident, one that make him afraid to have any indoor training again. Because of the earthquake, there's a crack in his room, and with heavy rain, the water get into his room faster, and contributed to the black out because of the earthquake, plus his carelesness, he start jogging inside his room, only to met with a pool of water that made him slip, and to worsen the situation, he fell head first, and because the place he fell near the cupboard, accidentally he pull the cupboard with his hand in purpose to halt his fall, but because of that, the cupboard follow suit to fall and the target of it's fall was his leg. This incident broke his leg, and fortunately enough, his neighbour heard the commotion, and while he forgot to lock his door, it became the saving grace for him. Admitting to the hospital, he recovered only after 6 months of time, because the damage he received on his leg is too severe. Because of that, he started to have paranoia to training, especially indoor training.
Valir - *breathing heavily* haa haa haa, no more please!!!
Orion - C'mon boy, it hasn't even started yet. Now get up and get ready.
Valir - Nooooooooo!!!!
Artemis - Hehehe, darling teaching master is cool!!!! Ehehehehe~~
Orion - Artemis, don't bother us. Right now is master's time!!!
Artemis - Hooooo~~ Then it's fine if I make him unconcious right??
Orion - Oyy, stop that joke, why are you jealous over one boy??
Valir - Haaa, Haaa, Haaa (No moooreeee!!! I'm done with this shitt!!!!)
System - (Think about your goal, host.)
Valir - (!!??? You're right. Thanks, sys. For Aika, I need to be stronger than her before the plot start progressing) *still breathing heavily* N-now Orion, le-let's continue!!!
Orion - HAHAHAHAAHAHA now that's the spirit, master. Seeing your determination, I'll give you special training method that will make you stronger faster!!!!
Valir - ...Hmmmmm the difficulty is the same right??
Orion - Of course.... not. Now, master let's begin!!!!
Valir - NOOOOO!!!!!!
With that, Valir resume his hellish training for the whole afternoon. Later that day, when Mayami look into his condition when she get home, she will be very worried but he explain it as he wants to train his body because technically right now he is the only man (boy) in the house, so he needs to be stronger to protect his family. Of course, with his answer, some parameters in Mayami is shoot up exponentially, well you can imagine what parameter it is by your imagination.
Later in evening, after Aika got out from school, she started to trace Valir's aura from where they met the first time. In there, she follow his aura but she didn't see any sort of aura coming close to his aura. What she see is his aura always move about randomly around the town (well he was indeed just walk randomly, just because he believe in his insane luck that he will met her in that very same day), before she discovered his aura came from a forest. Thinking how can he came from the forest, she finally decided to come back first so she can thinking about her discovery again later at night. But a flash of idea come to her mind as she go back home, that is he was hypnotized. But to follow this idea, she still need more thinking, so remembering this idea, finally she arrive at home.
When she entered the house, the very first view she saw was her mom tightly hugging Valir.
Aika - I'm Ho....
Valir - OOfff, Offf (Welcome Back, help me!!!)
Mayami - *turning her head* Ara, welcome home, Ai. How's your day at school??
Valir - Ooooff, oofffff (I love it, but I can't breath)
Aika - W-w-w-whaat are you doing, kaa-san!!??? Valir is gonna die at this rate!!???
Mayami - *shock* ara?? Va-kun, are you okay??? Please forgive kaa-san, as kaa-san is to happy with Va-kun answer~~
Aika - What's all this about, kaa-san?? And why he looks like that??
Mayami - Ufufu, come Ai, let kaa-san tell Ai what happen in the living room.
(skipping the story)
Aika - *sigh* so he wanted to be strong enough to protect us, and that's why he trained his body until he can't even raise his hand?? *looking at Valir* Are you an IDIOT!!??? Who wants you to protect us???? Now look at yourself, with you can't even raise your hand, what can you do????
Valir - *confused* So-sorry, Aika-san. (why is she looks so mad??)
Unknowing to him, Aika is frustated because she assumed that he was being manipulated by that man he saw. She doesn't even sure the gender of that person anymore because that person could be faking his/her identity and Valir didn't have any clue about it. Well, girls can be a bit unreasonable at times like this.
Mayami - Ai, that's not good attitude to someone who cares for us, you know? Va-kun is training his body to protect us so we need to respect that, and cheers on him, not bashing him like that. Now, look at Va-kun face, he is clearly afraid after getting scold like that. Now, apologize to Va-kun, will you Ai??
Aika - Urrgghh, fine, sorry for lashing out on you. But don't think we need you to protect us!!! Hmmpphh!!!
Valir - (this girl mood is quick to change. How strange. Did someone change her personality or something??)
System - .....
Valir - No problem, Aika-san. Since we are family, and I don't have anything to do at home, at least I thought to do something useful, and that is to train my body. Please forgive my decision, as I will still continue my training.
Mayami - Ufufu, but don't push yourself too hard, okay?? If not, kaa-san can't feel good about it.
Valir - I understand, kaa-san.
Mayami - Good, now let's change our clothes and then we will cook for dinner, okay?? Ah, but Va-kun can wait in the living room if you want, just rest your body. Let kaa-san and Ai cooks for you.
And they have a happy dinner as family :D Well because our MC can't lift his hand, ultimately Mayami is the one who feed him the food. At first, Mayami tell Aika to do it, but Aika refuse strongly to that, so left with no other choice, Mayami is the one to feed him. Not like she dislike it, rather, she is very very happy to do it for some reason. And now, to be continued...
Note of Valir's riches
SQ: 6
ST: 9
FP: 6k
QP: 200k
Exp: 5*: 0, 4*: 40, 3*: 0
App: G: 2, S: 0, B: 0
Valir's Servant:
1. Stheno (Assassin)
2. Suzuka Gozen (Saber)
3. Artemis (Archer)
4. Orion (Archer)