The tournament

Adam was in the fighting training class when the calm yet powerful headmaster's voice echoed through the vast gymnasium.

"Adam I want you to come with me to my office."

"Yes, sir" Adam replied as he followed him.

The office was very ordinary not like every other office in the school. If you didn't know it was the headmaster's office one of the top five fighters in Independence city, you would probably mistake it with the office of a security guard. It was strangely small and hamble but there was that special strong scent of flowers that never fades away.

"I guess you know why you are here, son."

"Yes, I know...I am a talentless boy, and there is no place for someone like me here." Adam replied.

"Do you believe that you don't have the right to study here and have a bright future. Don't you believe people are equal? Don't you want to shine like your peers? You have the power to that, son. And I know you have already figured."

"I don't know what are you talking about, sir."

"You can't lie to me. If you are talentless as you pretend. How could you explain reaching the E rank in less than a week?"

"E rank! That's impossible. Whoever told you this, it's just a liar. How can I reach the E rank with my zero talent when people with better talent spend their whole life to reach it."

"First, no one told me about anything. I can feel the energy coming out from you. Second, if you insist we can repeat the talent test."

"I am sorry sir but I have classes to attend. I am leaving now. "

Adam tried to open the door but it was shut firmly, he could feel an overwhelming power holding it.

"You are not going anywhere until you finish the test."

The headmaster brought the same measuring device as last time and put it in the table. Then he brought a golden spherical device that Adam didn't recognize.

"The first device is the one we have used to measure your talent. As for the second one it measures the energy inside your body. Hence your rank. Now put your hand in the devices and let the test begins."

The talent test showed the same result as last time. Adam is incapable of absorbing the world energy. But when he had put his hand on the second device it showed 349.91 on the screen.

"As expected, you are talentless yet you are a 3 stars E ranker. What's your secret boy? How can you have an energy inside of you while you can't absorb any? But before you answer me, I need to tell you that you are not obliged to. I will always support you and protect you whatever is your decision. You are a very valuable student and a strong future fighter."

"Thank you, sir, but I can't tell you right now. And I hope you keep it a secret." Adam apologized then left.

He has never felt so anxious before. He didn't know if the headmaster would be trustworthy? "But if he had any malicious intentions he wouldn't let me go without telling him all the details. I must trust him. After all, I don't have another option." Adam thought.

It was already lunchtime when Adam left the office so he headed toward the cafeteria. He took a seat then put his head on the table and covered it with his arms to take a quick nap to chase away the tiredness and sleepiness which he couldn't endure anymore. He spent all night fighting monsters to level up.

"Wake up, Adam. wake up." a gentle girl voice called him.

"Just five minutes more. Please, mom."

"Hahaha! I am not your mom silly boy. Wake up or you will be late."

He opened his eyes wide when he remembered he was in the cafeteria, then he said to the girl who standing next to him: "how was the joke? Do you like it?"

"It's fine to sleep in the middle of the cafeteria and to mistook me with your mom. You don't have to be embarrassed." Yasmine said.

"Whatever! Let's go to class now."


"The fighters' ranks are determined by how much energy points their bodies have stored." The teacher explained whats had been written on the board.







E.P: Energy points ]

"As you can see on the board there is a large difference between the minimum and maximum values that indicate each rank. So fighters in the same rank could have a very large difference in power. For example, a fighter with 120 energy points and another with 950 energy points both are considered E rankers. Even though the later is eight times stronger than the former. To solve this problem, we have created sub-levels called stars. Each star represents 10% of a rank's maximum value. If a fighter has 2000 energy points than he is a two stars D ranker..."

"In two months, the school will organize a tournament for all levels. There will be great rewards for the three first places such as enchanted weapons, expensive pills, and a rare fighting technique book. The minimum requirement is to reach the E rank." the teacher announced after he finished explaining the lesson.

"I am so excited! It is time for me to shine. I will be the first in this tournament. Then I will be the most famous girl in all Independence city. Yeaaay!" Yassmine said to Adam.

"I don't think I will be able to participate. let alone be in the three first places. How can I reach the E rank in just 2 months." Adam faked the reason he couldn't participate. It wasn't because he didn't reach the E rank but because he will draw a lot of attention. People will start wondering how a normal person can beat E rankers.

"Don't say that. You shouldn't lose hope. I am sure you will be a great fighter in the future even if you don't participate in this stupid tournament."

"Thanks for comforting me but I am already fine," Adam replied.

"If you want you can come with me to the family's training ground. I am going there to prepare for the tournament. And you can learn some basic fighting techniques."

"I would like to, but I am really busy these days." Adam refused her proposition because he couldn't risque one of the family's elders seeing him. If the headmaster was able to sense his inner energy without a device, the White Lotus family's elders can also do it.

After they parted ways, Adam rushed again to the forest to level up. He didn't give a damn about the tournament. All he wanted is to get stronger so he can protect himself and his mom.